Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 385: Turn mud into stone, accidents happen

Of course, the real reason is that Xia Duo's demand for bricks is not high. Linshui Village does need bricks for paving and even building houses and walls, but this is different from food, which is not just needed.

When he sees the possibility of technological progress, he will naturally want to get better. It is only a matter of time.

Back at the camp, Xia Duo just took out the notes from the portable space, he suddenly thought that Saville, and even the entire environment of Netheril, actually did not encourage innovation, or did not encourage innovation other than magic.

There is even a faint suppression.

Spellcasters were born from ordinary people, but they looked down on ordinary people. The casters needed ordinary people's labor, but they suppressed the development of ordinary people's normal productivity.

When personal power comes from knowledge, it will inevitably tend to be conservative.

It was difficult for Xia Duo to imagine what Netheril would have developed if there were no foreign enemies. The caster would completely rise to a god, or would he fall into a demon?

Among countless ordinary people, Xia Duo saw the prospect of great development, and also saw the tragic picture of sinking. There were dangers and opportunities in it, depending on how he grasped it.

Suddenly, Xia Duo thought of papermaking again.


Ten days later, Chateau, who was patrolling the territory, suddenly received a call from Egbert that the last step of the elemental passage was about to be completed, and he invited him to visit.

Xia Duo immediately became interested. In fact, the carrier channel of the Elemental Channel had been excavated in the first two days, and even the Yu He workers had already returned to Savile to prepare for the autumn harvest.

The junction of the river channel and the Wolfsburg River was dug only yesterday, and the water from the Wolfburg River was introduced into the channel, creating an artificial river more than one mile long in the forest.

Connecting the Wolfsburg River to the Lost Ruins, Xia Duo named it [Linshui River], which corresponds to Linshui Village.

It's just that Egbald said that it will take two or three days to prepare before finally completing the construction of the elemental channel. Unexpectedly, this is only one day past, and there is good news.

This is indeed good news. Once the elemental passage is completed, the magic net riot in the ruins of the mysterious lock will be alleviated. Correspondingly, the Tower of Time does not need to consume so much energy.

Flying all the way to the junction where Linshui River inserted into the mysterious ruins, Xia Duo found that in addition to the seven arcanists who were already familiar with the river clearing before, there were seven or eight more this time.

It's just that Egbert and others didn't have any good looks for them. They didn't come when they were working. Seeing that the harvest was about to be harvested, they came one by one.

The two sides clearly formed two circles, and Xia Duo didn't wait to see those few, but as a local lord, he couldn't do too much. He greeted him from a distance and came to Eggbird's side.

"How? Is there any trouble?" Xia Duo said concerned.

"Everything goes well, it's just opening an elemental channel. With Wesley and the others, it will be completed soon." Eggbird said with a little excitement.

Since the state of Misuo collapsed is different, and the state of the magic net of the ruins of Misuo finally formed is also different. It is very rare that Daxia collar only needs to build an element channel to alleviate the magic net riot.

Eggbird has only seen a few cases of this situation in the internal library of [The Secret Hand]. He believes that when other people in the organization receive the news here, they will definitely come over.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Xia Duo with emotion. He was really a lucky young man!

In theory, all the magic nets within the ruins of the mysterious lock can be repaired, but in general, when the magic net is completely dead, except for the [Secret Hand], basically no one is willing to repair it.

The reason is very simple. Divine grace is not given according to the difficulty of repairing, but according to the number of repairs. It is too difficult to repair the Deadly Nets. Apart from the true supporters of their goddess, who wants to do these thankless tasks!

And here, the magic net that has eased after the riot is the easiest to repair. It can be foreseen that it will not take many years for the magic net environment to return to normal!

The mage tower left by the arcanist, the easy-to-repair magic net, the crystallization of the arcane, and the divine grace, the core of everything is Daxia Ling, and this young man in front of him.

Eggbird once again lamented Chateau’s good fortune, and then devoted himself to the final work with his companions.


When Chateau came to the riverside, the water of the Linshui River originated from the inverted Wolfsburg River, so after filling up the river, it appeared extraordinarily calm, not at all as lively as the Wolfburg River.

However, along with the three of Egbert from [The Secret Hand] and the four of Wesley who were willing to help, they built an elemental channel at the source of the mysterious ruins in Linshui River.

A large vortex close to the width of the river appeared at the source of the Linshui River. Fortunately, that section of the river and was transformed into stone by a few arcanists, otherwise it might roll up a lot of sand and cause the two banks to collapse.

But now, even though the swirling speed of the vortex was so fast, it hadn't affected the two sides of the strait at all. Xia Duo watched all this with envy in her heart.

[Turning mud into stone] is also in the tower of time, but this spell requires at least 5 levels of spell casting ability, which is not what he can do now!

As for asking these arcanists to make bricks for him, this is impossible without even thinking about Instead, it was Xia Duo himself. If he also had the ability to [turn mud into stone] now, he would not want to do this kind of thing.

Of course, his thoughts may be different from these arcanists. These arcanists may be based on the pride of the caster, but Chateau does not have the pride of the caster. He just thinks that he can’t walk away, he has more important Things to do.

Rather than as a human brick machine.

Maybe there will be a dedicated architect in the future!

Reminiscent of this, Xia Duo felt that all types of jobs on the earth could have a master version. By that day, master might no longer be a separate profession, but would become an academic title similar to college students and high school students.

Maybe that's when the magic civilization really reaches the level of "civilization".



A loud bang interrupted Xia Duo's reverie, and the whirlpool at the source of Linshui River suddenly turned into a spring with more than two people embraced, and the billowing spring water continued to flow up, half a person tall!

"The ratio of water element is far higher than expected, Eggbird, use a backup plan!" Master Olins noticed the abnormality and ordered without hesitation.

And Egbold also understands that the situation is urgent, don't look at the current only such a little spring, but at this time the pressure exit of the entire locked ruin, I don't know what will happen later!

The best result is that the pressure drops sharply, the magic net is in a dead silence, all previous work is wasted, and the worst result is that the magic net riots intensify and the coverage is wider.

The others are not sure, but the [Secret Hand] The three people here cannot escape the consequences of the divine grace. Not to mention the work here is in vain, even the efforts of the previous decades will end there. Dissipated.