Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1266: 3 school subject sharing catalogues, ent

Although the knowledge may be a bit behind the empire's survivors who have been developing for nearly a hundred years, there are certainly some who are not behind.

   Moreover, this is already the easiest harvest for Xia Duo to find on this projection plane. In case the resurrection spell is not found, the harvest here is worthwhile.

   But when he came to the ruins of the library and saw the cleared scene, he couldn't help but sigh, "Sure enough, I'm still a step late."

   His current timeline is about a hundred years after the empire collapsed. According to the memory of "Mccard", after the collapse of that year, more than 20 great arcane masters survived, which is almost half of the heyday of the empire.

  Of course, the destruction of the empire was in its heyday.

   There are more than twenty great arcanists, and for nearly a hundred years, even if they do it themselves, most of the resources and materials should be recovered.

   Fortunately, before Xia Duo came, he didn't have the mentality of having to find something. He was more of a fluke mentality. If others forget or don't find out, then he has a chance.

   Now that he is empty, he will not be disappointed.

   Moreover, Komanso has been searching for the remnants of the Empire. Even the Great Arcanist cannot excavate with fanfare in a sensitive area like Sevinton. There must be a "fish" that slipped through the net here.

   just walk a few more places.


   Then, Xia Duo searched inside the academy again, focusing on the laboratory and the principal's private residence.

  In these places, he really found some "fish that slipped through the net", materials and so on, and they skipped it directly. There were a total of twelve piles of experimental records that were truly valuable.

   Yes, use "heap" instead of book.

   Those experimental logbooks were crushed by the big rocks from the roof, almost unaffected by the chaotic magic. Nearly a hundred years have passed and they are still intact.

   In addition, I found a few books in the principal's private residence. Among them, Chateau believed that the most important was a shared catalog of the Imperial Academy of Magic topics.

   was co-edited by the three magic schools in Seventon, mainly to avoid the waste of resources due to the duplication of topics, and to a certain extent to cooperate and win-win, to cope with the pressure of foreign colleges.

   This book is called "Table of Contents". In fact, it also includes the actual progress of the three schools, but it lacks a lot of details.

   But in the study of magic, thinking definitely accounts for a considerable proportion.

This kind of book was placed before the destruction of the empire, and probably only the principal and a few senior professors were qualified to have it. Normal teachers, such as Eddie, who was incarnation of Xia Duo at the time, were not assigned even if they were transferred from a real authority such as the Judgment Department. Even one book.

   It is a pity that Xia Duo only found this one at the principal's residence this time, that is, the first issue of the shared catalog. This should be the latest issue at that time.

   I don’t know if it was destroyed by the magic net riot, or it was picked up by an early excavator.

   If you can find all the shared directories in the past, maybe you can have a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of the arcane empire's magical development context.

   Moreover, these knowledge systems can also enable Xia Duo to bring Xia Duo back to the main plane and re-engrave it in the Tower of Time, as if it were the prototype of an Arcane Empire.

   In Xia Duo's view, the context of these developments is more important than specific magic and technology.


   After leaving the Magic Academy, Xia Duo immediately went to the Judgment Department he was more familiar with, but in the Judgment Department, he did not find much valuable things, because there have been predecessors here too.

   Except for some judgment documents, there is nothing else. He originally thought he would find some advanced spiritual spells here, but he didn't expect to have nothing.

   But just think about it, such an important place as the Judgment Department will definitely be emphatically searched, there are magic materials, and it should be taken away in the first time.

   There are only those judgment documents. After the empire had been destroyed, they were abandoned by searchers, and then discovered by Xia Duo.

   But it doesn't make much sense for Xia Duo to take this thing. The most is to take it back to Leiden and provide him with some trial cases in the magic society.


   After the Judgment Department, Xia Duo went to the First and Third Magic Academy, as well as the Resurrection Department, the Supervision Department, the Selection Department, and even the Conservation Department, but the later, the less he found.

   It's not that there are fewer written records that can be found, but that there are fewer and fewer valuable things.

  Like the Department of Conservation, the headquarter of the Department of Conservation in Sewenton, the capital, naturally does not need to provide rest and nursing places for pregnant women and babies. It is more like a research department, researching topics related to assisted reproduction and childcare.

   But such a place is a top priority for the remnants of the empire who has a great arcanist to make strategic plans.

  In order to avoid the search of Comanso, most of the remnants of the empire live underground. If there are no conservation measures, the population will become smaller and smaller. There will be strong enemies outside and a population crisis inside. If this happens, the empire will completely wither away.

   What Xia Duo can find here is a list of pregnant women and babies, but nothing else.

   There is also the Selected Recording Department, which is related to the key figure in the rise of the empire like the Great Sage. Xia Duo couldn't find a piece of paper here.

   I don't know whether it is the surviving great arcanist of the empire or the elves from Komanso. In short, the searched here is extremely clean. It is the cleanest of the key departments of the empire that Xia Duo has visited, and there is almost no residue.

   "It looks like I can only visit the research institute!"

   In fact, Xia Duo knows that the importance of the research institute is not lost to that of the Conservation Department and the Selection Department. In such an important place, whether it is an imperial survivor or a Komanso elves, UU read www.uukānshu. The priority of com search must be extremely high.

   How much valuable things can be left to him now?

   However, in line with the idea of ​​"all coming", Xia Duo decided to go to the research institute. He bet that humans have no conditions to search carefully, and that the elves missed something because they were unfamiliar.


  Imperial Research Institute is located in Sevinton to the north and facing the sea. Sevinton on the main plane is almost half of the old city.

   Compared with the imperial department that Xia Duo searched before, the academy's area is undoubtedly the largest, almost the total area of ​​those departments.

   You know, before, that included three magic schools.

   From this we can see what kind of position the Academy is in the Arcane Empire!

   But no matter how lofty it was in the past, it is now just a ruin, and even because it has a higher proportion of magic buildings and facilities, the level of damage here is more serious than other areas.

   But when Chateau actually came here, he stopped.

  There is no him, just because there is a large area of ​​magic net in front of him, almost covering a small half of the research institute area.

   After thinking about it, Xia Duo did not enter the Demon's Net dead zone after all. Although the dead zone itself did not threaten him at all, it would be too bad if he encountered other people.

  If you encounter an elf hunter, you may be able to fight against the opponent for a few rounds with the sword chanter's art that has not been reviewed for a long time. In the end, you will naturally be defeated;

   And if it is an arcanist, then he will have no room for resistance.

   This is not the way he wants to leave the projection plane.