Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 388: uninvited guest

Compared with a month ago, the energy reserve of the Tower of Time has not increased significantly, but Xia Duo knows that it is because the Tower of Time returned to normal operation a month ago.

Functional facilities such as the Arcane Garden, Alchemy Stand, and Spell Lab, as well as internal protection, vigilance, and response functions have all been restored.

Basically, it is no different from before the Midsummer Festival. In this way, energy reserves are still rising steadily, which is quite good.

Now, after the consumption of overall protection drops, Xia Duo can do too much. For example, what he wants most is to open a portal connecting the Tower of Time to Linshui Village.

Of course, for the portal or something, you also need to ask Ebbock for help, with the help of the portal (facilities) of the Tower of Time to fix the portal, similar to the one that the Tower of Time connects to the Savile collar.

The only thing he needs to do now is to wait, wait for the influence of the elemental channel to gradually expand, wait for the good news of the Tower of Time, and while waiting, studying magic is the best way to kill time.


Starting from the miniature lake, going west along the Linshui River and walking on the small road stepped by the river workers, Xia Duo's speed was very slow. Seeing the waves on the river rushing westward and continuously over him, Xia Duo suddenly smiled and speeded up a little.

Back in Linshui Village, Chateau found a small flat-bottomed boat parked by the river, not his "Lucky Owen", nor any boat he had seen in Saville.

The ship is red, orange, and yellow. A golden burning sun pattern with faces is painted on the ship's side. A team of warriors in gold armor stands on the deck.

Looking at the direction of the bow, the ship came from the north. Perhaps it was the shining priest who went to the basin lake in the south. It is said that the basin lake in the south is beautiful and famous in Netheril.

Xia Duo had seen a ship passing south from Linshui Village before, but it was indeed the first time that it stopped at this time.

Leiden was very obedient, and Bishop Ambriel, led by Saville, was also very talkative, but Chateau did not think that the shining priests in other places were like this.

There is a saying in my hometown that "everyone is his master." The Lord of Radiance is the common master of the priests in heaven, but on earth, the lords of various places are their true masters.

This is both a real compromise and a doctrinal constraint.

Of course, even the priest in a different place, Xia Duo did not believe that he dared to hurt himself, and hurting the ruler had violated their core doctrine.

Of course, the Glory Lord Priest who admired order could not do this, but it was certain that the interests and position were not on Xia Duo's side.


When Chateau walked to the small square of the altar, he no longer needed to ask someone to ask. He had already seen the strange priest standing next to the altar and talking with Leiden.

Leiden seemed respectful towards him, but Chateau and Leiden spent a long time together, and he could still see the faint hostility under Leiden's respect. It seemed that the conversation between the two was not smooth.

I don't know what they are talking about.

"Leiden!" Xia Duo shouted from a distance.

Hearing Chateau’s voice, Leiden immediately left the priest who was talking, trot to come to Chateau, saluted, and whispered: "My lord, that’s the priest Cole from Rodney from the north. , He wants to be the chief consultant of the adults."

Chief Adviser? Does he have such a position? Literally speaking, the priest Cole wanted to take refuge in him, but the problem was that he didn't know anything about Rodney or the priest Cole.

Chateau showed a puzzled look at the right time, and Leiden immediately explained, "My lord, Priest Cole came here as a private person. In fact, he is still under Lord Rodney's orders. If the lord orders, I can also go as a private person Other territories serve as consultants."

Hearing this explanation, Xia Duo immediately realized that there was a very significant distinction between the clergy of the temple system and the realm system, at least the realm system should be able to "care Cao Ying and Han".

The temple system is similar to the belonging of faith and will not be shaken easily.

But Xia Duo has also read "Sacred Proverbs of the Radiant Lord". From a doctrinal point of view, doing so is actually playing the side ball, using his personal identity to cover up the misunderstanding of the doctrine.

Of course, then again, if believers can fully comply with the doctrine, there will be saints everywhere.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo looked towards Priest Cole by the altar, just at this moment Priest Cole also looked at him, giving a slight salute, with hints of arrogance and self-confidence in his expression.

Xia Duo smiled slightly, didn't care, whispered a few words to Leiden, and then walked towards the altar.

"Priest Cole, welcome to Daxialing, listen to Leiden, do you want to be my chief advisor?"

"Lord Chardonnay." Priest Cole saluted again. "I heard in the north that there is a land of brave pioneers in the south. The lord is a talented wizard with outstanding talent.

"I think the genius mage should not be trapped in secular affairs, but should focus on the field of magic, so he recommends himself to become the chief consultant of the adults, and is willing to handle the secular pioneering affairs for the adults."

These words-

How did Xia Duo feel awkward? He always felt that this should be what the mage said to the clergy, and the mage should be mundane! The clergy should focus on the realm of God.

Besides Even if he wants to be the shopkeeper, he still hopes that he will actively delegate authority instead of his subordinates taking the initiative!

Chateau did not immediately answer, and Priest Cole continued to show off his capital. "I personally presided over the opening of the southern forest of Rodney. I am experienced in the development of forest territory. In addition, I have extensive contacts in the north and can help Daxialing introduces sufficient labor and corresponding materials, and can also develop local specialties for Daxialing."


Speaking of this, Chateau is actually only interested in the "sufficient labor" that Priest Cole said. Just listen to others. For this "sufficient labor", Chateau wants to give it a final try:

"Priest Cole, I am very interested in what you said, and I agree with your ability. I am willing to build a temple for you in Daxia."

"This—" Cole hesitated.

Seeing this scene, Xia Duo also got his own answer. This priest Kohl really didn't take refuge in his heart, otherwise, how could he hesitate when a temple is currently in place?

Theoretically, the temple has nothing to do with the achievements of the priests. You only need to physically practice the doctrine to gain the approval of the gods and lower the holy power as a benefit.

However, limited to the understanding of the doctrine, very few priests can upgrade all the way to an existence comparable to a great arcanist.

Having a temple to expand the scope of influence of order is another way to upgrade, especially the Lord of Radiance is impartial and selfless. As long as the order is implemented, even if it is only a trivial point, there will be a holy power.

This is a bit similar to the "education side" in Xia Duoxiang. Individuals can also "educate one party", but there is no convenient temple.

Therefore, even if you do not upgrade for yourself, for the sake of faith, priests will not refuse to own a temple.