Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1164: Doleson

[网] The Lord of Arcane Of course, Xia Duo will not conceit himself, although he is not a genius, but it does not mean that he will definitely lose to a genius.

First of all, the definition of victory or success is not just limited to the academic field. You can not be the top frontier explorer, you can also be the most successful civilization leader.

Secondly, even in the academic field, with the existence of life extension spells, there is no knowledge that cannot be mastered, only knowledge that has not been discovered.

As long as you can follow up quickly, you can also be tied for first place at the same time!

This requires a more mature environment for academic exchanges and sharing of results. In other words, to become the leader of this order will naturally obtain this part of the authority.

Just like the current Tower of Time, when the members of the Tower of Time make achievements, Chateau can also share them simultaneously.

If this model is expanded, or there are exchanges between multiple systems, it will be similar to the kind of academic environment on earth.

Before the arrival of the new era, Chateau, who had become a veteran arcane, was already standing at the end of most people in the future. What was his dissatisfaction?

He is still full of confidence in whether he can create the "Xia Duo Era".

Taking a step back and saying that even if the future is surpassed by countless people, the civilization that can live in countless surpassing senior Arcanists and even Great Arcanists is much stronger than it is now.

It is similar to asking a modern person on earth whether he is willing to be an ordinary member of the future sci-fi era or the emperor of the feudal era in the past. It is estimated that most people will choose the former.

After all, the more the times develop, the various experiences of the advanced era will completely cover all the experiences of the past.

If the current magical world has become a **** and eternal life, is it going to be immutable and not enterprising? I know that in the future, all the people will not become gods, and above that, there will be more and more updated landscapes.

After all, as long as they overcome the "self-respect" thinking, the vast majority of people will make choices that are most in line with their own interests and the interests of the times.

Xia Duo has a psychological need to be respected by others, but his need for such respect is far from the point of "self-respect".

In fact, even if you want to, it is impossible to reach it. There is a **** on his head, and in front of him, there are now a dozen great arcanists, and there is even no lack of senior arcanists around him.

Xia Duo wasn't sure if he would do that when he really had the opportunity to "exclusively", but at least for now, starting from his heart, he wouldn't do that!

After briefly stating his future governance philosophy and principles, Iolum officially began to perform his duties as the chairman: "Next, we will start a new topic—

"Regarding Ilfaran's invitation to Mage Nether to go to Elintal for magical exchanges, the Sevinton Council will hand this matter to the Ofa Federation. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to speak."

After Iolum finished speaking, everyone was silent for a while. Chaduo looked at the information in his hand and knew that this topic was only available in the last one or two years, about once every six months, and there were twelve people who went to Elintal for brief exchanges. .

Before that, it was usually Yerlan, but since Netheril gave up the wizard magic, the relationship between Yerlan and Netheril has deteriorated day by day.

Going to Yerland for exchanges is an exchange in name, but in reality it is more to inquire about Yerland's development. This activity has been solely in charge of the Seventon Parliament, which is the Seven Towers, since decades ago.

Most of the things that can be discussed by the Austrian Law Federation are "civil incidents" or "unofficial incidents." Given the current relationship between Netheril and Ilfaran, the members of the Seven Pagodas do not need anything to go to Elintal. Official channel.

This kind of exchange activity is more like an opportunity for spellcasters outside the Seven Towers.

Soon, Iolum concluded: "Since everyone has nothing to say, let the board of directors deal with it!"

This is also a normal practice. The twenty-five directors of the board of directors represent the will of the fifteen Great Arcanists as well as the will of the other ten larger Mage Tower organizations.

The general direction of the affairs of the Austrian French Federation is determined by the fifteen great arcanists, and the specific completion is the responsibility of the twenty-five-member council and its subordinate deacon team.

Next, for several issues in a row, no one spoke until-

"Doleson Hawke v. Seven Pagodas involved multiple violations in the negotiation on the introduction of new communication spells by the Austrian Law Federation, and requested the personnel of the Seven Pagodas to apologize in person!

When Iolum read about this topic, the air in the hall of the conference hall was a bit cold. It’s not that no one dared to challenge the Seven Towers at the Great Arcanist Joint Conference. In fact, it happens every year, and there are many times. !

The Seven Pagodas have a big business, and there are conflicts of interest between the Association and other Mage Pagoda organizations.

But Doreson Hawke is different. Strictly speaking, he and the Seven Towers do not have much conflict of interest. Anyone who understands the so-called illegal operation of communication spell negotiation will understand.

So who is there who don’t understand?

At least at this time, everyone in the hall of the conference hall, including those in the periphery, almost all knew about it.

The matter involved the elves, especially Comanso, who was very hostile to Netheril among the elves. You must be cautious when speaking on such topics.

Even the Great Arcanist will pay attention to his speech.

But this does not include the other party in the issue-the Seven Towers!

Just when Chateau frowned for such unreasonable demands of Doreson Hawke, Budigaal of the Gustav Tower in the Seven Towers could not contain the anger in his heart, regardless of the presence of outside observers, and immediately stood up. Pointing at Doleson and yelling:

"You really have the face to say this! Is the communication spell that you got by licking the ditch of the elves, is that yours? Do you dare to register a patent? Still negotiating? Do you really think that others don't know your little thoughts? Really want to tear your face, I tell you, you were the first to die!"

"Badigar! Pay attention to your words!" Iolum rebuked in a deep voice.


Budigaal gave Doleson a cold look. UU Reading www.uukānshu. Com then turned around and gave a polite to Iolum, and sat down without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, Scum, the new controller of the Giles Tower, said: "During the negotiation between the Austrian Law Federation and Lord Hawke on the introduction of new communication spells, Lord Hawke always concealed the details of the spell, only to demonstrate. The form is not enough to prove its existence.

"I think this negotiation should not have existed from the beginning. The Seven Towers' stop of the negotiation is only for the Austrian Law Federation to stop losses in a timely manner. There is no illegal operation. This issue is groundless and should be rejected!"

"Doreson, do you disagree with Scombe's answer?" Iolum asked Lord Hawke again.


Doleson knows the whole story very well. It is enough to mention it once, and if you mess around, it is him who is unlucky, but at the same time, he didn't plan to let Budigaal go just like that:

"I ask Badigar to apologize for the insult to me just now! If the dignity of the Great Arcanist is so cheap, then I have nothing to say!"

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