Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1086: Evacuate and divide the spoils, it's rea

[网] The Lord of Arcane, the existence of this fireman is not meaningless, isn't this just a sample of the failure of a ready-made longevity ritual! In today's age, all casters who can perform longevity rituals have profound backgrounds, and even if they fail, Xia Duo's turn will not come to study. Although he is not interested in the longevity ritual that transforms himself into an inhuman right now, who can guarantee such a thing in the future? Perhaps it is possible to develop an improved version that is gradually transformed and has no effect on self-awareness! If you have the advantage, you will never lose. However, the existence of the Burning Man was indeed something that Xia Duo hadn't thought of before, and he was not sure now that Roddit and others could continue to keep secrets. After all, the fire man is probably involved in the longevity ceremony, even if it does not involve the longevity ceremony, the state of the fire man itself is very worthy of study. This is even more true for the Kiran Tower where Roddit is located. Who knows if this is the beginning of a brand new bloodline of fire elements! Withdrawing all the way, Xia Duo kept thinking whether or not to inform Greta of the situation here, but when she thought that the princess had risen to the gods and the incarnation was about to leave, Greta's identity in the Giles Tower would be somewhat embarrassing. In the unlikely event that someone from the Kilan Tower came forward and wanted to take this relic, Greta could not speak much personally. At most, it could only rely on consuming the favor of the princess or the deterrence of the new god. But is it worth it? What price would he have to pay to make Greta make such a sacrifice? Perhaps if you still want this ruin at that time, you can only choose to join the Kiran Tower, but the Seven Towers camp and joining the Kiran Tower are still very different for people with lofty ambitions like Xia Duo. The ruins of a semi-plane experimental accident are not worth doing by Xia Duo. Thinking all the way, Chateau quickly left the mage tower, and then continued through the portal provided by Rodit to the forest outside the ruins. According to the previous agreement or the general exploration process, even if this exploration is over here, it is time to split the accounts. Xia Duo put out the bookshelves and materials previously collected from the mage tower, together with a large amount of rubble, and piled up the forest clearing full of humus where the six people were. "Mage Rodit, these are all the gains. You first count them. The materials are divided here. Books, manuscripts, notes, etc., I will bring back to the watchtower first. You can send someone to the watchtower to copy it." Roddit glanced at the harvest on the ground, looked at Abner, and then said: "If it were not for Lord Shador this time, we would not have these gains. All the materials will go to Lord Shadow. As for these books "Speaking of this, Roddit paused, "These books may contain some ancient mage ingenuity that is still not outdated. This is also the main purpose of our exploration. Let's share it according to the agreement. I need to disturb Lord Xia Duo." "Since there is an agreement, let's follow the agreement!" Xia Duo did not accept half of the materials that Roddit deliberately gave. Following the agreement will leave hidden dangers. Who knows if Roddit said this on purpose to induce him to give up the agreement, and then turned around to leak out the existence of the ruins and the Burning Man. Although the agreement between spellcasters is rarely witnessed by the Lord of Radiance, and even many times do not leave a written contract, after all, a small number of people play with the contract, and it is not popular to directly violate the contract, but to look for loopholes.

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