Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 286: Downgrade procedure

Epps closed his eyes, thinking about the various connections of this series of events in his mind, and clarified the direction for the next coping.

First of all, the Stardew Scepter, perhaps the crystal of the plane, can no longer be handed over. The establishment of the guiding beacon has been so long, and now it is hard to establish, it cannot be easily given up.

As long as the grandfather returns, everything can be settled.

He forced himself not to think about the possibility that his grandfather might have died in a different plane. He believed that since his grandfather left a guiding message, he would definitely be able to predict the current situation. Perhaps this was the test his grandfather had put on him.

Opening his eyes again, Epps has already decided, "Taling, suspend all non-essential functions and start the highest-level emergency response plan."

In the deeper link with Taring, Epps judged all the functions of the Mage Tower one by one, and chose the most suitable response procedure for the current situation.

At the same time, wherever there are people in the mage tower, the voice of the tower spirit sounded--

"Alarm, the Tower of Time is about to enter a wartime state. To avoid accidents, all members immediately stopped their work and returned to their respective residences."

"The Arcane Garden is closed--

"The public level is closed...

"The library is closed--"


Hearing the alarm, Xia Duo, who was experimenting with [Floating Technique] in the spell laboratory, was immediately shocked, but he knew that the lord was locked in "archaeology"!

Did you encounter an elf during the archaeological process? Then he was hit by the elf again?

Xia Duo had to think this way. If there was anything near Savile that could threaten the Tower of Time, perhaps only the mysterious elf mage in the forest.

But do the elves really dare to attack the mage tower on human territory?

He was very suspicious, but Taling's alarm cannot be faked. At this moment, the Tower of Time must have encountered an enemy, but what Xia Duo did not expect is that the Tower of Time is no longer in its original position!

But in the ruins of lost locks!

Soon, not long after the alarm sounded, the balance field that was sorted out and smoothed out the fluctuations of the magic net in the spell laboratory disappeared.

Xia Duo had to suspend the highly dangerous overall experiment and switch to a relatively safe element experiment. Even if there was an alarm, he did not panic at all.

When the sky falls, sometimes the tower is on top. He will continue to do what he should do, but he is a little worried that Lord Epps may ask him to settle accounts afterwards.

As for the enemy or something, he didn't care about it. He wanted to attack a full-featured mage tower with almost no less difficulty than a single soldier rushing into the fortress.

He found a comfortable position on the chair with great peace of mind, and continued to study spells.


It's really not easy to attack the Mage Tower, but if you have the assistance of the lock, the difficulty will drop a lot!

At the core of the Planar Exploration Array, Epps listened to the Taling's constant reports without expression on his face, where the Mage Tower was damaged and restricted.

His emotions didn't fluctuate at all. At this moment, he already knew who came outside—a high elf wizard.

Or to be more precise, an advanced mage soul who has controlled the lost!

This made him feel pressure, but it was only that, as long as it lasted past it was the dawn, and he believed that it would not be costless for the opponent to occupy the lock.

"Master, the seventh floor of the magic net is being isolated! The wind element pool is damaged!"

"Follow the plan to proceed with the downgrade procedure! Speed ​​it up a little bit!"

"Master, the current degrading speed has reached its limit, and no matter how fast it will cause the loss of elements, it will cause irreversible damage to the Tower of Time!"

"Speed ​​up! As long as you survive this time, there will be time to repair in the future!" Epps said calmly.

He is very clear about the other party's methods, or that as long as the mage tower designed by the great arcanist has a similar plan, he just needs to follow it.

The elves really have a better understanding of the nature of the magic net than the Nishite mage, and the Nishite people are not as good as them in the depth of the magic net.

But in the basic field, the Netherite only needs the first layer of magic net to produce an effect equivalent to the eleventh layer of magic net.

This is the principle of the downgrade procedure. If there is no downgrade procedure, any mage tower will not be able to escape the fate of a pile of rubble as long as it faces a certain layer of magic net from the elves.

However, through the downgrade procedure, the Mage Tower's reliance on the magic net is extremely small, and it only needs the existence of the first layer of the magic net to retain most of its abilities.

The downgrade procedure is also the most expensive and most cumbersome item in the construction process of the Mage Tower, in addition to the plane crystallization!

At present, the Tower of Time has been downgraded to the 6th level, and the progress of the isolation of the external magic net has reached the seventh Epps does not believe that the other party can be isolated to the first level.

If the first layer of magic net is also isolated, then the basis for the existence of the mystery lock does not exist.

And if the Misuo does not exist, how can the magic net be quarantined!

As long as you downgrade to a shallower magic net before the opponent isolates a certain layer of magic net, you can ignore this method of the other party!

And even if the first layer of the magic net is isolated, the body of the Tower of Time still has a stone shell as the final barrier. Why should the opponent lose its magical power to break it!


"Master, the seventh layer of the magic net has been completely isolated. During the accelerated demotion, the alchemy circle where the members of the Tower of Time is damaged, and the alchemy circle of the public level is damaged."


Epps sighed and adjusted his order, "Prioritize protecting the residences of the members of the Tower of Time!"

The residence provided by the Tower of Time for the official mage does not include the alchemy circle. Those are all purchased by the official mage, and there is no downgrading procedure for the mage tower.

In the process of the overall downgrade of the Tower of Time, those additional magic circles will inevitably be damaged. Fortunately, all the losses are still within the acceptable range of Epps.

At this moment, Taling suddenly reminded: "Master, the magic net isolation has stopped!"

When Epps heard it, he knew that the real contest was coming! Although he doesn't know what form the next attack will come, but he is fearless!


At this moment, the Mage Luoren outside is close to the limit. Although he can continue to isolate the sixth layer of the magic web, it cannot play a decisive role.

Just in the process of isolating the magic net, he was constantly testing the ability of this mage tower, and it didn't feel good. This was a mage tower designed by a great arcanist.

Fortunately, there is no great arcanist in it, otherwise he is really powerless.