Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1292: Observe advancement, sacrifice and inher

Xia Duo had been to the negative second floor once before. The road before might be a bit awkward. He was not familiar with it, but when he arrived on the negative second floor, he was not unfamiliar because the place he was going to was Lab 001.

Laboratory No. 001 and Laboratory No. 003 that he had visited before are in the same area on the second floor.

Soon, Chateau and Rhodes arrived at their destination and met an assistant researcher in charge of reception at the entrance of the laboratory.

Seeing that there were two people, the assistant researcher was visibly stunned, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it seemed that he thought of something. In the end, he didn't say anything, just took the two of Xia Duo into the laboratory.

"Two of you come with me!"

Xia Duo followed the guide, but his eyes were constantly patrolling around. Although this laboratory was numbered "001", it occupies an area not to mention the "No. 003" laboratory, even compared to "Mccard". Compared with laboratories, there are many inferiorities.

It seems that this place should be specially prepared for advanced.

Xia Duo remembered that the advanced laboratory of the Tower of Time was smaller than here, but there were six advanced laboratories in the Tower of Time, which could be used in turn.

Ebbock used the last intact advancement laboratory at the time. If he failed to advance successfully at that time, it would be difficult for him to leave the Arcanist after the tower.

Only an arcanist can repair the advanced laboratory. If you don't have an arcanist and the laboratory cannot be repaired, you must go to another mage tower to organize the advanced. The difficulty can be imagined.

Xia Duo can complete the advancement in the Tower of Time, and there is also a little luck in it.

Soon, the three of people entered the main body of the laboratory, a room close to 20 square meters.

"The two are here for a while, the dean will be here soon!"

After speaking, the assistant researcher in charge of the reception did not explain, but left the room, leaving only Chateau and Rhodes in the room.

You look at me and I look at you, both of them seem to be surprised why the advancement of an ordinary research assistant might involve the dean!

The dean is a great arcanist. There is no doubt that how can such a big man care about the advancement of a small person?

Chateau suspected that Rhodes might be the child of Dean Bernie. After all, on the side of the remnants of the empire, everyone must have two children as long as they can't become an official mage before they reach adulthood.

"Mccard" has two children, but Chateau hasn't seen them yet.

Why can't Rhodes be Dean Bernie's child?

Chateau looked at Rhodes's appearance without a trace, and asked tentatively: "Rhodes, you—"

Maybe he guessed something, maybe he was extremely sensitive to the strange look in his eyes. Rhodes took a step back and waved his hands again and again, "Don't think about it, I have nothing to do with Dean Bernie, I have even met the dean himself!"


Xia Duo also felt that this kind of speculation was too unfounded. In fact, there was almost no parent-child relationship on the side of the imperial survivors, including the imperial period in the past.

After all, everyone's own birth and the birth of their children are not controlled by them, and they are not responsible for raising them. It is difficult to say that there is a deep relationship between parents and children.

Then he asked Rhodes again: "What about other people's advancements? Is the dean here?"

"I don't know, maybe there was a dean who was there, but they never mentioned it, or they didn't reach me."

Hearing this answer, Xia Duo was silent, but this matter was not important, as long as it did not affect the following observations.

And Rhodes stopped talking, and the two waited quietly.

I don't know how long it has been before, Dean Bernie, with gray hair and a kind face, walked in from outside.

The two of Chateau hurriedly stepped forward to salute, but Dean Bernie just waved his hand and asked, "Who is Rhodes?"

This question completely overturned Chateau's previous speculation. Dean Bernie couldn't even tell who he and Rhodes were, so how could he come specifically for Rhodes!

And Rhodes, he was stunned for a moment, but he reacted quickly, and quickly replied: "Master Dean, I am Rhodes."

Although he said that he had nothing to do with Dean Bernie, now that Dean Bernie may not even have seen his magical image, he is still a little inexplicably lost.

"Are you all ready?" Dean Bernie asked again.

"Uh, it's all ready."

Doing business once again made Rhodes completely give up. Fortunately, he hadn't had any relevant thoughts before, that is, just a momentary thought, which made him a little lost, and it is not too late to wake up now.

If you are really passionate and make any jokes, it will be difficult to end.

Hearing Rhodes said that he was ready, Bernie immediately launched the Austrian fire, and the originally curled and convergent miniature magic net was opened layer by layer and quickly covered every corner of the laboratory.

Such obvious changes are naturally not hidden from Xia Duo and Rhodes. One of them is a high-level mage who is about to advance, and the other is a senior arcanist from the main plane. They have a relatively full understanding of Arcane Fire.

But this situation right now?

Rhodes was quite confused, but Xia Duo had a very bold guess in his heart. Once this guess came true, it would directly increase his evaluation of color-resistant magic.

Looking at the quiet and Zhuang Su figures of Dean Bernie, Xia Duo felt more confident in this speculation!

Then, Dean Bernie activated some auxiliary facilities in the laboratory, and then said to Rhodes: "You can start, create your own Austrian fire!"

But Rhodes hesitated at this moment. Except for the first layer, the magic net environment in the laboratory has been replaced with Dean Bernie’s miniature magic net. Is it because he wants him to tear the Dean’s magic net to create Is it your own Austrian fire?

Faced with this situation, how could he not hesitate to read

Seeing that the advanced environment was ready, but the advanced ones were silent, Bernie couldn't help frowning.

But he also knew that in this case, individuals would hesitate. If he really met the kind of advanced person who didn't hesitate, he would hesitate instead.

"As long as the Olympic fire is created in the environment of the big magic net, even if it is underground, it may be detected by Comanso and locate the survival base. In the past, many survival bases were discovered like this!"

As if thinking of some not-so-good pasts, Bernie's expression dimmed, and he continued to explain in a deep voice: "Later, someone studied the creation of an arcane fire in the environment of the Great Arcanist's miniature magic net. This can be extremely likely. Successfully evaded Comanso's detection.

"And what you don't know is that for this advancement, I am not the only one who provides the magic net environment here, but also the three great arcanists are also maintaining the detection and misleading of this area at the same time.

"Hurry up, don't waste our efforts!"

Hearing this, Rhodes' eyes were a little red, and he nodded vigorously, adjusted his mood, and then began to cast spells to create arcane fire.