Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 397: New Projection, Silver City

This news made Xia Duo a little distracted, the spell instantly lost control, and the calming effect of the spell laboratory appeared in the next moment, eliminating the chaotic magic that was about to erupt into invisible.

"Niya is back?"

While thinking about why Niya did not reply before, and why she suddenly returned, Xia Duo put away the spell book and was about to meet Niya. At this moment, Ta Ling sent another message:

"Xia Duo, Actress, Incident No. 1 appears, do you send it?"

The so-called "Event No. 1" refers to the discovery of the projection plane. It has been almost a month since the last discovery of the projection plane, and the existence of the projection plane is extremely short. Xia Duo hardly thought about it and immediately ordered the tower. Spirit transmission.

As for the meeting with Niya, it is not too late to wait for him to return from the projection plane. After all, no matter how long the projection plane passes, the time elapsed by the main plane is still very short.

The next moment, Xia Duo appeared in the projection hall on the exploration floor of the Tower of Time. The related process was no longer unfamiliar. When the scene changed, he entered a state of concentration.

Then came the leap of consciousness, and when he "seeed" the silver void, he knew that he had caught up again this time and did not miss this extremely rare opportunity.

I just don't know what creature will be projected this time?

As he was constantly filling the next scene, Xia Duo suddenly felt a tingling pain in his arm, and then heard someone reprimand him, "Ryan, concentrate. This is already your third mistake today. Next time I will suggest Master Tyron to kick you out of the training camp!"

The words "Ryan" and "Taylon" are like a beacon in the dark, which suddenly illuminates the hazy memory of Chateau. He quickly remembered the identity of his projection this time--

Ryan, an elf orphan, his parents died in the war between Yerland and Sluvend. Although the war ended with Sluvender becoming a vassal of Yerland, those who died because of the war will not be resurrected.

The so-called "Master Tyron" is the supervisor of the current training camp. Tyron, who has also experienced war, treats these war orphans in the training camp very preferentially. Therefore, it is obvious that a camp for training swordsmen has been turned into a camp by Tyron. A large orphanage.

When the line of sight became clearer, Xia Duo saw the golden elf instructor who was looking angry, and at the same time, the memories related to it responded.

Chateau immediately apologized, "Sorry, Instructor Emory, I will pay attention next time. Please don't tell Master Tyron."


Seeing that "Ryan" had a good attitude, Emory did not continue to reprimand, he snorted, and turned and walked towards the other elves. At this time, another elves made a mistake.

The highly condensed wind elements on the blade spread out, not only hurting himself, but even other elves!

Only this time, Emory didn't yell loudly. He used spells to heal the apprentice for the first time, and then he gave detailed instructions in a low voice.

Seeing this scene, Xia Duo remembered more memories of "Ryan", even within the elves, there were racists, and this instructor Emory was one of them.

The elves are just the overall name of the elves by humans. The elves call themselves the "Quiser family", which means "people", but within the people they are divided into branches such as El, Te, Se, and Sri.

Among them, the golden elves are the El-Tai "Quiser clan, because the former golden elves kingdom, Eri Vanda, was extremely powerful, and nearly destroyed all the elven kingdoms and unified the entire elven world.

Therefore, many golden elves often think that they have inherited the former glory of Erifanda, and then look down on other elves.

In the scene that Chateau saw just now, Emory was so kind to another apprentice, basically because that apprentice was a golden elf, and "Ryan" and more apprentices here were all wood elf.

Of course, the "Master Tyron" is also a golden elf, but he is not racist.

Xia Duo couldn't help feeling that when the forest grew bigger, there were all kinds of birds. The two projections became elves, which made him even more convinced that the so-called "elves" were just another kind of "humans."

The common problems of intelligent life exist everywhere. The "pure elves" in imaginary do not exist at all. What kind of human beings will have what kind of elves!

After finally getting through the morning training and taking a "class", Xia Duo ignored other elves' invitations to play and ran home.

In this projection, he not only had to make full use of the time here, but also looked for some valuable things to bring out, such as the extraction technology of Mithril.

The last time the projection became a wizard, he did not know that Netheril did not master the extraction technology of Mithril at all, plus whether the projection was carried out in the Austrian Federation or the "money" given by Ebbock, he did not have any at all. Think about it next time.

At that time, he wanted to make the most of his time, and he didn't leave until the projection plane disappeared.

I just don't know how long the projection plane can exist this time!

Back at "home", Xia Duo found that the projected elves' home was far worse than the last time, it was just an old tree house, no villas, courtyards, and household magic items!

And while returning home from the training camp, Chateau also discovered that the city of Yerlan called "Silver City" was not comparable to the city of Sukanvisa where it was previously projected.

Although they are all forest cities, Sukanvisa City already has the appearance of a modern city, complete with various infrastructures, the overall material is stone, and even border cities have quite a wealth of nightlife.

But in Silver City, Xia Duo couldn't see the shadow of prosperity. Instead, it revealed decay The most important thing is that there is no confusion here, just like a city that may be abandoned at any time.

The only building that looks taller is the "Silver Tower" in the center of the city.

Chateau searched Ryan's house and found nothing of value.

There were no magic items except for the sword in his hand and the small mirror on the side of the house that could project the image of a pair of elves and couples; and there were no books.

It's so shabby!

This also broke the impression that the elves had always been rich, at least the era of Silverlight City was far less rich than the era of Sukanvisa City.

And when he learned that the country he lived in was Yerlan, Xia Duo understood that he was now in an era very close to Netheril.

As the saying goes, bad boats also have two nails.

Now, Xia Duo was ready to search. After searching the house several times, Xia Duo quickly ran to the center of the city.

Projecting to become an elf again, this light posture still made him miss it, one step at a time, effortlessly, as if a spring was installed under his feet.

In a short while, Xia Duo came to the vicinity of the Silver Light Pagoda. Looking at the soldiers patrolling in front of the tower, Xia Duo temporarily gave up the idea of ​​entering and turned to wander around.

He was looking for a place where the mithril technology might exist. Generally speaking, this requires tracing the mithril mine, but in Ryan's memory, there is no information about the mithril mine.

Xia Duo thought that perhaps this method of refining is not a secret in the current era. After all, every elven kingdom has it, and there is no need to keep the general basic method secret.

If it is like what he thought, then as long as you find someone who has experience in making magic items, you may be able to find a way to refine it.