Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1129: Arrival of Magna, Green Tower

After a simple test of the purity of the extracted Mithril, after confirming that it reached the first-class level, Xia Duo put away the riddled, almost hollowed-out cube, and then waited for the Harlan Chamber of Commerce to take the initiative to contact him. .

As for Evans, Chateau did not choose the other party to terminate the search for the target customer of the spiritual talisman. It was just that after the Harlan Chamber of Commerce reached the custom intention of fine magic items, he was not too concerned about the low-premium business. .

And if it is a long stream, the mass-produced magic items of the Tower of Time are the real protagonists!

At present, the main communication tool of the Tower of Time, two production lines in two workshops, produces a total of at least 360 qualified products per month, with a net profit of more than 100,000.

This kind of profit is difficult to achieve even for the customization of fine magic items. On the one hand, it is difficult to ship in large quantities. On the other hand, the manufacturer is only Xia Duo. It is impossible for him to do nothing else and just make this.

And more importantly, the production line of the Tower of Time can be increased at any time, and it is not limited to two. Especially recently, the Tower of Time has seen the phenomenon of continuous promotion of apprentices.

The results of the college-style training in the past nearly one year are about to mature!

If Xia Duo wants to compete with the mass production assembly line of collective collaboration alone, it is almost impossible to win.

Of course, the premium of certain special high-end customized products in the future will be higher than it is now, which is also in line with historical trends.

Just as Xia Duo worked tirelessly to continue to make simple spiritual amulet, it was already quietly past noon. The news of the death of the Great Arcanist from the early morning has been fermented for a whole morning, and the atmosphere in Sevinton has become very strange. .

People don’t directly use words like "Death of the Great Arcanist" or "Death of Cliffe". Instead, they use the more obscure word "that thing" and habitually add any modifications they feel necessary. word.

Even the members of the Seven Towers didn't know much about this matter. Although they didn't pass some hearsay rumors, they believed that the matter was the responsibility of Giles High Tower.

But the seeds of doubt are inevitably given birth.

After all, the seven towers are not completely intimate and highly consistent in their interests. There are also competitions and even disputes. They are only standing together based on the ancient covenants in the past and the practical significance of joint force greater than separate force.

If one of the seven towers thinks that the separation of the seven towers is more beneficial to it one day, it will naturally part ways with the other towers.

Now the gossip flying all over the city of Seventon seems to be leading this trend!

If this matter really has something to do with the Giles Tower, it would be a great taboo-a great arcanist who had not been clearly determined by everyone to die, and he was killed!

It is conceivable that the great arcanists outside the Seven Towers would be shocked when they heard such news, and at the same time, what would they think of their own situation?

The unspoken rules that have been maintained for hundreds of years, once broken, this turbulence cannot be explained clearly in a few words!

It is necessary to produce iron-clad facts and evidence in order to dispel the suspicions of people's hearts, but even so, it will have a huge impact on the future.

in the afternoon.

The Arcanist Union's teleportation room finally ushered in the first great arcanist who visited in person-Magna.

Because Magner and Cliff are both great arcane masters advanced by legendary wizards, it is rumored that the two have a good personal relationship, and the students of both sides also have frequent contacts.

The sudden arrival of Magner made all the staff at the headquarters of the OFA Federation in a frenzy, and the scene was a little chaotic, but after the presence of the Director of Hechenis, calm was soon restored.

But everyone knows that Magner is the first, but not the only one. I don't know how many people will come later!

In the reception room.

Hechenis was cautiously testing Magner's intentions, and outsiders may not be able to confirm it, but as the representative director of the two successive presidents of the Austrian French Federation, he has participated in more than one joint meeting of great arcanists.

Regarding the true relationship between Magna and Cliff, he thinks he still knows better. Although there is still a gap between the two people who are rumored to have a good personal relationship, they do belong to the same camp on many issues.

At this time, Magner's arrival must have something to do with Cliff, but because the investigation on the Seven Towers has not yet ended, there is actually very little that the Ofa Federation can do here, and Hechenis is also quite depressed.

"I want to see Master Congenio!" Magner said lightly, without any emotions in his face.

Hearing this, Hechennis was visibly stunned, but then he thought that perhaps Magner would like to ask Master Congenio to investigate Cliff's death.

Compared to the Seven Towers or Iolum, Congenio is obviously more trusted and respected by the outside world.

But for this kind of thing, Hechenis dare not call the master for the master, he can only bite the bullet and explain: "The master has now retired and is training in a secluded place. If your Excellency Magna is not in a hurry, you will see the master now. The Austrian Law Federation will convey your request to the master, or I can take you to see President Iolum."

In this regard, Magna's face remained unchanged, but he did not respond to any explanation from Hechenis, just saying: "Go out, and if anyone else comes over, notify me immediately!"


Hechenis replied respectfully, and then retreated.

He can't guess Magner's intentions for the time being, but it must have something to do with Cliff. As for the purpose of gathering people to attack the Seven Towers, or to gain certain key benefits, it is hard to say.

After leaving the reception room, Hechennis immediately teleported to the president's office, and immediately after hearing a familiar "come in".

After entering the office, Hechenis realized that he was not the first one to come here. Someone from UU Reading had already come over before him. It was Director Kabor.

Hechenis quickly passed Kabor's background information in his mind—the younger brother of the leader of the southern verdant tower!

And the Green Tower is not just a mage tower organization, but an alliance formed by multiple mage tower organizations. There is no such thing as a great arcanist inside, but there are so many senior arcanists.

The green tower has a great influence in the south, and once a great arcanist is born among them, it must be another force that is not inferior to the gray spiral tower or the wisdom tower!

For such a mage tower organization alliance, even the seven towers need to be treated with caution.

Hechenis was guessing the purpose of Kabor's sudden meeting with the chairman, and heard Iolum calmly say: "You go out first, I will seriously consider this matter!"


Kabor bowed and retired. For some reason, Hechennis still connected him to Cliff's death.

Perhaps the Green Tower also smelled of a crisis!