Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 236: Q&A, invitation

The first thing I did when I returned to the Mage Tower was naturally to see the instructor. After more than ten days, I saw Niya again in the study on the top floor of the Tower of Time.

But Lord Epps was nowhere to be seen. Xia Duo had just returned and didn't know much about the Mage Tower, but it seemed that Niya had really taken over the territory.

"Tutor." Xia Duo respectfully met.

"Well, find a place to sit by yourself, I have something to deal with here." Niya continued to focus on the paperwork on the desk without raising her head.

Xia Duo looked around, and there was only a place to sit on the left side of the window. He was not welcome, and just sat on the elven-style chair that was very valuable.

There is a backrest and a cushion, which fits his back perfectly. Sitting on it, there is a feeling of being in the clouds. Suddenly, Xia Duo realized that he really treated himself too badly after traveling for so long.

Counting down, his only thing related to comfort turned out to be a mithril pen, and it was a gift for buying magic scrolls.

Of course [Summon Mount] is also very comfortable to sit on, but it is after all a mobility spell.

If the price of setting foot on the peak of magic is to treat himself harshly and not enjoy it for a lifetime, then he would rather never touch the peak for a lifetime.

The most direct purpose of his learning magic is to make his life better. Truths and mysteries are all imaginary.

Perhaps in the future he will embark on the path of pursuing truth, mystery, or whatever, but that is the need for self-realization in the so-called hierarchy of needs theory.

And now—just like the idea of ​​a free kingdom in Xia Duoxiang, the initial stage of consciousness is always limited!


While waiting for Niya to finish the affairs at hand, Xia Duo turned out her notes, sorted out and reviewed all the doubts that had occurred in the past ten days, and also watched Niya carefully.

Perhaps it was because Niya had begun to take over the territory. Niya's original delicate and soft face was now a bit sharper, and her short black hair was **** at this moment.

If she deliberately ignores the robe on her body, then Niya looks like an urban capable white-collar worker, her youthfulness faded and she felt a little more mature.

Chateau couldn't help comparing Niya and Mrs. Patty. Mrs. Patty was slightly older in terms of her age, and Niya was more beautiful in terms of appearance.

As for temperament, Xia Duo felt that Mrs. Patty might be better. Perhaps the confidence derived from magical power was not as good as Niya, but the spiritual will inside it was exceptionally firm.

But Nia is still growing, and Mrs. Patty may be just like that.

Dreaming about what Niya would look like in the future, Xia Duo was awakened by a sudden "click". When she looked up, Niya was pressing her desk and staring at him!

Xia Duo got up quickly, "Tutor."

"Sit down and ask if you have any questions. I have an important experiment to do later, or I will have to wait for tomorrow."

It seemed that Niya didn't notice his strangeness, Xia Duo breathed a sigh of relief and began to ask questions.

He believed in an important experiment that Niya said. After all, any mage has a limited number of spells per day. If it is not used, it will be wasted.

Many instructors choose to squeeze apprentices and use apprentices instead of casting spells. For the time being, Niya does not have such a tendency, and Xia Duo is very thankful.

The two asked and answered, and occasionally there was some support. Time quickly passed in this highly concentrated teaching. It was not until Taring reminded that Xia Duo realized that it was already night.

"Tutor, I will come over for advice tomorrow."

"Yeah." Niya waved her hand, Ren Xiaduo left, and after a while she got up and left.


Back to his residence in the Mage Tower, Xia Duo looked around. After leaving for more than ten days, there was almost no change in the state inside.

The position of the water cup that he left on the desk when he left, and the wool fibers caught in the box, are still in their original positions. I stretched out a finger and dragged it on the table. Looking at it again, there was a fine dust on my finger.

Niya wants to conduct magic experiments, and Xia Duo wants to do it. Many of the ideas accumulated before need to be verified one by one. There is no magic laboratory in the wild, so he dare not do it at will.

With the deeper the number of layers of the magic net, the deeper the backlash after the spell fails. The higher the level, the more you need a spell laboratory that can calm the magic net.

The spells that Xia Duo is currently experimenting with are all at the 2nd level. Some are well thought out and are indeed necessary for experimentation, and some are simply to satisfy their curiosity and see what happens when doing so.

The former may be tried cautiously outside, but the latter, if there is no spell laboratory, is really looking for death by himself.


The next day, Xia Duo came to the material claim office and disposed of the dozen or so scrolls that had been brought into the lock, only to exchange for 100 gold coins.

Fortunately, it's just a consumable that can be produced by ourselves, such as the magic scroll. If the focus ring is damaged, there will be no place to cry. I don't know if the Epps Lord Pack does not include repairs~

Leaving the material application office, Xia Duo returned to the library, where she was charging while waiting for Niya's call.

Soon, Xia Duo received Taring's reminder that Niya was free.

However, even if it was free, it was still the same as yesterday. First, she waited for a while before answering questions, but after answering questions, Niya kept Xia Duo and talked about another matter.

At first, Niya was a little bit After a long time, she said, "Can you accompany me to the Austrian Law Federation next month?"

Austrian French Federation? Xia Duo didn't react for a while, but seeing Niya's expectant and dodging eyes, he immediately thought of-[Color Resistance Scroll].

Xia Duo was very emotional, but after all, it was a deal you wished. He didn't prepare and didn't have the ability to go back. He immediately responded: "This month is coming to an end. I will accompany my tutor next time I come over!"

"Well, thank you." Niya whispered, and immediately after the topic changed, she asked Xia Duo, "How is your development plan going? Do you need help?"

"It's going well. If you need help from a mentor, I will definitely say it."

In fact, Xia Duo didn't want to ask for anything from Niya. If he asked too much, there would be less favor. He was more willing to get some hidden benefits, such as answering his questions more carefully and reminding him at critical moments.

Asking for benefits directly is a bit inferior. It's better to manage your personal relationship, which is much better than just picking up personnel and materials.


Leaving the lord's study, Xia Duo did not return to his residence. Instead, he left the Mage Tower overnight and went to the Leaton Chamber of Commerce to inquire about the supplies on the "Lucky Owen".

Today, this whole day, and half a day yesterday is the loading time. In addition to taking Xia Duo back, this trip is more important to supplement tools.

Now there are nearly a hundred people on Daxia Ling, who need a lot of tools, especially the [Long Saw] that Xia Duo emphasized.

After all, there are few shrubs in the forest, and most of them are trees. Moreover, the undeveloped virgin forest is full of trees and leaves. Many trees have been growing for many years. It is too inefficient to clean with only axes and machete!

[Long saw] is not cheap, and even requires special customization.