Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 417: Sacrifice and Rong

For the time being, imitating the elf meditation is just an attempt by Xia Duo. With the attitude of giving it a try, try it before going to bed without spending too much energy in this aspect.

However, if it is really feasible, using a shorter period of meditation instead of a longer period of sleep for humans like the elves is definitely more than a few more hours of wakefulness every day.

The most important thing is that the elves can also think during meditation. Although this requires long-term and hard training, this ability to almost fully use time can be said to be beyond the limits of the ordinary!

Xia Duo admired this ability, but he was not an elf and had no choice but to keep trying by himself, trying to discover the mystery of meditation, so that humans could also meditate.

In addition, about meditation, in some novels before the crossing, it is often described as a cultivation method similar to internal strength or immortal cultivation. Through meditation, it can not only replace sleep, but also enhance magic or spiritual power.

Traveling to a real magical world, Xia Duo must have fantasies about this kind of cultivation method, but here, he has never heard of meditation, or any other method that can directly and automatically increase his strength as long as he practices. .

Perhaps in the future, Xia Duo can study it by himself, but now it can only be an illusion. Even the elves cannot directly increase their strength automatically by meditation.


After breakfast, Chateau called Taring while thinking about today's schedule:

"Taling, did Devine go to read the perception training manual of the Astral Master?"

"Chadeau, the apprentice Devine has already seen it."

"Oh? So fast?"

Conversation with Taling, depending on the authority of the interlocutor, Taling’s response mechanism is naturally different. For apprentices, Taling basically only answers mechanically. If there is no authority or cannot answer the question, it will not respond directly, ask more or even It will also reduce the next response time to the apprentice.

But for the authority of a substitute like Chateau, Taring can even answer some relatively abstract questions, such as the "so fast" that Chateau said now, Taring immediately gave the answer——

"Chardo, the substitute, went to the library after Devine left research room 025 last night, and has not left until now."

Research Room 025 refers to Xia Duo's residence on the sixth floor of the Tower of Time.

"I haven't left until now?"


Chateau was a little surprised. Devine went all night. This is a very discouraged behavior in "entering the academy". Now Devine works in the Tillak laboratory, where there is already a work system similar to a modern factory on earth. .

Although a strict time specification has not yet been formed, the tasks are full. I only hope that he will not delay work during the day.

Ask Taring to give Devine a cup of hot elves to boost his spirits, and Chateau is ready to leave the Tower of Time.


Savile town, port.

The cargo ship led by Rodney has left, but the Newman Archmage has left in the east with someone. There is still fun in the future!

Naturally, Xia Duo came here to take the "Lucky Owen" back to Linshui Village. Thain and Derrick came to see off. Thain was the usual practice. Before Xia Duo left, he would also come to see him off.

Derrick was called by Chateau, and Chateau asked him yesterday to note down which chambers of commerce provided carriages to Rodney's people. This must be recorded in a small book.

However, when Xia Duo saw the familiar names of the chambers of commerce on the parchment that Derrick handed over, he felt a headache. These chambers of commerce signed a fixed supply contract with the Tower of Time not long ago. Of those chambers of commerce.

"It's true businessman nature!"

Fortunately, there is no Mingshui Chamber of Commerce introduced by the princess, nor does the local Chamber of Commerce. This makes Xia Duo feel better. Let's keep the account first!

After gathering the parchment, Xia Duo looked at Thain again, and asked patiently about the activities of the Moon Festival. It was the Moon Festival in a few days, which was also the fullest and largest day of the year.

There are of course activities, but they are not as grand and grand as the Midsummer Festival celebrations. However, Xia Duo pays more attention to any festival-related activities. There is a saying in his hometown, "The important event of the country is to worship and Rong".

The so-called "sacrifice" does not specifically refer to "sacrifice", but refers to group activities that unite people's hearts, which can be compared with war. Of course, in the ancient times of Xiaduo Township, group activities generally required sacrifices.

The Moon Festival is more important to Xia Duo, because this day is used by the Naise people to sacrifice to their dead relatives. It is similar to the Qingming Festival in his hometown. In his eyes, this is more important than the Midsummer Festival. many.

What's more, there is a "full moon" hanging on the head.

Daxia Ling’s new order includes not only the material level, but also the spiritual level. In a sense, Xia Duo pays more attention to the spiritual level.

He hopes to make the surrounding environment friendly.

"Mayor Thane, you just said that Bishop Ambrill and Priest Tus will preside over the ritual together?"


"That's it—"

"My lord, is there any problem?"

"No!" Xia Duo waved his hand and skipped the topic.

Even though it has been a long time since he crossed over, he still subconsciously pitted the Lord of Radiance against the Lord of Death. The fact is that there is no conflict between Gods, and their followers did not fight.

Even both parties can jointly preside over the sacrificial ceremony.

"By the way, I heard that during the Moon Festival last year, a team of elven dancers came to Savile to collect?"

What Chateau was talking about was actually the "elf dance" at the Adventurer's Bar. At the Moon Festival last year, he was watched by Edridge at that time, but it was not an elf, but a "" However, since Xia Duo has been to the projection plane several times, compared to him, the time has passed since the last Moon Festival. If it weren't for the Moon Festival, he would have almost forgotten that matter.

Hearing this question, Thain took a step closer subconsciously, and whispered: "My lord, that's not an elf!"


"My lord, your term is really appropriate!" Thain gave a flattering, and then explained, "They just look like elves, but they are actually humans. They are the descendants of humans and elves. About these half Elf, Derrick knows more than I do."


"grown ups."

Seeing that Xia Duo turned his gaze to him again, Dai Li quickly replied, "The relationship between Netheril and Yerlan was very close in the early years. Most of the half-elves’ mothers were Netherites, and a few were elves, but the elven society These hybrids cannot be tolerated, and even if they are born, they will be abandoned in Netheril. Nowadays, most of the half-elves of Netheril live in August, because the first lords there are half-elves."

August collar?

Speaking of this name, Chateau first thought of a visitor to the Tower of Time he had once received-Wild August. The wizard from August left a very deep impression on Chateau.

Except for the fact that he wanted to buy Arcanist Aquilion who was captured by the Tower of Time, the most important thing was that Xia Duo "smelled" a cold and **** breath on Wilde.

This is the second kind of conceptual existence that Xia Duo perceives. The first is the "moisturizing" and "flowing" on the road to the lost ruins, which is extremely impressive.

In addition, Iva mentioned before that he had received professional rogue training in August.