Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 262: Langas Hound

In the past three days, he only found one fine gold knife, which was even smaller than the one he found before, and nothing else!

He knew that his search would definitely miss something, but it wouldn't take three days to find a knife!

In order to be able to find more things in these three days, Xia Duo also selected a few places that he thought might have treasures, and did not search in order according to the "grid method".

Did you just choose the "empty box"? Or is the "prize" itself barren?

Xia Duo can continue to verify, but in fact there is not much necessary, because the "Lucky Owen" will be over tomorrow, and the elemental aura on the "Water Elemental Road" outside of the mystery is indeed getting heavier these days.

Although it has not caused any obvious changes in the plants on the "Water Elemental Road", but-

He has decided that this time he will report the ruins to Niya when he returns to the Tower of Time!

Finally, he glanced at the ruins that were not searched for most of the area. Xia Duo ran to the periphery of the ruins without looking back, crossing the boundary between decaying, decay, and luxuriant vitality.

The space transitioned smoothly beyond the locks. Xia Duo kept walking and ran to the landing point camp, where the future Linshui Village was located.


Two days later, the "Lucky Owen" put down its springboard at the landing site, and more than a dozen strong crew members began to move down supplies, mainly food and tools.

Xia Duo was a little disappointed when he didn't see the staff adding, but he asked as usual: "Captain Owen, how much supplies have you shipped this time?"

"My lord, there are 20,000 pounds of flour, 20 pounds of salt, 50 shovels, 20 long saws, and 3 boxes of various insect repellent, animal repellent, detoxification, and healing medicines."

Old Owen took out a list, read it out first, and then handed it to Chateau, "My lord, the Yarman steward of the Leighton Chamber of Commerce said that the materials in it are priced at 1,000 gold coins. Old Owen personally counted it. There is no problem."

"Yeah." Xia Duo took the list, glanced at it roughly, and put it into the portable space. The cooperation between him and the Leighton Chamber of Commerce is basically based on his credit, or morality.

If Xia repents and is unwilling to pay with magic items in the future, or simply unloads the mill to kill the donkey, the other party has no way.

Of course, even without considering the constraints of the sacred contract, Xia Duo will not go back, he still has the basic bottom line, and he also believes that the Liaton Chamber of Commerce dare not fool him.

However, old Owen's positive attitude has improved Xia Duo's affection for him, and it is not in vain that Xia Duo named his only cargo ship "Lucky Owen".

Thinking of this, Chateau's tone became closer again, "Captain Owen, how is the development of the Savile leader recently?"

The last time he went to the Tower of Time, he first went to the Austrian Law Federation, and after returning, he indulged in spell research, and he didn't even chat with Yarman.

In addition, Chardonnay has been in the projection plane for more than a year, which has exceeded the time he spent in the Savile leader. His impression of the Savile leader's pioneering experience has been a little vague, and he does not know how far it is going there.

"My lord, the development progress of Savile is amazing. When I came, I heard that a large area of ​​land had been leveled there, and I was planning to plant wheat in autumn!"

Then, Old Owen brought out some large and small incidents that had happened recently in Savile, such as the mage killing the violent bear, the wild wolf attacking the pioneering leader, the lord rewarding the meritorious, and so on.

Old Owen had been sailing all his life and had good eloquence, and Chateau sounded very interesting, and the two chatted on the bank of the river.

Suddenly, Xia Duo heard a few low roars from a boat not far away, and he immediately asked, "Captain Owen, what else is on the boat? Why do I hear animals calling!"

"Oh, damn, I'm so confused, I almost forgot about them!" Old Owen patted his head sharply, and apologized to Xia Duo constantly.

"Okay, what's on board?" Xia Duo asked again.

"My lord, on the boat are three Langars hounds that Mrs. Patty asked me to bring you." Old Owen said quickly.


"Yes, my lord, those are three strong young men who are very good at hunting and housekeeping! It is a pity that only the gang of Langas know how to train such an excellent hunting dog!"

Old Owen looked sorry, and Xia Duo was also a little annoyed. His hometown has thousands of years of dog-raising history. He should have thought of it, how nice it would be to get some dogs to visit the nursing home!

And now Mrs. Patty is sending him the hound? The first thing Xia Duo thought of was—how much?

However, Chateau did not ask so bluntly after all, "Captain Owen, does Mrs. Patty have anything to bring you over?"

"Yes, Mr. Yarman conveyed it. He said that these three Langas hounds were purchased by Mrs. Patty from the mainland and given to the adults to use for territory development."


If this dog collects money, Xia Duo will feel If he doesn't collect money, he will be a little bit worried about gains and losses, human debt!

He even hoped that everything could be clearly priced, but that was just an illusion. Whenever there is human interaction, there will be human affection. Xia Duo just instinctively didn't want to owe others anything.

But Xia Duo was not an instinctive creature, and under rational consideration, he accepted it calmly.

There is no hidden advantage of sending it to your door, there is no reason not to. In the higher level of thinking, maintaining a certain amount of human relations is also beneficial to oneself.

No one likes people who are overly greedy or overly indifferent, and Xia Duo is no exception. It's like even the bad guys want more good people in the world.

"Go back and thank Mrs. Patty for me. Next time I have the opportunity, I will thank her in person."

Seeing that the supplies were about to be completely unloaded, Xia Duo waved his hand and called to Old Owen, "Go, go and see how good this Langars Hound you said is!"

"My lord, I promise they won't let you down!"


In the cabin of the "Lucky Owen", a thin man sat quietly leaning on the beam, only occasionally gently stroking the back of the big gray dog ​​beside him, comforting them who were not suitable for the ship.

There were sadness, resentment, and dissatisfaction in the man's eyes, but in the end they all turned into deep loneliness. He was waiting for his master to arrive.

Since being expelled by the tribe, for many years, he has been tossed in the territory of Nether, bent on finding a powerful master master, one who can take him back to the tribe and prove his worth to the elders!

If he can't get the approval of the elders before his death, then his soul will not get the final peace.

It's just that in Netheril for so long, he has never encountered a master who is strong enough and willing to prove for him.