Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1181: Sinking market, 7 tower disputes

"Lord Collins, do you want to supply the ancient spices of Comanso, and even the entire world of the elves, with a single territory?"

In Collins' plan, he did have such a plan, but he also knew it was unrealistic, so when Chateau took the initiative to mention it, he shook his head quite decisively and said:

"I don't have such big ambitions yet, and it is impossible for the elves to watch this kind of profitable business, and even the channels they will enjoy in the future, completely controlled by a human. Lord Xia Duo has any ideas, just say it!"

"Well, then I'll just say it straight."

Chateau closed the information in his hand, put it on the wine table, and pushed it back in front of Collins, before slowly speaking his thoughts:

"As far as I know, although the Comanso spice market often supplies short-term supplies, the supply has always been relatively stable. The sudden appearance of a new spice source will inevitably lead to investigations by all parties.

"My idea is that we can temporarily give up big cities and focus on small cities and even small towns.

"The elves are luxurious, and even common people have a greater demand for spices. It is easier to hide the source of spices if you shop in small towns first.

"In this process, we can also investigate market conditions more deeply in order to work out more realistic follow-up plans.

"As for the specific method, I asked the Chief Oripus of the Silver Leaf Family, and his reply to me was-the Comanso Civil War has just subsided, and the people are in a difficult time to rebuild their homeland. If this time can be more It would be better to have some spices and make life more enjoyable.

"In Comanso, ivory pepper and bay leaf, these two spices are widely used and the output is relatively large, but this does not mean that there is no profit.

"On the contrary, these two everyday spices are far easier to ship and more profitable than the more expensive and rarer ancient spices, and most importantly, there is not much risk. I recommend starting with these two spices first."

After Chateau finished speaking, he took his wine glass and leaned back on the back of the chair, waiting for Collins' decision. He didn't worry about telling the other party directly about the experience derived from Orips, and the other party would leave him alone. do.

Not to mention that the senior arcanists have their own pride. They have already negotiated the framework of cooperation before, and will not easily go back. The business alone can also provide another insurance for cooperation.

It's not that you can't do it, but once the key is known by the elves, even if you can make money, it is just the leftovers after being harvested by the elves.

In the final analysis, what they are currently cooperating with is called "spices export trade", but it is actually "smuggling of spices" that does not go through the official channels of Comanso. Once such cooperation is proposed, no one will easily cause infighting.

What's more, the cooperation in the spice business is only superficial. What is more essential is that the two parties intend to form an alliance of interests. This alone determines that Collins will not go back easily.

Of course, Chateau would not leave Collins alone because he knew about this potentially profitable business, even though the seeds of the two spices, "Ivory Pepper" and "Bay Leaf", are not difficult to find in Netheril.

He still understands the truth that cooperation will benefit both, and struggle will hurt both.

Regarding Chateau’s suggestion, Collins did not hesitate for long and quickly made a decision, “According to Lord Chateau’s words, temporarily use bay leaves and ivory pepper as the main export commodities.”

"Lord Collins will definitely not regret today's decision!" Xia Duo said with a pun.

Then the two raised their glasses and smiled at each other, as if they had known each other for many years. As for the specific implementation details of the spice export, the two did not continue to discuss here.

Just leave this to his subordinates, and Collins will send someone to the southern border to have a detailed discussion with the Chief Oripus of the Silver Leaf Family.

At this time, the two continued to drink.

Compared to the delicate, refreshing and nourishing spirit fruit wine, the wine in this tavern is not very outstanding, and the entrance is even slightly sour, but it is better than this unique taste. .

Xia Duo did not know how many kinds of drinks and drinks he had drunk on the earth. He didn't like the wine like Netheril, and he usually drank spirit wine.

But now, this crudely brewed sour wine made his eyes shine. Putting aside the meeting with Lord Collins, even if he came here alone, he was willing to drink two more glasses.

According to the introduction of Lord Collins, that is, there are few people in the morning. If it is evening, the place is almost full every day, and even the Great Arcanist will often visit here.

Near noon, the two ordered a barbecue and a vegetable pie, UU reading www.uukanshu. com prepared to leave after eating, but before leaving, Collins took the initiative to mention the blessing ceremony at Glory Plaza:

"Lord Chateau should know the reason why the Seventon Conference suddenly held a blessing ceremony, right?"

"Know, get rid of the devilish breath!"

"So what does Lord Chateau think of creatures like demons?"

What do you think? What else can I see?

Xia Duo deliberately paid more attention to Lord Collins' expression, but found nothing unusual, so he tentatively replied:

"There is no doubt about the existence of the devil, but this kind of creature is too dangerous. I think it is necessary to keep a distance from it, whether it is contact with itself or the summoning spells related to it."

"Lord Chateau's words are just what I like!" Collins immediately agreed.

But then, Collins changed the conversation and revealed to Xia Duo a secret message that was not strictly secret:

"I heard that some people are already studying Demon Summoning, and there is a lot of controversy about whether to prohibit demon-related spells in the Seven Towers. I hope Lord Chateau can stick to his current view in the future!"

"That's it!"

Xia Duo was thoughtful. If nothing else, people will come to him for advice. Of course, except for the great arcanists of the Seven Towers and the directors of the Austrian Law Federation, he can do everything else. Don't worry about it.

After all, when it comes to the prohibition of certain types of spells, the Austrian Law Federation is the leader, and the main voice of the Austrian Law Federation is concentrated on the Great Arcanist behind the directors and the Wizard Tower organization.

An ordinary high-level mage, or even a great mage, has a very low right to speak on this issue, and can only passively accept the result.

At least Shaduo did not support the Giles Tower, or any person, any organization, about any proposal in favor of studying the call of the devil.