Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 159: Scroll origin

Looking at it, Xia Duo noticed that the tips of Niya's ears were beginning to turn red, and the tone of the lecture had also changed a little. Xia Duo didn't dare to go too far, and quickly shifted her attention to her notes.

He already knew most of what Niya said, so he just paid a little attention to whether there was knowledge he didn't know, and most of his energy was actually on his own research.

Xia Duo is no stranger to making magic scrolls, but it was difficult for him to figure out why he could record a magic on a piece of paper.

But after learning "Elementary Arcane Geometry", Xia Duo understood that it is not a piece of paper that can record a magic, but someone uses arcane geometry to turn magic into a flat figure. If it is not encrypted, it is a learning scroll, if it is encrypted, it is a normal scroll.

In fact, the magic book De Parker lent him, in essence, can also be seen that the pages are bound by learning scrolls, and the magic in it can be observed accurately.

It's just that most of the stimulating elements of magic have been omitted. If the reader artificially completes it, the magic can be stimulated. The spell book that Xia Duo will make in the future should be similar to this one, which can record magic concisely, intuitively, and without error, so that he can read it at any time when he has insufficient memory, and it can be used as a temporary magic scroll to be used at critical moments.

It's perfect.

And if some magic is fixed on it, it might be even more powerful.

Of course, all of this is just Xia Duo's plan. He currently has no ability to realize it. The only magic scrolls he can make at present are the ones he has exchanged for learning scrolls.

Except for [Lighting Art], he has learned the encrypted version, even if other types of scrolls are made, they are also learning scrolls. They are no different from the encrypted version, but if they are sold, they will give away their knowledge. Especially now he is sorting out the spell structure and elements of the 1th [Steam Ray] through Arcane Geometry, trying to sort out the method of making the [Steam Ray] scroll as soon as possible.

The formal mage stage will inevitably be more expensive, and this will be his important income in the short term.


Xia Duo stopped staring directly at Niya, which made Niya's teaching calmer, and soon the first class was successfully concluded.

While Niya secretly relieved, she gave Xia Duo a fierce look, but at this time Xia Duo didn't look at her, but wrote something in her notes.

This made Niya a little annoyed, "Chateau, Gardner, you can leave, come over tomorrow morning to answer questions, and Chateau, read the books on the book list as soon as possible!"


Chateau and Gardner should be at the same time, and after a salute, they left together.

When they walked out of Niya's research room, the atmosphere between the two became a little embarrassing. Gardner was afraid that Xia Duo mentioned the events of the previous Moon Festival, and Xia Duo wondered why Gardeau didn't give him the book list?

Should he ask for it? Mentor Niya just asked him to give it to himself.


"Huh?" Garnar was taken aback, and said quickly, "Xia Duo, I didn't know that you also became an official mage, congratulations!"


Chateau felt that Gardner seemed to be wrong, and didn't know what was thinking in his mind, so he said, "Where is the list of books mentioned by Teacher Niya?"

"Book list? Oh, here is the book list!" Garnar hurriedly took out a piece of paper from his notes and handed it to Xia Duo, "Give this to you. I have copied all the books on this."

"Well, thank you."

Xia Duo took a look at this very new piece of parchment, and at the top was "Overview of Magic Net Spell Slots", and two consecutive books were about this.

There are books on spellcasting techniques, magic theory, etc., but at the end of the book list is a book list written in wizard text.

The word Chateau had never seen, let alone met, so he grabbed Gardner, who was about to leave, and asked, "What is the last book on this list?"

Garnar stopped, first uttered an Elvish name, and then said: "This is "Morning Wind Poems", a masterpiece of an Elf poet."

"What does this mean to us?" Xia Duo puzzled.

Gardner was a little surprised at first, and then showed a clear look, "This is recognized as the best book for learning Elvish, and it allows people to get started as quickly as possible."

"Have you learned?"

"No." Garnar was a little confused. The title of the book was told to him by an on-duty mage in the library. He was going to choose an Elvish course in a few days.

Of course, there is no need to tell Xia Duo about these.


After the two left, Xia Duo did not go to the library for the first time to borrow books, but came to the Arcane Garden. After Niya finished teaching, she was not stuck at the meal, but left a lot of time.

The Arcane Garden here shouldn't be released yet!

Saying hello to the general master on duty, Xia Duo walked towards the orchard. Under the apple tree, Edridge, Dean, Sami, and Devine were all there.

And there is also a little blond fat man-Donald, it seems that they have accepted a new member, no, it should be said that it is a new friend.

Edridge and others were overjoyed by the arrival of Chateau. Donald also looked at Chateau with when they were the same group who entered the Mage Tower.

Now that Xia Duo has become an official mage, he was only able to become a regular apprentice because of Xia Duo's help not long ago. The gap between this has made Donald unable to catch up.

"Xia Duo!" Everyone greeted again and again, with the same cordial tone as before, but Xia Duo still heard some restraints, after all, they belonged to different classes.

But Xia Duo did not show any self-arrogance. On the contrary, he was more friendly and his tone was very close, "Everyone is here!"

"Xia Duo, what do you want us to do?"

The official mages were very busy, and everyone did not believe that Xia Duo would simply come over and look at them when he was free, and Xia Duo did not hide it, and said in the future:

"I'm here to take a look at everyone's situation. Now that you get along so harmoniously, I'm relieved. The other is to ask Edridge for something."

Hearing that Xia Duo had left the Arcane Garden and was still caring about them, the members of the original study group were very moved, and Xia Duo's eyes were even a little too excited.

The upper person only needs a little favor to make the people below grateful. Although he is not the upper person, the difference brought by his identity also makes any words and deeds of Xia Duo more powerful.

Perhaps this is also the infectious power and affinity brought about by the awakening of blood.

"Chateau, let's go to the side and talk." Edridge proposed.

"No, no need." Xia Duo waved his hand. "What I want to ask is not something secret. Besides, don't I believe everyone?" "Then Xia Duo, what do you want to ask, as long as I know it, it will definitely not Conceal." Edridge said happily.

It was Xia Duo who had always helped him, which made him a man who had almost abandoned himself to rekindle his hope for magic. He hoped that he could do something for Xia Duo.