Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 356: Get away, leave temporarily


The stern voice before gave a low sigh, and then several footsteps sounded, but Xia Duo ignored them at all and just controlled the [Veteran] into the air.

The first sword was cut on the iron chain above the right hand.

At the same time, in Xia Duo's blurred vision, the few figures who had just approached also stabbed them with their swords, and [Mage Armor] was no surprise blocked.

Xia Duo's movement to control the "Flying Sword" to slash the chains continued, but there was already a commotion in the figures opposite him, and he heard someone chanting tremblingly, "Magic, it's magic!"

"It's magic! Only Lord Lord can deal with him, we can't!"

"Yes, let's report to Lord Lord!"

But the harsh voice before did not flinch, "Nord, you go back and report to the lord! Others continue to attack! Magic is not permanent, I want to see if my sword is sharp or his magic is strong! "

After finishing speaking, he shouted to Xia Duo: "Rol, give up resistance, you are now a noble mage, you only need to beg for mercy from Lord Lord, and swear allegiance to him, Lord Lord will accept you!"

How could Chateau be shaken by this! He was not even interested in responding. With the help of magic, he can actually speak now, but it doesn't make much sense.

He just wants to get rid of the shackles as soon as possible, then cultivate his body, and then think about it!


The chain is broken!

However, Xia Duo here was just a projection and did not have the bloodline ability. In addition, he was severely injured, and his weak right hand was dragged down by chains and shackles.

Xia Duo couldn't help letting out a muffled groan when he fell quickly, and then affected the wounds on his body. The positive energy that had been drawn before had little effect, but temporarily stopped the bleeding.

Fei Jian continued to move, Xia Duoqiang endured the pain, turned his body laboriously, lowered his head, and rubbed his right eye with his freed right arm and shoulder.

The world suddenly became clearer!

This is the first time he projected over to see the scene in front of him-

On the wooden platform, in front of him, a few soldiers wearing leather armor surrounded him, constantly stabbing, if it was a ring of [Mage Armor], it would have been penetrated long ago.

But 3rd-level spells are not that easy to penetrate.

And a little further away, under the wooden platform, the civilians who hadn't been moving before were now chaotically running around.

One eye can see clearly, and the efficiency of Feijian suddenly rises, leaving a deep gap with every cut.

Cut again, no matter how deep the gap is, the only thing that makes Xia Duo a little uncomfortable is that every cut will affect the wound, almost no less than the previous two whips.

Thinking of the whip, Xia Duo glanced at him. On the side, the executioner, who had already turned blue and was imprisoned to death, thought to himself, it's cheaper for you!

There was another "click", the chain was cut, and Xia Duo also fell to the ground, which made the soldiers surrounding him lose their target.

But they quickly adjusted their targets and continued to attack. Xia Duo still ignored them. He was covered in blood now, and he was almost painful and uncontrollable. If it weren't for the focus training before, he really doubted whether he could release spells.

Even if it is a stored spell, it takes an instant of concentration to extract it from the magic net.

Although the original [Flying Technique] didn't need to focus on casting spells to maintain it, controlling the flying sword slash also required a certain amount of concentration. Now he endured the pain while controlling the flying sword to liberate himself.

I also worry about when the powerful mage lord in the eyes of "Little Roer" will come, and how can I care about other things!

You can only get rid of the shackles. Whether you are leaving or staying, you can take the initiative!


Time passed bit by bit. Although Xia Duo had ample retreat, he didn't want to waste this precious projection opportunity, and Feijian slashed the metal chain.

Soon, Xia Duo was completely liberated, although his hands and feet were still shackled, but this did not affect his departure.

Once again, I added a 3-level [Mage Armor] to myself, and then blessed myself with the [Flying] status. At this point, Xia Duo's storage spells have all been used up!

(Total number of registered spells = the square of the highest number of spells mastered and multiplied by 2, that is, 3*3*2=18, 6 three-ring spells, including 1 imprisoning orb, 2 flying spells, and 3 mage guards A.)

While the [Blade of Veto] was still in flight, Xia Duo raised his spirits and cast the 1st-level spell [Hidden Fog], and a cloud of mist instantly spread around Xia Duo as the center.

Although it is not possible to completely hide his figure at close range, Xia Duo's purpose is not here, but to create panic and let Feijian wait for an opportunity to dispatch.

He didn't want to keep these people who had been in close contact with him.

In fact, before the fog appeared, these soldiers were already preparing to escape. The sword attacks had been ineffective and their fear had accumulated to the extreme, but due to the captain's order, they had to continue to attack.

As long as the situation changes slightly, the heart of fear can be released and morale can be completely collapsed. This is the case with the emergence of [Hidden Fog Technique], but it is a pity that our escape speed cannot keep up with the speed of Feijian killing.

Xia Duo controlled the flying sword and slashed from their could the flesh and blood be able to withstand the standard longsword of the Elf Sword Singer? The four ordinary soldiers had almost no defense at all, so they were all killed .

Only the captain who had been talking before remained calm, dodges and flees, while blocking [Blade of Veto] with a sword. Seeing this scene, Xia Duo can only sigh silently and withdraw [Of Veto blade】.

Feijian can't last, he doesn't want to lose this magic weapon that is so good at it!

With a movement of consciousness, he was already flying, but there were still unresolved shackles on his hands and feet, which made his flight speed much slower than normal, but it didn't matter, it was already very good to fly.

In mid-air, he saw from a distance a gorgeously dressed middle-aged man, surrounded by a group of soldiers, moving towards the square where he was before.

Xia Duo suddenly became nervous, how strong is the powerful mage in "Little Roer"'s mind? Can you fly over and get him down? Or hit him directly from a distance?

The figure on the ground in the distance turned into a small spot, and the other party did not chase it. It seems that this so-called powerful mage is nothing more than that!

And at this time, Xia Duo also began to seriously consider where he would go next. It was a small town just now, with no mountains around, only the sea in the north. He had a certain understanding of the color-resistant territory, and he immediately judged, that It should be the Narrow Sea.

Maybe this is Seventon?

This is indeed possible, thinking like this, Xia Duo has already fallen towards the forest below, and the [Flight] state is almost over. Once the spells stored in the magic net are used up, they need to be refilled.

Before he returned to cast 3rd-level spells, he couldn't fly anymore.

This is really a headache!