Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1303: Return to the main plane, the disappeare

"Ah, how could this happen! My experiment hasn't been completed yet!"

   Xia Duo threw his small arms and legs emotionally, but no matter how he screamed, it was of no avail. Instead, he seemed to be barking incompetently.

   And his cry also attracted a sturdy female childcare worker with a full chest, and the other party walked to the cradle, like a giant, and suddenly grabbed Xia Duo from the cradle.

   Immediately afterwards, the other party involuntarily stuffed a soft bead into Chardonnay's mouth, and at the same time patted him on the back rhythmically with one hand.

   At this moment, although Chateau didn't feel much hungry, the instinct of the baby's body still made him **** subconsciously. After he realized what he was doing, he immediately felt extremely embarrassed.

   Fortunately, no one can see the baby's embarrassment, otherwise, he might find a seam to get in.

   After eating and drinking, Xia Duo didn't dare to make noise anymore, instead lying in the cradle silently thinking, and at the same time silently searching for the baby's few memories.

   He did not expect the time cycle to come so fast, the "negative energy degradation" project is going on at a critical moment, as long as you give him even ten more days, you can get a preliminary [negative energy degradation] spell.

   Combined with that part of the negative energy intrusion information provided by Lord Reson on the main plane, it is enough to perfect the [negative energy downgrade] spell to a fairly high level.

   But now, this body is still "Mccard", but it's back to "Mccard" as a baby, and Xia Duo doesn't have so much time to wait for this body to grow up slowly.

   Use at least ten years of life to exchange for practical [negative energy downgrade] spells, even if there are other gains, Xia Duo feels very worthless.

   "It's time to go back!"

   Xia Duo sighed, and then gave birth to the thought of leaving. With his thought, his consciousness began to withdraw from the world.

   He saw the appearance of "Mccard" as a baby from a third-party perspective. He was chubby and pretty cute. The next moment, the angle of view rose rapidly.

   When he recovered, his consciousness had returned to the star realm, and he was still in the ribbon-shaped nebula in the ruins of the dream.

   Among the stars, Xia Duo's fingers still kept poking at the star point representing the essence of [Projection Plane·Remaining Resident of Arcane Empire].

   After regaining his senses at this moment, he subconsciously retracted his finger, but it seemed to Cliff and Thorne who was on the side that he had just extended his finger and quickly retracted it.

  Cliff simply asked with concern immediately: "Lord Chateau, is there any problem? Isn't it this projection plane?"

   "No, I have returned from the projection plane."

   Xia Duo rubbed his eyebrows, barely coping with Cliff, the time in the star realm was special, and all the negative states he endured could not be restored naturally.

   When the body cuts a hole, it will stay open, and mental exhaustion, no matter how deep or shallow it is, cannot be relieved by time.

   can only be recovered by deep sleep, which is not the general sleep on the material plane, but specifically refers to deep sleep.

   Basically want to sleep in the star realm, only through magic means time.

   Or, like Thorne, create a special material plane for cultivation and recovery.

But now, the purpose of Xia Duo’s trip to the star realm has been achieved. He can go back to the main plane and take a rest. "Your Excellency Cliffe, I have found what you want. I feel very bad now. Let's elaborate on the main plane!"

   Of course, Cliff didn’t have any opinion on this, and he was even more anxious to return to the main plane than Chateau himself, "No problem, Lord Chateau, you go one step first, I'll be there soon!"

   Xia Duo saw that Cliff seemed to have something else to say to Thorne, so he didn't hesitate, and immediately chose to withdraw from the star realm.


   The main plane, Seventon, Giles Tower.

   In the projection hall, as soon as Xia Duo opened his eyes, he saw Cliff who also opened his eyes. Although the two did not leave the star realm at the same time, they returned at the same time.

   Of course, since Cliff spent more time in the star realm, the actual life spans lost by the two were not equal.

   In addition, Chateau also needs to calculate the time spent in the projection plane, which is the main reason why he cannot accept the continued growth from the infant stage of "Mccard".

   is really a waste of time and life.

   Chateau and Cliff looked at each other, and then they didn't talk about "death authority" or "resurrection spell" in Giles Tower in a tacit understanding. They didn't say anything, so they left silently.

During   , Chateau noticed that Thorne, the eternal holy spirit, did not return to the main plane with them, and did not know if he could see each other again in the future.

   The anchor of Thorne and the main plane can be chosen independently, but for Chateau, he may appear at any moment before he enters the star realm to the infinite future.

   Of course, it is more likely to be a past moment based on Chateau, such as 1 second before Chateau.

   This also means that if Thorne doesn't align his time with the main plane to the current time of Chateau or some time in the future, Chateau will never see each other.

   For the current Chateau, Thorne has been lost in the astral world forever, lost in the past, and the main plane will never be seen by him.

   Even if he enters the star realm, he cannot find him.

   Xia Duo is still very curious about this kind of existence, but it’s a pity that the time it took to enter the star realm to go to the ruins of the dream is too short, UU reading www. The two of could not communicate more.

  If his life span is long enough, he may be able to wait until the opponent takes the initiative to calibrate the moment in the future, or he can actively remind the opponent to calibrate to a certain point in the future to meet the main plane through the summoning circle of Giles Tower.

   In Thorne’s perspective, the signal of the summoning circle will extend to the infinite future from the moment he left the main plane last time.

   It's just that at which moment he responded to the calling signal, that moment was equivalent to the time he aligned with the main plane, and all the signals before that moment would disappear.

   This also means that Thorne cannot use the signals of the future to go to the past, but when he responds, or even interprets the signals of the future, he is automatically connected to the future of the main plane.

   Therefore, if you want to contact Thorne, you can only agree to an uncalibrated and unconnected future moment.

   Correspondingly, in order to be able to maintain contact with the main plane, Thorne will not respond to calling signals that are too far away.


After making an appointment with Cliff about the specific time and place for the next meeting, Chateau went straight back to the OFA Federation. His current state of mind was extremely exhausted. Without rest, he was really worried about whether he would go to sleep while walking. Finished.

   The next morning.

Xia Duo woke up early. After a full night’s rest, his mental state had been fully recovered at the moment. After sending Niya a message of safety, he began to organize the resurrection spell to be handed over to Cliff when they met at noon. Relevant information.