Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1207: Entangled, ready to fight back


Under the leadership of Thorne's Radiant Domain, Chateau and Cliff continued to maneuver and dodge in the endless silver void, but no matter how many times they changed directions, the hunters behind them were always stuck behind them.

Even if he was staring at Cliffe's continuous blazing rays, or enduring the constant stimulation and interference of Xia Duo, he still chased after him.

But the absolute speed difference lies here, no matter how hard Xia Duo and others work hard, they will inevitably be caught up in the end.

And the closer the two sides got, the more Xia Duo felt the perilous excitement of the astral battle.

Many magical effects were displayed in the vicinity. In addition to avoiding and resisting Cliff's attack, those hunters also needed to pay attention to Chardonnay's blocking.

After all, both sides are in high-speed motion, any block may cause a 12-point effect.

At the same time, because of getting closer, Cliff's blazing sun rays became more and more sharp, not to mention directly hitting the key, even if it is rubbed a little, it will immediately incarnate into a human-shaped torch.

But correspondingly, the hunters can also attack because they are so close.

It was also at this time that Xia Duo became more aware of the power of the hunter leader, and the idea of ​​moving in the star realm must be kept moving at all times. Once such an idea was stopped, other distracting thoughts would slow down the speed.

This is somewhat similar to the engine and wind resistance of a fighter jet.

When necessary, it is okay to pause occasionally, but in order to continue flying, it must be kept running most of the time.

Xia Duo's movement mainly relied on Thorne, the eternal holy spirit, but because of this, Thorne was involved in most of his attention, and he could not tell what was going on to hinder the hunters behind.

But the hunter leader, while maintaining his companions flying and maneuvering in formation, was also able to destroy Cliff's attack.

And when he gets closer, he can also set off the star wind with obvious hysteresis, to entangle Thorne's glorious realm.

This situation, Xia Duo saw in his eyes and anxious in his heart, but in the star realm, anxious itself meant obstacles, which reminded him of his experience of hunting orcs in the Green Pearl Forest during his apprenticeship.

At that time, although he couldn't beat the orcs, he still had a group of helpers. Even if he couldn't beat the orcs, there was no problem running away.

But now, there are problems with running away!

Of course, as long as Xia Duo is willing to give up the exploration of the ruins of the dream, he can return to the main plane at any time, but next time he may not be able to have Thorne's help.

And he must also consider Cliff's thoughts. In addition, an astral body like the present one should not be cost-free.

Although I don't know what Cliff has paid, Chateau guessed that perhaps Cliff didn't master this spell, otherwise he wouldn't be coming to Giles Tower.

You don't even need to ask Thorne, the big deal is unlimited exploration.

There was no wind in the star realm, but Xia Duo could clearly feel the influence of his distracting thoughts on the speed, so that he felt that he was about to leave Thorne's realm.

"Can't do this!"

Xia Duo realized that the pressure of being pressed step by step was too great, and even the star realm itself was amplifying such pressure.

It would be better to just let the hunters go to fight with them, even if they can't win, teach them a big lesson before leaving the star realm!

Therefore, he took advantage of Cliff's attack and suggested: "Your Excellency Cliff, we are not too passive at the moment. We might as well fight back. If we are caught up, it may be very disadvantageous!"

Cliff didn’t answer, but Thorne, who had been silent since the expansion of the Radiant Domain, spoke instead: “Lord Chardonnay is right. I already feel that the resistance to movement is increasing. At most ten minutes, we will be affected by each other Completely restrained, but before then I will leave alone!"

Thorne said so, Cliff would naturally not object, if he really opposed it, maybe Thorne would leave immediately, and then the exploration of the ruins of the dream would be over.

It might be possible to continue next time, but without Thorne's help, he didn't know how much time it would take to find the Ruins of Mystery. He didn't think Lord Xia Duo would continue to waste time with him.

"Then counterattack! But you don't have to stop completely, please trouble your Excellency Thorne to continue to move and dodge, just slightly reduce the speed to let them approach."

After that, Cliff reminded Xia Duo: "Pay attention to the silver sword in the hands of the leader. I speculate that in addition to its magic-breaking effect, it may also have additional damage to the celestial qualities!"

Chateau nodded silently. He had already noticed the leader's sword. After all, he swung the sword to destroy Cliff's attack every time, and the shape was full of fluidity like liquid metal. He couldn't do it without paying attention.

It's just that he originally wanted to use the [Blade of Veto] to fight the opponent, but now that Cliff said that, he hesitated.

[Blade of Veto] is not the main body. Although it retains all the magical powers and some material properties, the essence is still celestial.

In case it is broken or cut off, Xia Duo is worried that it will affect the body of [Blade of Veto], and at the same time, he should try to avoid his celestial body from being hit by that sword.

Now that they had decided to counterattack, the three of Xia Duo did not discuss too much, and quickly decided on a counterattack plan.

First speed up. Both Chateau and Cliff temporarily gave up interfering and attacking the rear. Instead, they worked with Thorne to accelerate the Glory Realm to get rid of the astral wind entanglement of the hunter leader.

At the rear, the hunter leader Turus, and the hunting team he led, saw the prey break free from the catching net, but none of them was moved at all, and there was no confusion in the formation.

After hunting for many years, Turus had seen countless ways of struggling before his prey died, but in the end he could not escape.

Faced with the prey who gave up resistance so easily, he even felt a little uninterested in UU reading, but hunting was not only his personal hobby, but also for the prosperity of the ethnic group.


An idea containing commands instantly spread to the hearts of all players.

"They accelerated!"

"Got it! Follow me and get ready to change direction!"

While perceiving the real-time changes in the Radiant Domain, Xia Duo guarded his mind for any response. At this moment, when he received the order, he immediately issued the same thoughts as the Radiant Domain.

This idea was so strong that it set off a small astral wind.

But at this moment, Xia Duo has no time to consider whether this spiritual wind will provide any information related to the counterattack plan to the hunters in the rear. He just follows Thorne's glorious field and provides all his thrust.

At this point, too much thinking will hinder the counterattack plan.