Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 246: Astral projection

"Not yet?" Xia Duo whispered.

Abbock frowned. "What's the matter?"

"Uncle Ebbock, let me talk about it. Although Chateau is a trailblazer and has access to [Color Resistance Scrolls], he is not yet a member of the Austrian Law Federation and cannot call Taring to transfer permissions."

After listening to Niya's explanation, Abbock's brows deepened. He knew what it means to be members of the Austrian Law Federation. At least they were all mid-level mages. Although Chateau seemed to be close, it was uncertain how long it would take!

The pioneers in the past were at least the Archmage, and these people had been members of the Austrian Law Association for a long time.

Besides, the most recent pioneer is the Great Arcanist Saville. At that time, [Color Resistance Scroll] was not hidden and tucked like it is now. Basically, everyone can watch it, but there are too many people who watch it and need to line up. .

The Austrian Law Federation even announced that even an ordinary person can see the [Color Resistance Scroll] as long as they can go to the Austrian Law Federation headquarters.

Only seventy years ago, after a set of [Color Resistant Scrolls] was stolen by the elves, the remaining set had various restrictions.

Seeing that Abbock and Niya stopped talking, Chateau couldn't help but ask: "Tutor, Master Abbock, now I'm going to apply to join the Austrian French Federation?"

"To apply to join the Austrian Law Federation, you must be recommended by a high-level mage, and I must also be an intermediate mage. Uncle Ebbock is recommended, but you—"

Niya didn't say the next thing, but the meaning was very obvious. Xia Duo was not an intermediate mage yet, and could not become a member of the Austrian Law Federation.

And Xia Duo was worried about the variables in the pioneering territory, and he still wanted to go to the projection plane to see, so he said: "The pioneer should be something special, right?"

"Huh?" Niya's eyes lit up, "Uncle Ebbock, let's try it!"

"It's okay, it's okay to try."

Ebbock also thought that it was not just Xia Duo who won the title of Trailblazer this time, but a group of people, with high and low strengths, strong and weak backgrounds.

[Color-resistant scroll] Although it is good, it is not necessarily an urgently needed item for the pioneers. It is not impossible that there will be transactions. So in order to facilitate the transaction, the Austrian Law Federation may provide some convenience.


Sure enough, as Xia Duo expected, the Trail Blazers do have a certain speciality. They just joined the Austrian Law Federation as a Level 2 member, and Ebbock was only a Level 3 member before.

But this time Abbock updated his own new information-advanced to become an arcanist, so he became a member of the 4th level of the Arcanist Federation.

And once you reach level 4, you don't need to pay membership fees. The higher the level below level 4, the higher the membership fee. The membership fee for level 3 is 100 gold coins per month, and the membership fee for level 2 is 50 gold coins per month.

Niya's level 1 members need to pay 10 gold coins every month.

This time, Niya paid Xia's membership dues for one more year and also deposited 400 gold coins in advance. These 400 gold coins can be used to renew membership after one year, and can also be used to pay for some services of the Austrian Law Federation.

Such as library reading, purchasing magic items, publishing tasks, etc.

"Rich lady!" Xia Duo shouted in his heart.

If it were him, he would definitely not pay a one-year membership fee at once, only renew it when necessary.

It can be said that for Niya, who stays in remote areas all year round and has a mage tower in her own house, she will not visit the Austrian Law Federation several times a year.

Paying annually is a waste!

As for the fact that the Austrian law federation will lead the branch to Saville, Saville does not have such strength.

There are also branches of the Austrian Law Federation only in the territories of some great Arcanists. The Savile leader is the only wizards' union. Joining not only does not charge membership fees, but even pays.

Are the two comparable?


"Taling, transfer the reading permission of [Color Resistance Scroll] under my name to Level 1 member Niya."

"Area error, please operate in the designated area."

"..." Xia Duo sighed, this thing is really twists and turns!

"Tutor, it seems that we still need to go to the library, and it happens that [Color Resistance Scroll] is also in the library."

So the three of them came to the library again, Xia Duo and Niya entered the previous office and transferred the authority inside. During the period, the old mage opened his eyes and squinted again.

After transferring the permissions, the three came to the secret room of the library.

At the door, Ebbock reminded: "Niya, just look at the first group, you know?"

"Well, I remember."

After speaking, Niya walked straight to the door, and her body went into the door little by little until she disappeared.

It's not the door that opens, but you walk into the door, which is really abnormal!

"This—" Xia Duo was quite surprised, he looked at Abbock, "Master Abbock, what is going on?"

"The secret room is in a hidden semi-plane." Abbock only explained this sentence and was about to leave. "Well, Niya needs to stay in it all day. Come to the Plane Exploration Department with me. Right."


Although Chateau didn't know why he used this method to enter the demiplane, it was clear that plane travel was more interesting to him.

After leaving the library, Chateau followed Abbock through a short-distance portal into a wide hall, but there were not many people, and a bright ball of light was suspended above the center of the hall.

Several beams of light fall from the ball of light from time to time, and every time it covers a person, it is retracted every few seconds, and the face of the person who is illuminated by the beam of light will always change drastically.

This is plane travel?

Xia Duo looked around curiously, he thought there would be some high-end equipment, and then let people sit in! Unexpectedly, it was just a ball of light, a beam of light shone, and it was done in a few seconds!

"Since you are already a member of the Austrian Law Federation, apply for it yourself.” Ebbock suddenly handed over a dark blue spar and said, "Bring the Austrian energy crystal to the Austrian Law Federation badge and apply for a projection position. Just explore Xia Duo took the Ao Neng Crystal. It was very light and had almost no weight, but he could clearly feel that there was quite a lot of pure energy in it.


Thoughtfully, Xia Duo took out the president of the Austrian Law Federation he had obtained before, put the Austrian energy close to the badge, put it in his arms, and walked under the light ball.

"Taling, apply to explore the projection plane."

"Recorded, permission confirmed, Level 2 member Chateau, Astral Projection is about to begin, please stay focused. 3, 2, 1, open—"

The voice behind Xia Duo could not be heard anymore, he felt his consciousness suddenly sucked into the ball of light above his head.

There was a pause first, and then a rapid leap, like the jump flight in a sci-fi movie, except that the spaceship in the movie jumped, and at this moment, Xia Duo jumped into his consciousness!

On the earth, consciousness is usually described as the reflection of the human mind on the objective material world, which is the sum of various psychological processes such as feelings and thinking.

In other words, consciousness is only a metaphysical concept, not a specific thing.

But in the magical world, Xia Duo felt for the first time the trueness of consciousness and the trueness of soul.

At this moment, his consciousness was like a stretched noodle, which was continuously stretched during the transition, until a silver void appeared in front of him.

Magnificent and expansive.

But then, the silver void disappeared. In a daze, Xia Duo suddenly felt that someone was pushing him:

"Athos, wake up! Assos, the instructor is here!"


Somehow, Xia Duo was stunned, and the scene in front of him gradually became clear, and various senses gradually recovered, and then he saw the instructor standing in front of him with a dark face!