Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 350: Fate

And just after the Egbard Arcanist contacted him, Taring went to Xia Duo again. This sudden mechanical sound made Xia Duo's just-beginning round of focused training fail on the spot.

"Xia Duo, the master has returned, please meet in the study!"

Niya is back? Xia Duo counted the days, and Niya had been to Seventon for almost half a month, but Niya hadn't mentioned when she would be back before. She came back suddenly and caught people off guard.

I don't know how Niya reacted to what he did during this time.

However, Niya's return did not actually have much impact on Xia Duo. What he should do, still continue to do; what can't be done, will not suddenly become able to do Niya when she comes back.

Just as Niya was thinking about something to do with him, Ta Ling urged again, which made Xia Duo a little annoyed, and sent a message over.

Then he came to Leiden to explain his arrangements after he left, especially if he could not return in two or three days, then Leiden was required to contact the Egbold Arcanist to coordinate the cleanup project of the elemental passage.

The clergy of the Lord of Radiance, even arcanists cannot ignore them.

Later, Xia Duo contacted Taring and guided the teleportation back to the Tower of Time.


The Tower of Time, Niya Study Room.

When Xia Duo arrived at the door, he happened to hear Niya saying that the restoration of the Tower of Time could be slowed down. He was a little puzzled, but it was not the time to ask. Abbock and Cecily were also there. The three seemed to be working before. What to discuss.

When he entered the study, Niya's gaze was also cast over, "Xia Duo, I am sorry to find you in such a hurry, but I don't have much time, let's sit down, let me talk about a few things."

There is not much time, what is the situation? Confused, Xia Duo randomly found a place to sit down, and then waited for Niya's explanation.

"The first thing, I have already advanced Arcanist, and have officially become a student of Her Royal Highness Princess." At this point, Niya glanced at Xia Duo with a deep look, and then continued.

Xia Duo was a little inexplicable by this look, and continued to listen. It turned out that Niya was not studying for a period of time in Sewenton, but participated in a plane exploration.

The advanced arcanist was also before this, the convenience provided to her by the princess, Xia Duo was already full of envy when he heard this, speaking, the identity of the pioneer should be closer to the princess than Niya.

But unexpectedly, Niya had already hugged Her Royal Highness's thighs tightly before him.


Destiny is really amazing!

But fortunately, he and Niya are now one body. The thighs Niya is holding are equivalent to the thighs he holds. Xia Duo can only comfort herself like this, which is really envious.

He is not even an Arcanist now, and he can't even say not to hold someone else's thigh to make himself a thigh.

Sighing again the mysteriousness of fate, Niya has already begun to talk about the second thing.

"The second thing is that I still have to go to Seventon for a while, and the teacher has arranged a lot of courses for me. During this period-Chardonnay, you still have to act as my substitute, Uncle Eberk, Cecily, you Assist Xia Duo."

Xia Duo nodded, and Abbock and Cecily agreed at the same time, and then Niya talked about the third thing without stopping.

This incident directly caused Xia Duo to stand up from his seat and said in surprise: "What?! Really? The Tower of Time really has a plane exploration circle?"

This is really beyond his expectations. He has never forgotten his last trip to the projection plane. This is only a virtual and unreal projection plane, which can only bring knowledge and experience.

But if it is a real subplane, it represents real resources and real living space.

Even if you don't understand the real market of Netheril, it is like an interstellar exploration on the earth. Once you find a habitable planet, and it can still be easily reached, what a benefit!

Xia Duo had never heard that the Tower of Time had a plane to explore the magic circle, why did it suddenly appear?

Is it because you didn't have a backing before and didn't dare to show it? Or is it the convenience provided by Niya's thigh teacher?

Not only Chateau, but even Abbock was shocked. He could indeed explore the plane through the exploration circle of the Austrian Law Federation, but it cost a lot each time, and it was limited to the projection plane. If it is true In the second dimension, the price is almost sold out.

If the Tower of Time has a plane exploration array, it may be possible to conduct plane exploration at a relatively small cost.

For arcanists, plane exploration can not only harvest resources, but also use different environments of different planes to conduct magic research. For them who want to go deeper into the essence of the magic web, it is undoubtedly a great temptation.

"Niya, is this true?" Abbock asked excitedly, his voice trembling, "Niya, is this true?"

"It's true, the Tower of Time does have a plane to explore the magic circle." Niya's tone was a little depressed. When she thought of her father who had fallen into a sealed state because of plane crystallization, sadness came to her heart.

It is actually because the teacher already knows about the open plane to explore the magic circle, as long as it is not publicized, it is not a big deal to open it in a small area.

"Uncle Ebbock, Cecily, go out first, I have something to say to Chateau."

Abbock suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at Cecily, and walked out.


After the two left, Niya got up from behind the desk and came to the window. The projection was also started at the right time, but this time it was not a real-time projection of the outside world, but a simulation of the environment outside the tower of the past tense.

Even the sound came out. Cheers and shouts seemed to be a celebration in Savile Town in the past years. Niya stared at the lively scene outside the window. At this moment, there was no urgency to urge.

Xia Duo also approached a few steps. He didn't believe that Niya left him alone to whisper to herself, but it was rare for a powerful arcanist to show such a weak side in front of him, and he didn't want to directly Inquiring about the but softly comforting:

"Miss Lord Epps?"

"Well, the teacher said that she couldn't save my father. I knew she was trying to motivate me, but seeing—" Niya didn't say the following words, but Xia Duo understood.

After all, she was still a little girl in her early twenties!

Xia Duo didn't say anything, just stepped forward and looked out the window with her. After a long time, Niya turned off the projection and became a calm spellcaster again.

"All the functions of the Tower of Time are still available, but the energy is insufficient. Even if it is completely repaired, this cannot be changed. The repair plan does not need to be arranged so tightly. However, I still agree with the new financial source, but there is no need to force it. Is the key."

"I see!" Xia Duo nodded and responded.

In fact, the restoration schedule he arranged was already very loose, but I didn't expect Niya to think that it would be more loose, but this also confirmed some of his thoughts after the arrest of Aguilainn.

That is, the Tower of Time is not as badly damaged as he thought before, and the situation is not so critical. If it is critical, it should be an energy crisis.