Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 161: Master's core competitiveness

Real knowledge comes from practice. This is an idea Xia Duo has accepted since he was a child. Although he doesn't mention it from time to time, it has already become his standard of action.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Taling reminded Xia Duo that the time had come, and Xia Duo recovered from the world of [Steam Ray].

The appointment reminder function is very practical. Even though it is the first time to use, Chateau can still feel the important role of a mage tower for mage.

Not only provide a safe shelter, but all the conveniences are even more enjoyable. [Steam Ray] The research and development of the scroll is intense and orderly. Xia Duo has determined the transformation of the basic spell structure, and only the specific elements are left to fill it. Success is only a matter of time.

It was getting late, he put away his notes and went to the library. He hadn't read the list of books that Mentor Niya asked Ganal to give him before!

The lecture started today, but Gardner had read these books several months before him, and even copied them all. This was something that Xia Duo couldn't surpass in a short time. However, copying does not mean understanding, otherwise there would be no difference in talent.

When he arrived at the library, Xia Duo went straight to the book section where he could not enter the apprenticeship stage. There were very few books in it, and he didn't want to have multiple copies of apprentice books.

There is only one set of copies of the book here, of course, whether there are more copies in the back, Xia Duo is not sure yet, all he sees is only one set of copies.

""Overview of Magic Net Spell Slots", "How to Deposit the First Spell in Magic Net",..."

Xia Duo only chose the books about spell positions on the book list, and none of the other books were borrowed, and there were three or four books about spell positions on the book list, but Xia Duo only chose two. It wasn't that Xia Duo didn't want to pull down the entire book list, but was powerless. Just borrowing two books about spell positions would cost Xia Duo 100 gold coins.

every day!

This is simply stealing money, and it makes people willingly robbed!

After all, I can neither finish nor copy, it is a waste. These two books just make up for Xia Duo's shortcomings in becoming an official mage.

As for the following spellcasting techniques, magic principles, etc., you can take your time.


When he returned to the residence, the apprentice who came to deliver the meal was already waiting outside. Xia Duo took the dinner and returned the lunch box for lunch.

Sure enough, there was no wine for dinner. After drinking for a month at noon, Xia Duo felt a little pain, but after all, his appetite was not as good as the temptation of strength.

After the dinner was hurriedly settled, Xia Duo came to the spell laboratory. When he had just eaten, when he flipped through the books, it was already clear that the first time to deposit spells in the magic net is best in the spell laboratory.

Otherwise, once there is a mistake, it will be impossible to cast spells for several days, or it will completely lose the ability to cast spells.

Although Xia Duo was confident, he borrowed all the books for 100 gold coins, so naturally he would not bear the insurance of 10 gold coins an hour.


Ignoring unnecessary nonsense in the book, Xia Duo focused on how to deposit spells and the principle of so-called spell slots. Of course, for many wizards, it is enough to know how to deposit spells.

As for the principle, what is that? Can you eat it?

However, Xia Duo is not a person who does not ask for a thorough understanding, and often knows the principle, which is more conducive to practice. Therefore, from any angle, Xia Duo is very concerned about the principle.

The so-called "spell slot" is not a specific existence, but a description of the registered spell.

For example, if you register a 1st-level spell in the magic net, that is a 1st-level spell slot, and then register another, that is, two 1st-level spell slots.

If it is a high ring, and so on.

The principle of registering spells can be summed up in one sentence. The caster is "strong" enough to change the magic net for a long time. The 1st level spells are deposited on the first level of the magic net, the 2nd level is deposited on the second level, and so on.

In addition, whether the registration of a spell succeeds or fails, it is equivalent to a spell cast. If a spell is not successfully registered within a rest period, then you can only wait for the next cycle.

The key to making the spell slot flourish is that any stored spell is almost instant!

It is not uncommon for 0-level spells to be cast instantly. After all, 0-level spells are not even eligible to be deposited in the magic net, but——

Even if it is a spell of 1st level, it is difficult to be instant, and it requires long-term practice!

For example, Xia Duo's [Steam Ray], although he created it himself, he knew everything about the details of the spell or the principle of the spell.

But he can't do it instantaneously.

It is not impossible to do it forever, but it takes time.

Similar to practice makes perfect, no matter how magical, magic is still a manual skill in the final analysis, just like hand-carving by craftsmen on earth, from stumbling to swaying freely.

However, compared with real industrial machines, there is still a big gap in terms of quantity and speed. To a large extent, handwork only occupies the advantage of innovation.

Is there a spell-casting machine for Naiser?

Xia Duo thinks that there are things like wands and staffs that can be controlled by people or cast spells on their own. Are they not spellcasting machines?

These spell-casting machines are instant-on and can do things that a wizard cannot do with human flesh!

It can be seen that the discovery of the spell slot is a meaningful thing, and it gives the mage a real deterrent.

Otherwise, how long does it take for a 5-level [Transportation Art] to be instantaneous, and as long as it cannot be instantaneous, it can be interrupted.

So how much deterrence do the few wizards have against a large number of ordinary people?

Left and right are just creatures that can be piled up with human lives.

Even if you want to eliminate the wizard, you don't need many lives to pile up. For the lord, what is the life!

It can be seen that the practical significance of instant spells, no matter what means are used to achieve them, in front of ordinary people, if they can instant spells, then the mage can come and go freely and live and kill.

This is the real deterrence of the Of course, the reality is that most lords are spellcasters. This is determined by the nature of power. Those who control power will naturally become the upper ones.

At least it is easier to become a superior than ordinary people.

Exposure to the spell position means that a mage has mastered the core competitiveness of his profession.


With a general understanding of the knowledge of spell slots and how to deposit spells, Xia Duo couldn't wait to rush the first spell.

Because he didn't know how long the experiment was going to take, Xia Duo went straight to the spell laboratory like a chair and sat down in a relatively comfortable position.

This was the first attempt.

First of all, he entered the state of concentrating on casting spells, and the calm, unwavering magic net appeared in front of Xia Duo, and the entire spell laboratory seemed to be stained with a strange color.

The closer to Xia Duo, the more he could see, and the farther he could only see the surface of the magic net.

Nearby, the strands of the magic net are arranged in an orderly combination under the control of Xia Duo's will. A spell structure with exquisite structure and rich details, connecting the surface of the magic net to the first layer, and containing all the elements appears in Xia Duo. before.

This is his [Steam Ray]!

In the next steps, Xia Duo used "encapsulation" to describe the entire spell structure and stuffed it into the first layer of the magic net.

But the connection between this spell structure and the surface part of the magic net has not been broken, and this is also the connection between this stored spell and the caster. Exiting the concentrating state of casting spells and closing his eyes, Xia Duo faintly felt the connection between himself and the magic net, but this was not obvious, and the stored spell could not be released.

Presumably even if it is a stored spell, you need to cast it in a focused state, or at least you must strengthen your connection with the stored spell to control it enough.