Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 226: Back in time


   This is the first time that Xia Duo has perceived such a magical thing. If he hadn't deliberately looked for anomalies, he would definitely ignore the past.

   This is simply a conceptual innovation.

   Before today, Xia Duo had never felt that conceptual things could be truly perceived. People often say "like" and "hate" are just a description.

   is not something that really has concrete existence such as "like" and "dislike".

   And now, "flow" and "moisturize" are really concrete things. For a while, Xia Duo was a little messy, and the pictures in his mind flashed like electric lights and flints, and finally became a mess.

   Xia Duo shook his head, not thinking about those super-class things for now.

   The only thing that can be determined now is that this "road" is indeed abnormal, and this "road" has always pointed to the so-called Old Neil's treasure.

   So this "treasure" is still the "treasure" he thinks?

   A big question mark appeared in Xia Duo's heart, but anyway, Xia Duo decided to go on, after all, he was in his own territory, and he always had to take a look.

   Also, there are concepts that exist, so I can't be reconciled if I don't take a look.

   With all kinds of thoughts, Xia Duo speeded up his pace and ran rampant along the way. The adamantine sword kept slashing, and everything blocking the road was cut off by him one by one.


   Chateau stopped suddenly, unknowingly he was only a hundred meters past the location of the treasure.

   But subconsciously surpassing it, it is enough to show that no abnormality has been found along the way. Xia Duo carefully felt the existence of the concept of "fluidity" and "moisturizing", and it became more and more blurred here.

   Even if it is careful and focused perception, if there is nothing, it seems to be over here.

   And here is near the so-called treasure!

   Xia Duo took out Old Neil's map and the spell map copied from Lord Savile, and compared them with reality. However, any point on Old Neil's map corresponds to a large area in reality.

   is at least the size of more than two basketball courts.

  The so-called standard position is still a rather thick point.

   Xia Duo first walked around the periphery, cut out marks on the trees, and then carefully searched for any tree, any piece of turf, any piece of stone.

   Until the sky is getting dark, there is still nothing to be found, let alone the treasure, there is not even any trace of man-made other than him!

   Xia Duo couldn't help being a little disappointed. Before he came, even if reason reminded him again and again, he was more or less expected.

   But now, nothing has been discovered. Although nearly half of the area has not been searched, Xia Duo's expectations are already extremely low.

  The reason why he wants to continue searching is that Old Neil will not leave the map for no reason, and the conceptual existence he discovered before.

   This is definitely not an ordinary place.

   The sky was going dark, Xia Duo decided to come back tomorrow.


   As soon as he approached the landing site, Xia Duo smelled a scorching atmosphere, and the basketball court-sized piece of land opened up in the morning had all been burned.

   In the middle of the land, two camps, one large and one small, have been erected, and wooden boxes of materials are piled on one side of the camp.

   Seeing Chateau return, Gibb and Simon immediately came to report.

   "My lord, everything goes well today," Gibb said.

   "Very good, but I still can't relax." Xia Duo nodded, he was relieved of Gibb, and then asked Simon: "What's the situation on your side?"

   "My lord, things are going well on my side. Two people were bitten by poisonous insects, but after using the medicine, it is no problem."

   Simon is in a bit of a situation, but it is also in Xia Duo's expectation that although these people have been adventurers, after all, they are not as sophisticated as Gibb and others who have been in the wild all year round.

   After a few words of reassurance, he asked Gibb and Simon to tell everyone to rest. The development of territory is a long-term plan, and it is not about fighting for this little time.

  In the early days, these people didn't need to squeeze too much. There were too few people and they couldn't squeeze many hours. Of course, if there were more people, it was another matter.


   The big tent on the open space is shared by others, while the small tent is for Xia Duo single use.

   entered the camp, there was nothing but two simple wooden boxes inside, but the ground was covered with a layer of wooden boards.

   Two wooden boxes are put together, and then a blanket is placed on it, and it is a bed. After Xia Duo makes the bed, he summons a ball of light, while gnawing bread while studying spell notes.

   Not long after, I heard Gibb call him outside the curtain at the door, "My lord, can I come in?"

   Xia Duo didn't think too much, and said casually, "Come in."

   Upon receiving the order, Gibb opened the curtain and ran over, "My lord, this is what I prepared for my lord."

   said, he handed over what was in his hand.

   "Where did the barbecue come from?"

   Xia Duo frowned when he looked at the dark thing Gib had sent with his dagger.

   There is indeed meat in the supplies, but it is made of dried bacon, which can be used to cook soup or chew, but this has nothing to do with barbecue.

   seemed to prove that he did not leave the job without permission. Gibb quickly explained, "A stupid rabbit hit my leg in the afternoon and grabbed it."

   Such a coincidence? Xia Duo was a little skeptical, but didn't delve into it. He believed that Gibb still distinguished the importance, but he firmly refused the black barbecue:

   "You took this roasted hare to share with others."

"grown ups!"

   "Needless to say, take it back and give it to others, don't forget Simon's team."

   "This—" Gibb hesitated, and left with the barbecue.

   Then Gibb's voice rang out of the camp, "My lord ordered me to distribute the barbecue to everyone!"

   followed by a burst of cheers, "Thank you Lord Lord!"

   In the camp, Xia Duo shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't know how genuinely there was in it, but only from the surface, the situation was very good.


On the second day, Xia Duo arranged for Simon and others to start from the temporary camp and continue to expand outward, while Gibb and others were still on temporarily before the arrival of the second batch of people, they will all serve as a cordon And exist.

   patrol day and night to prepare for unhealed.

   Please arrange the temporary camp. Xia Duo went to treasure hunt alone like yesterday afternoon, and there was no search for nearly half of the treasure spot on the map!

   Following the path opened yesterday, Xia Duo moved forward a lot faster.

   From the temporary camp to the "treasure", it was a little more than a mile, and Xia Duo didn't stop all the way, and soon arrived here.

   And all he has to do is follow the location of the traces left by yesterday and continue searching.

   Xia Duo looked at it tree by tree. The traces he left were very obvious, and he couldn't find it. He quickly found the progress of yesterday.

   But he soon discovered the abnormality.

  Question: How to ensure that every tree, every piece of turf, every stone is searched without missing?

   It is natural to have a plan. The easiest way is to look like a chess board, one by one, and eventually it will search all places.

   Chateau did just that, simple and crude, but effective.

  The traces he left yesterday will definitely be in a straight line, and there will be no omissions, but here comes the problem——

   Xia Duo found that there was no trace of him in the "one grid", but it existed on both sides, as if Xia Duo had been drinking high yesterday, and only missed this "frame".

How can this be! I want to talk about "Lord of Arcane" with more like-minded people,