Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 363: Die

Three days later, a ragged knight rushed from the south to the south gate of Kiran Town, but not only he, but also the horses seemed to have reached the limit of physical fitness, the speed was getting slower and slower, and finally the whole person withered with the horses. Suddenly fell down.

He collapsed not far from the south gate of Jilan Town, and then a riot came to mind within the surrounding wall, and one of the voices cursed: "Open the door soon! That is the scout sent to the Southern Forest! Hurry up!"

With a squeak, the heavy wooden door opened, and a figure rushed out first and went straight to the location of the scout. Unfortunately, when he arrived, the scout only left the last sentence--

"Orc, the orc is in Aries Village!"

what? ! The squad leader who rushed out was shocked, and quickly asked the subordinates who came later to help move the body of the scout back, and he ran all the way to the town.


Kiran Town Council Chamber.

The priest of Varisi and Lord Cooper sat side by side at the top, and below were representatives from the villages and towns in the rear, as well as the leader of the Brotherhood of Light, Irwin.

When the others were arguing, Irwin didn’t say anything. From the moment he came here, he was ready to sacrifice. Everything was just to allow the members and supporters of the Brotherhood of Light to be in the sunshine. Walk freely.

As a glorious believer.

At this time, the main issue of the debate in the Chamber is that someone must go to the east to stop the orcs on the plain, so as not to spread out after they hit the town of Kiran and cause more damage.

When going to fight the orcs head-on on the plain, humans have almost no chance of winning. It can be said that these people are sent to die, and they must be willing to die instead of fleeing halfway.

Every village and town will naturally have some elite soldiers who dare to fight to the death, but who is really willing to spend this kind of soldier who is almost a foundation?

Priest Valissi watched the verbal confrontation between Lord Cooper and the representatives of the villages and towns behind, while observing Irwin sitting in the corner from the corner of his vision.

Since the arrival of the blacklisted rebel leader three days ago, he has been quiet and has not resisted his arrangement at all. The Valissi priest even has some doubts about this. Is this an Elvin? Or his stand-in?

When everyone was arguing and the atmosphere had gradually ossified, there was a burst of shouts in the direction of the square not far away-"Southern emergency information, I want to see the priest and the lord, don't get in the way!"

Priest Valissi's mind was not on the debate in the chamber, and he faintly heard someone calling for emergency information from the South, which made him a little nervous.

Several groups of scouts were sent before. Either the person disappeared and the monster did not bring back any news. What news will be this time?

As he was thinking, the voice had become clearer and clearer. Many of the guards at the gate knew him. At this moment, he shouted that there was emergency information, and no one dared to stop him for a while, so he rushed to the chamber.

As soon as he entered the door, the people who were still arguing inside also stopped, and all turned their eyes to the team leader. He swallowed his saliva and was a little nervous. He first glanced at the other people, and then at the priest Valissi. Are you talking, right here?

"Say it!" Priest Valissi asked eagerly.

Anyway, the attack by the orcs is not a secret. Ordinary villagers and townspeople have already withdrawn to the rear. According to the situation, they can cross the river at any time and go to the west bank of the Netheril River to take shelter. At this moment, the town of Kiran is full of combatants or fighting. Personnel related auxiliary staff.

"Yes, my lord."

With permission, the team leader quickly said the last words he had just heard from the scout, "The orcs have arrived in Aries Village!"

After a brush, nearly half of the people in the chamber, including the Valissi priest and the paladin Elvin, all stood up in unison. They were indeed--

Baiyang Village is already the nearest village to the south of Jilan Town!

"Get ready to fight now!" Priest Valissi's sharp eyes swept across everyone in the chamber, "Someone must pass to the east, or you will be the one who is unlucky!"

However, at this time, although other representatives are anxious, who is still willing to take the initiative to speak, whether it is the destruction of farmland, people starving to death, or soldiers killed in battle, in fact, they have little effect on themselves.

On the contrary, the death of soldiers may have a greater impact on them!

It's just that their thoughts cannot be exposed, because most of the soldiers are the sons of farmers, and one of the willingness to dare to fight to the death is that the superiors are willing to stabilize their land assets.

Otherwise, why are you fighting!

And this is exactly the origin of the rule!

The delegates hesitated, but Irwin did not hesitate. This may be his opportunity, so he stepped forward and said to the delegates with a serious expression:

"The Brotherhood of the Holy Light is willing to go to the east of Kiran Town to stop the orcs, but we are far from enough, we need more fighters!"

Several representatives suddenly showed surprised expressions. From the bottom of their hearts, under the current situation, these rebellious sacred powers are best used as aids and have a greater effect.


Priest Valisi glanced at the one wearing the priest’s uniform among the representatives, exchanged glances without a trace, and then said: “Yes, but the soldiers going to the east must be voluntary. You can’t force them, especially you can’t use them. Your sorcery confuses them!"

Hearing words like "force", "witchcraft", and "bewitching" Irvine's breath couldn't help but stagnate. He wanted to refute on the spot, who is "forced" and who is "bewitched" , Who is the "sorcery" again!

But he still remembered his purpose. Arguing alone is meaningless. As long as these glorious apostles always steadfastly practice the vows made by the holy stele, then whether it is prejudice or smear, one day it will disappear in the glory. under.

"I got it!" Irwin responded coldly and left the chamber.

In this regard, the Valissi priests didn't care, and the content of their continued discussions was to continue to send manpower to the east. Of course, this specific timing must be studied carefully.


Outside the chamber, Gal was waiting anxiously. Three days ago, they were formally received by Lord Cooper of Kiran Town. After that, they confirmed that the reconciliation information of King Nether was indeed true, and then returned to notify the leader Irwin.

But what he didn't expect was that Irwin wanted to enter Kiran Town himself, no one could stop him, and Gal could only follow along.

Today’s discussion is the longest in three days. Gal is very worried about whether Irwin will be ambushed inside. When he waits outside, he doesn’t know how to pick up and put down the sword in his hand. How many times!

When he was thinking about rushing in, a familiar figure appeared in his sight——


Gal shouted excitedly, rushed forward, took his arm to look back and forth, and secretly checked Irwin's condition through the Holy Force.

Naturally, this little action of his can't hide from Irwin, but Irwin did not stop him, but the news he heard in it has already been said by his decision.