Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 312: 1st follower

   "My lord, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce sent someone to ask the priest Gordon to perform [prophecy] to determine the location of the murderer of their president. However, they don't seem to be satisfied with the result and want to ask the adults to take action."

   At this point, the young deacon quickly raised his head and glanced at Bishop Ambriel sitting behind the desk, and then quickly lowered his head.

  Ambriel saw all the small movements of young people with low hands, but did not take it to heart. Instead, he asked with interest about the results of Gordon’s [Prophecy]:

   "Oh? What did Gordon say?"

   "Master Gordon’s reminder was'South of the river, below the clear wave', but the people in the Eagle Chamber of Commerce believed that the murderer was still hiding in the town. It seemed, it seemed—"

After   , the young man said nothing.

   And Ambrill was very clear in his heart, not as if, but the other party directly began to suspect that Saville had protected the murderer.

   The fact is that the temple is already cooperating with the authorities to carry out martial law and raids. As for the Tower of Time, Niya had already notified him in advance that the Tower of Time needed repair.

   However, for the Eagle Chamber of Commerce's judgment that the murderer is still in town, Ambrill also agrees.

   After the murder, because a mage died, the members of the Tower of Time did not participate in the search because they needed to return to the Tower of Time for restoration work, but they also clearly requested that the murderer be caught as soon as possible, and they also helped to seal the town.

After   , everyone who came to the town to participate in the celebrations had been carefully checked and distinguished when they left the town, and it was confirmed that the murderer had not left.

   For a while, Ambrill was also a little curious about where the murderer went, but he would not just use the grace of God just to satisfy his curiosity.

   Looking at the young deacon who was still a little nervous in front of him, Ambrill couldn't help but think of his youth when the old lord was still there!


Thinking of the old lord and the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, Umbrill couldn't help sighing silently, "Tell the people of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce that I am going through an important ceremony recently and it is not convenient to perform [Prophecy]. In addition, let the Priest Cyrus come over. "

   "Yes, my lord."

   After speaking, the young deacon walked out silently.

   In the room, Ambrel was left staring at the beam of light that the Lord of Radiance cast into the study from the east window, and said nothing for a long time. It wasn't until a series of rushing but undisturbed footsteps came that he recovered and looked at the doorway.


  Port warehouse.

   Gibb had already regained consciousness. At this moment, he was looking nervously watching Chateau lift the curse. Although he couldn't understand magic or something, from Aiva's reaction to the outside world, the situation was developing for the better.


   After untying and smoothing all the strings of the magic net involved in the last set of curse elements, Xia Duo sighed with relief. This work to remove the curse is much more difficult than using the [Flying Technique]!

  Although they are only curse remnants, those elements still have considerable "liveness", unlocking one group, and automatically generating another group.

   If it weren't for Xia Duo's mastery of the principles of magic, it would be a curse for this.

   personally "dissecting" the gains from a curse is almost as good as learning two new spells, and even some principles contained in curse magic are more valuable for research.

   After releasing the curse, Chateau gave a don’t disturb gesture, and immediately took out notes from the portable space, squatted down, used his knees as support, and recorded it——


  Cursed magic practice record: //Use your own secret text to record

  Factor cycle example:

   Chain trigger example:

   Related element records:


  Pending verification: 1, 2, 3,...



   After writing the last stroke, Chateau looked up and saw Leiden, Yarman, Gibb, and Aiwa on the side. They were facing each other without squinting.

   Xia Duo thought this scene was a bit funny, the mage's notes were not so easy to understand, but he used arcane geometry to record the various combinations and changes of the strings of the magic net. Due to time reasons, he did not encrypt and transform.

  So, it is really knowledge that can be directly obtained by people.

   "Okay!" Xia Duo stood up and looked at a few people. Finally, his eyes stopped on Aiwa, "Aiva, how are you awake?"

   "Thanks to Master Xia Duo for saving me in the dark!" Aiwa knelt down on one knee and swears solemnly, "From now on, the command of the Lord is the meaning of Aiwa's existence!"

   In the previous cursed coma, Aiva did not lose his perception of the outside world, but was unable to give feedback. He heard Gibb begging for Chateau, and even willing to pay all the price to ask Chateau to save him.

   After killing Axel, Aiva's heart, which was almost hollowed out by hatred, has lost his goal, and the only thing that makes him feel uneasy is Gibb.

  He would rather give everything to Chateau instead of Gibb!

   And Xia Duo was also a little dazed by the sudden allegiance, but this was exactly what he wanted, even more.

   Originally, he just wanted to recruit Aiva, similar to long-term employment, but he suddenly said that his own order is the meaning of his existence.

   What a shame!

   However, Xia Duo quickly agreed, "Aiva, from now on, you will be my first follower. I hope you will live up to your vows today."

   He didn't regard Aiva as a tool man who used and discarded, but gave him a follower status.

  At this time In order to protect the interests of the lord, Leiden jumped out again, "My lord, let my lord witness all this!"

   Xia Duo hadn't spoken yet, and Aiva, who was still kneeling, had already spoken, "The Lord of Radiance is here, please witness for me!"

   "Justice is in the middle, and the glory is infinite."

   Leiden said a prayer, summoning a pure white light group, and then quickly spread, covering all the four people around.

   This is not the first time that Xia Duo has seen the clergy of the Lord of Radiance witness the contract.

   When he was still on the earth, he often heard the saying that "there is no loyalty, but the bargaining chip for betrayal is not enough". In Naiser, even the sacred contract witnessed by the Lord of Radiance is not necessarily guaranteed to be absolutely reliable.

   It's just that this still doesn't affect its status in the minds of Naiser.

   Even Xia Duo was in awe. Under the cover of the orderly and ruthless will, he kept his mind and didn't want to think of anything that he shouldn't.

   "The Lord of Radiance witnessed that I would like to be a sharp blade in the hands of Lord Xia Duo, but I have a life and do everything. Lord Xia Duo's command is the meaning of my existence."

   Xia Duo simply said, "I accept."

   Then, the will of the Lord of Radiance left, Xia Duo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but glared at Leiden and cursed secretly, troublesome!

   Every time I experience this scene of being watched by an infinitely high and powerful will, Xia Duo is very worried that he will be slapped to death by the slap falling from the sky.

   Even if Xia Duo knows that the Lord of Radiance never interferes with mortals easily, the feeling that he deeply understands his own weakness is still very uncomfortable.