Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1117: Code Reader, Yuanfang number has arrived

Even in order to make the onlookers see more clearly, Xia Duo adjusted his angle sideways, and then he spoke the key words to the pedestal side of the Codex sculpture in front of him like a giant wall:

"Law Code, Land Law!"

It seemed to be stuck, and then the familiar Taring voice appeared in Chardonnay's ears:

"The Great Xia Code, Land Administration Law—

"Article 1, in order to strengthen land management, protect and develop land resources, rationally use land, effectively protect arable land, and promote the sustainable development of the territorial economy, this law is formulated in accordance with the will of the lord.

"Article two, Daxia takes all land, including existing and future, belong to...


Chateau listened silently, nodding from time to time, and then looked at the text of the code on the base of the sculpture. The land law was not on this side, but this did not prevent Taring from reading.

After listening to them all, Xia Duo began to ask again, but this time he changed the way:

"Code, I want to ask about the taxation of the territory in the future!"

The code as a key word for calling Taring cannot be saved, but he did not directly inquire about a certain law later, but inserted the key word in the query sentence.

Doing so did not cause confusion in the identification of Taling, and he answered almost the next moment Xia Duo asked:

"The Great Xia Code, Tax Collection and Management Law—

"The first...


This time, Xia Duoduo listened for a while, because the side of the pedestal of the Codex sculpture where he was now had the text of the tax law.

While listening to the text of the tax law while listening to Taring read it aloud, he felt a bit of an e-reader's sense of sight.

But unlike e-readers on the earth, the text of the code on the base of the sculpture does not change color according to the progress of Taring's reading, it is still the color of the material of the sculpture.

Although the inscribed characters can be distinguished from the blue-black walls around them due to the reflection of light, they are not conspicuous.

Xia Duo only looked at it for a while, and felt that his eyes were a little uncomfortable. He immediately understood that he had to put a light-colored coating on these unfriendly texts to make them stand out.

However, instead of starting to do it now, he continued to do further tests:

"Code, the money I hid at home was stolen by a neighbor."

This time, Xia Duo set up a situation. He knew that Taring could understand this sentence and found the corresponding clause in the code, but—

Taring replied:

"Please report to the police station!"

Chateau was not surprised by this, because this was what he set up. The code sculpture was not a substitute for trial, judicial, investigation and other institutions in his planning, but was only used for law popularization.

If there are people who really encounter this situation in the future and want to know the cost of crimes committed by their neighbors, they can also continue to inquire about the provisions of the code on private property, property rights, trials, and punishments.

Give the leader the opportunity to think and practice on his own, instead of letting Taling do it all for him, and he will only get a momentary emotional stimulation. This is entirely due to Xia Duo's deep love for the leader, not a fool.

After all, the full text of the code was clearly released, so if you really want to fool it, you won't use such low-level means.

After a simple test, Xia Duo found no serious problems, which basically met his previous design requirements. As for some small flaws, they can be completely solved before the completion of Code Square.

Now that the Codex sculptures are ready for use, Xia Duo feels that there is no need to wait until the land granting ceremony is over before opening it to the leaders. It can now be opened.

So he hurriedly contacted Leiden: "Leiden, come to the altar square."

"grown ups!"

Just a few seconds after the transmission, Chateau heard Leiden’s voice. Just when he was still wondering how Leiden learned the teleportation technique, Leiden had already opened his mouth to explain:

"My lord, I just received a notice saying that you conjured a large sculpture in the altar square, and I rushed over immediately."

The government affairs hall was less than fifty meters away from the altar square, and it was only a few steps away. Xia Duo nodded, expressing understanding, and then instructed Leiden:

"The method of using Code Sculpture is similar to what I told you before. The trigger keyword is still'Code.' You stay here to teach the people to use it. It's been a few days this month. Use Code Sculpture properly to let the people know and understand as soon as possible. The laws and regulations of the territory."

"Yes, my lord!"

"I don't worry about you doing things!"

Xia Duo encouraged him and was about to leave, but suddenly heard someone on the north side of the square shouting "A boat is coming." He immediately stopped and looked north. At this point in time, a boat came here? Isn't that the "Yuanfang"!


"My lord, what else do you want?"

"It may be that the'Fargo' has arrived. You can ask someone to go to the pier to have a look. If so, all the people on the ship, including the slaves, will be settled."


Later, Leiden ordered the clerk who called him to the square to let the other party go to the dock to see the situation, while he himself gathered a group of leaders in the square, preparing to introduce the code sculptures to the leaders.

When Xia Duo saw this, he didn't stay any more. He was here, Leiden didn't care, but the citizens might not dare to ask questions.

Before returning to the Tower of Time, Xia Duo flew up to the sky and looked to the north. It was undoubtedly the "Remote". From a distance, he could even see several little people in floral clothes standing on the bow of the ship.

It seems that those people are the bards recruited by Evans, the owner of the "Drunkard's House" in the port area, that he had previously recruited.

The east side of the Tower of Time.

Xia Duo fell into a broken wall, and the repair work of the magic net has reached the final stage. This is not the area where the eight arcanists worked before, and the Tower of Time is right next to it. There are no temporary buildings.

Abbock wandered on an elf recliner placed in the ruins so casually, half-squinting his eyes and frowning, it seemed that it was a critical juncture.

"I don't know if Abbock can do it!"

Chateau was observing the state of the surrounding magic net, UU reading while mentioning Abbock squeezing a cold sweat. This is already the end of the restoration work. If everything goes well, it will be completed today.

If the ruins of the mysterious lock appeared after Xia Duo got the wizard repair method, then the repair will only get easier in the end, but the actual situation is not like this.

It had been repaired by eight arcanists for more than a year before, and it was inevitable that there would be some forcibly sorted out. Therefore, these hidden dangers will become more obvious in the end.

If it is not handled properly, it is likely to evolve into a dead zone of the magic net.

Of course, the premise is improper handling.

In fact, the dead zone of the magic net is not so easy to appear, and the magic net itself has the inertia of recovery. As long as Abboke strictly follows the instructions of Chardonnay, there is a high probability that the worst will not occur.

Otherwise, Chateau would not rest assured that Abbock would do this last step, but worry was inevitable.