Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1289: Educational reform, chip trial productio

After reading the information of the twelve people, Xia Duo couldn't help but have an idea-"Should we introduce an examination upgrade system in the Tower of Time?"

The trial of ascending ring can indeed test the learning achievements of the caster in the principles of spells and casting skills, but it is not comprehensive enough.

Moreover, the assessment is single, and the Tower of Time when the number of apprentices has skyrocketed, in fact, it has little effect on latecomers.

More just exists as a tradition.

"Education reform is imperative!"

Without much hesitation, Xia Duo decided to bring back the examination system of the imperial survivors to the Tower of Time. In addition to the system, the examination syllabus, examination questions, and even the auxiliary materials for teaching can also be taken back for reference.

Educational resources are limited, and prioritizing the selection of better talents is in line with the general law of development.

Even in Xiaduo townships, where education is highly developed, after multiple rounds of enrollment expansion in colleges and universities across the country, it has not been possible to allow all the right-age people to enter the university to study.

The magical world is the same. Unless the productivity develops to an extremely high level in the future, and there is no shortage of resources, there may be a comprehensive education for the whole people in the true sense.

Of course, in addition to the selection of talents, the role of the exam is to allow learners to have a clearer understanding of their own state, and then to check for missing vacancies and move to a higher level.

In Xia Duo's plan, the apprentices will have generalist education before they enter the Arcanist level, in order to increase their knowledge and deepen their heritage, and at the same time recognize the direction of their development.

After the advanced arcanist, you can choose a major and focus on the direction you choose. Of course, this is for most people.

For a small number of talented people, professionalism does not limit their development, they have a broader future.

Two days later, the laboratory returned to calm again, and the new apprentices stayed safe and did not come up with any moths.

And the assistant researchers, they have made a lot of effort, and they continue to forge ahead in their respective projects.

The Hack Lab has just been established not long ago, and a living example is in front of them. When should we not work hard at this time? What if "Mccard" changes his mind if it drags on for too long?

For a time, Xia Duo could obviously feel that the speed of each project was more than usual. He could vaguely perceive the people's thoughts, but at this moment, he didn't have much thoughts about those.

Since yesterday morning, he has exclusively occupied a refined alchemy circle in the laboratory. The trial production of the spell chip has now reached a very critical step—

Mithril injection!

Since it is a chip, it is naturally extremely small, and the smaller the Mithril component, the softer the Mithril wire in it, and the more restrictive it is in production.

It may just be that a little movement of the floating field may cause it to deform, thereby affecting its subsequent link magic net.

Therefore, Xia Duo thought of using a material with stable physical properties as the base, and etching the space required for the Mithril component through a high-precision alchemy array.

He chose fine gold that was not easily deformed.

Of course, the physical properties of gold are also very stable, but the texture of gold is relatively soft, and due to the proper consideration of the first experiment, gold was not used.

Yesterday all day, Xia Duo was manually etching the adamantine base. Until now, after injecting Mithril, a semi-finished spell chip was completed.

Since Mithril generally exists in a solid form, it needs to be converted into a liquid state when injected. This requires magic. Once magic is used, a more violent elemental transmutation reaction will occur.

The key to this step is to complete the injection in the shortest time.

Otherwise, the reserved channels for the Mithril components are extremely small. During the period, if the element transmutation reaction is a little bit more and faster, it will greatly affect the purity of the finished Mithril components.

The purity of the Mithril component is also related to the frequency of the elemental transmutation reaction when the actual spell is generated after the subsequent link to the magic net.

Simply put, if the purity is not enough, then this magic chip is prone to accidents when linking to the magic net, even if there is no accident when connecting to the magic net, it will definitely happen when it is used to stimulate the use.

Maybe it's just one hand exploded!

Therefore, Xia Duo was nervous to the extreme at the moment, and calm to the extreme. These two very contradictory mental states appeared on him at the same time, just for a small magic chip.

Last time, when he had this kind of psychology, it was when he learned the first spell. He was also like this at that time. He was nervous and excited, but at the same time he tried his best to restrain himself and keep himself calm.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Xia Duo never let himself down. He calmly operated the alchemy circle, turning a mithril granule the size of a soybean into a liquid, and driving it into the "entrance" of the chip substrate.

Counting "1, 2, 3" silently, a tiny trace of Mithril liquid that is almost invisible to the naked eye flowed out from the "outlet" of the chip substrate.

But without waiting for it to flow out more, Xia Duo controlled the alchemy circle to throw the suspended chips into the fine gold liquid at the other end of the suspension field.

Infused with mithril and fine gold encapsulation, all in one go!

The final body of the chip is a faintly blue ball of fine gold, about the size of a human pupil.

Although the name is "chip", this is more of a name that Xia Duo borrowed from a similar item in his own knowledge. In fact, the distribution of the Mithril components inside the magic chip is roughly an irregular spherical shape in space.

In line with the principle of not doing too much waste, the fine gold used for encapsulation naturally takes on the shape of a sphere.

Of course, this is just the distribution of the internal mithril components of this [protective force field] spell chip. Taking into account the coordination mechanism of multiple spell fusion, Chateau deliberately designed it into a spherical shape. UU reading

If you don't pursue spell fusion and just stack it in a normal way, then it may be more reasonable to design an array layout.

In that case, the magic chip can really be designed as a "slice".

I put a lot of fine gold **** on my hand. In fact, a small half of it was occupied by mithril, which was about the size of a soybean.

But that little bean-sized mithril granule used up to nearly half a month's share of the basic mithril from Xia Duo's laboratory.

If it hadn't been for the completion of a lot of level 1 projects in the laboratory during this period, and a lot of projects had been established, he would really not be able to squeeze out so many Mithril to make chips.

Regardless of the hard work and equipment wear and tear, I only count the mithril itself. For this little bit of high-purity mithril, more than 50 pounds was consumed before and after. Netheril on the main plane can be called The standard mithril of high-grade mithril.

In the end, Xia Duo didn't dare to test its purity, because the test itself would either consume the total amount or reduce the purity. No matter which one it was, he could not accept it.