Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1130: Sustainable development, relaxed environ

"David's research may lead to more efficient energy storage methods, of course, it may also be a prototype of a brand-new strategic weapon, but no matter what the situation is, I think it is necessary to provide greater strength to his follow-up related research. support."

"If you think you can, just do as you say!"

After speaking, Niya looked at Xia Duo curiously again, "Is there any more? I don't believe that you came here specifically to find me just because of this!"

"I know I can't hide it from you!"

Xia Duo has very high authority in the Tower of Time, and many things can be decided alone. Compared to Niya, he is more like the leader of the Tower of Time.

But even if Xia Duo is the real leader, he feels it is necessary to ventilate with Niya in some important matters, such as the next thing:

"You have seen David's energy consumption in the first few months. Even if it is placed among high-level mages, it is more of the same. If you think about other people, the unrestricted energy opening will inevitably lead to a lot of waste.

"The Tower of Time currently does not have the capital to let people consume energy wantonly. In addition, this group of new apprentices will be promoted in a large amount in the near future, and the energy crisis will be more serious when the time comes. I think the energy restriction policy can be implemented now."

"Then what?" Niya asked.

"I think the first step can be to classify energy consumption, which is mainly divided into Tower of Time infrastructure consumption and Tower of Time member consumption.

"The consumption of members of the Tower of Time can be subdivided into pure personal consumption, research room consumption, and production consumption. The production consumption mainly refers to the magic mechanic department. The remaining personal consumption and research room consumption are energy-limited. majority direction."

Later, Chateau ordered Taring to classify the energy consumption of the Tower of Time in the past six months and display it in percentage.

Among them, the personal consumption of the members of the Tower of Time and the consumption of the research room accounted for the largest part, which accounted for more than half of the total energy consumption.

Only after that was the infrastructure consumption of such a complex behemoth like the Tower of Time, which accounted for almost one-third.

There are still some unclassified miscellaneous items that only account for about one-tenth, which is about the same as the monthly balance.

"Tower of the past used fees to suppress members' use of infrastructure, such as the spell suppression field in the spell laboratory, and the alchemy circle in the general laboratory. However, after the transformation of the tower of time releases these restrictions, waste is not allowed. Avoided waste. I roughly estimated that at least one-third of the consumption of the members of the Tower of Time is wasted."

"so much?"

Niya was surprised at such a number, and she immediately asked: "How much improvement will there be if the restriction is implemented?"

"From the perspective of energy reserves alone, it can at least double the monthly balance. In addition, reducing the use of infrastructure can also extend the maintenance cycle of the Tower of Time. This part of the income cannot be underestimated! More importantly, —"

"What is it?"

"More importantly, this move has improved the internal order of the Tower of Time. In the long run, it will have a greater impact!"

"Then what are you going to do specifically?"

How to do it?

If Xia Duo had only one budding idea before he came to see Niya, now, after giving Niya such an analysis, his originally vague thoughts have gradually become clear.

He took out a piece of paper again, listed a few numbers on it, and then explained:

"I think 1,000 energy points per month are enough for high-level mages, and then 500 corresponds to mid-level mages, 300 corresponds to low-level mages, and 100 corresponds to apprentices."

"Is this a purely personal use limit, or does it include the research room?"

"Pure personal use quota, not including the research room!"

Xia Duo continued to explain: "The research room itself can be regarded as the Tower of Time's affirmation and support for the Intermediate Masters on a certain subject. According to the importance of their research, the Tower of Time can provide different energy allowance subsidies.

"Of course, this requires them to apply on their own initiative. If they do not apply, even if a research laboratory is established, it will only consume their personal quota."

"You do this—" Niya frowned, thinking.

Xia Duo was not in a hurry either, waiting for Niya to think slowly, and while waiting, he could just see what problems Niya encountered in the research on communication fan locks.

"I think it is feasible. In addition, I think the monthly quota for apprentices can be broken down a bit. In fact, level 1 and level 2 apprentices should not use so much energy."


Xia Duo was about to turn the page. Hearing Niya saying this, he subconsciously paused. Niya's words were indeed very reasonable, but this too subdivided gradients made him think of those on earth. The evil capitalist.

Using big data to formulate an accurate maximum fee that meets everyone's psychological limits is abhorrent.

Indeed, the Tower of Time now has the largest number of apprentices, and the energy consumption is also the largest. The total consumption of nearly a thousand people is much more than that of a single-digit high-level mage.

But Xia Duo felt that there was no need to be so accurate inside the Tower of Time, and that the monthly quota had to be stuck at everyone's minimum usage limit.

Is this a benefit for the members of the Tower of Time? Or is it a shackle?

Energy limitation is to avoid waste and promote sustainable development, not to limit the members of the Tower of Time.

If you want to truly gain "energy freedom", it is useless to reduce expenditure, it is much more open source!

If there is an infinite energy source like [Misser Energy Core] now, Chardonnay will definitely not limit anyone's energy consumption.

Seeing that Niya had already picked up the pen to calculate on the paper, Xia Duo quickly reached out to block the paper and said:

"Never mind the apprentice, even if you subdivide the gradient quota for them this time, but when they are promoted later, will they still be subdivided, or should they be subdivided for low-level and mid-level mages now?"


Faced with Niya's puzzled gaze, Xia Duo asked back: "If you were an ordinary member of the Tower of Time, would you be willing to see an energy quota that happened to be stuck at your minimum consumption limit?"

"I don't want to!" Niya replied subconsciously.

After speaking, she looked at Xia Duo thoughtfully, and instantly gained a new understanding of many of Xia Duo's past behaviors. At this time, she seemed to have thought of something, and quickly asked:

"Is this what you experienced in your hometown?"

"Almost, a relaxed environment can promote innovation. If the material pressure is great, you just want to get a little material or energy all day long. How much is there to think about studying magic?"

Appropriate pressure can inspire people to struggle, but once they are overwhelmed, let alone struggle, it is a luxury to live.

At the thought of the 35-year-old "retirement" rumors circulating within the former company, Xia Duo's heart suddenly became much heavier.

I don't know how long has passed since he traveled so long on the earth? Is your hometown unified yet? Has it been revived? Has the kingdom of freedom come true?


Niya's soft call brought Xia Duo's consciousness back to the present. Seeing Niya's concerned gaze, Xia Duo felt much better. He smiled and said:

"I'm fine, and the future will get better and better!"