Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 407: Princess arrives

In the next few days, Xia Duo gave birth to several bags of wheat seeds one after another until the four-acre "demonstration field" was all planted.

At the same time, the brick kiln also started large-scale formal production. In order to increase the speed, Xia Duo Mingren built several brick kilns.

At present, these brick kilns are relatively small in size, the bricks fired at a time are extremely limited, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough in a short time. Moreover, Xia Duo has no experience in this area, but it is not difficult to use the quantity pile speed.

It's just that the number of workers has doubled several times, and with the increase in manpower on the wooden house manufacturing side, this kind of human resource adjustment has in fact affected Daxialing's autumn sowing this year, and even spring sowing.

However, Xia Duo intends to start the production increase mode for the Arcane Garden when the tower of time has sufficient energy reserves. In addition to dealing with the grain trade in Connifera City, it should not be difficult to evenly distribute the rations to the two hundred households in Daxia.

Of course, he wouldn't put all his hopes in the Arcane Garden. If Linshui Village can produce it by himself, he still has to produce it by himself as much as possible.

He still understands that food and land stabilize people's hearts.

In the past few days, "Development Manual" Xia Duo has also completed nearly half, all of which have been personally experienced, as long as they are sorted and polished, added to their own thinking, and then recorded.

Xia Duo had a rough draft in his mind. If it weren't for the absence of a typewriter, handwriting limited his speed, perhaps it would have been completed long ago.

As for magic, he has not discovered the magic that can write for the time being, and he has no time to study on his own right now. If he only controls the mithril pen to write on paper like manipulating the "ploughshare" or "flying sword", it would be better to directly manually It's easy and fast!

In response to the princess's inspection, Xia Duo temporarily slowed down his advancement plan and spent more energy on the territory. In addition to patrolling everywhere, he personally led the team to go deep into the forest to clean up nearby creatures.

Of course, before resting at night, he will also use spells to continue to expand the "demonstration field". Regardless of the significance of the demonstration, this field is indeed a wheat field that can produce grain.

Right now it is the tail tip of the autumn sowing. This is the last stubbornness of the summer heat. If the wheat seeds cannot be planted and sprouted before the heat dissipates, they will have difficulty living through the whole winter.

It can even be said that if there are no magic seedlings, no matter how many seeds are planted, the final harvest will have a high probability of not having as many seeds!


On this day, Xia Duo had just seen the construction of the lord’s villa and came to the altar square. This is the largest consumption facility of bricks in the territory. At this moment, nearly half of the square has been covered with ocher bricks.

Before it was muddy, even if the ground was uneven, it was not very conspicuous, but now it is covered with neat bricks and the unevenness is highlighted.

Therefore, after the actual laying, Chateau will let people adjust again. Until now, the obvious protrusions have disappeared, but the overall ups and downs are more obvious.

"The territory still lacks artisans!"

With emotion in her heart, Xia Duo was about to go to the fields to the east of Linshui Village to take a look, but at this moment, Niya sent news through Taring that the princess would arrive within these two days!

It is "arrival", not "departure"!

However, in the wizarding world, departure is probably equal to arrival. After receiving this news, Xia Duo immediately became nervous, and there was really a great arcanist coming to inspect!

I don't know if I want to have a welcome ceremony or something?

However, thinking that his "Development Manual" had not been finished yet, Xia Duo immediately gave up the idea of ​​going to the east side of the field, and returned to the small camp to hurry up to write the draft.

As for the welcoming ceremony, let's forget it, the mages are more pragmatic, and there is no work, no matter how fancy it is, it is useless.


In the afternoon of the next day, Xia Duo threw away the mithril pen in his hand, shook his sour right hand, leaned on the seat, and let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the top of the small camp:

"Finally finished!"

I only knew that the princess might come to inspect before the winter, and there was no exact time of arrival, so he didn't need to rush, basically he could finish it easily.

But now that the time is suddenly close to the eyes, then he can't help but relax.

Fortunately, the "Development Manual" has been completed, and the "demonstrations" outside are more meaningful than practical.

After resting for a while, Xia Duo walked out of the small camp. Before he took two steps, he suddenly noticed something. He looked up to the east and saw that the sky seemed to have cracked.

There was a flash of thunder light inside, and the gap was still expanding. Of course, as the gap widened, the thunder light disappeared, as if Chateau had just seen a complete illusion.

But the very obvious gap in the sky was not an illusion. He immediately realized that it was likely that the princess had come, and Chateau immediately sent Leiden to let him comfort the leader.

After that, he continued to send messages to the leaders of the various working groups and the squad leader of the territory guard, so that they could comfort their subordinates.

At the same time, he also checked his attire. [Crimson Robe of Asylum] is okay, and [Pathfinder’s Scepter] is also okay. As for the pioneer’s golden paper documents, he took it out of the time space and placed it. In the bag of dimensions.

Although he had expected the Great Arcanist's behavior; although the portable space was very secret, Xia Duo didn't want to use the portable space in front of them.

Apart from other things, it is difficult to disguise the aura fluctuations when using the Dimension Bag alone. In front of other mages, Xia Duo is sure to fool him, but in front of the Great Arcanist, he shouldn't make a fool of himself.

Transfer all the items that may need to be used to the dimensional zone in advance, so Xia Duo can observe the changes of the crack in the eastern sky ~ from the appearance of the crack to the expansion of the crack into a curtain of flowing water The circular channel, which took only a few minutes in total, took a full morning for Bishop Conambrill to open the portal connecting the plane of shadow.

It looks like an interplanetary plane, but in fact, the shadow plane is very closely related to the material plane, and it can only be opened with the help of the power of the Lord of Radiance.

And this portal is likely to connect Seventon to Linshui Village. Ordinary ships need to sail a distance of several months, and now it becomes a step away.

The most important thing is that this power comes entirely from human hands. In other words, this is also the power that Xia Duo may master in the future.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo looked at the portal hanging in the air again, his eyes full of expectation.

"It's just that the portal has been opened, why is no one coming?"

Through the portal that looked like a curtain of water, Xia Duo could vaguely see the light and shadow fluctuations on the opposite side, like a human shadow, but he was not sure. Compared with the portal when returning to the Tower of Time from the Austrian Federation, this portal is obviously blurred.

Of course, it may also be one-way visible. Xia Duo remembers that the Tower of Time had skills on how to see the opposite side through a portal. However, this type of knowledge is clearly classified as "not urgent," in Xia Duo's "priority" category. The second most important category.

After a while, Leiden, who had calmed the leader, came to Xia Duo, "My lord, the leaders have already started to work."


Xia Duo nodded. In fact, before today, he had imagined many situations. Of course, the portal was one of them, but he did not expect it to appear in the sky.

A lot of relevant plans have been made, the most important of which is-business as usual.