Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 476: Smart electronic paper, watching the mou

Looking around, the fifty golden pages seem to be completely open for Ren Xiaduo's viewing. This is true. The only restriction is that only one golden page can be picked up at the same time.

Moreover, in the magic vision, the density of the strings of the magic net in the entire secret room is much higher than the normal environment, and they are connected to each other. I don't know how many unknown magics are hidden.

Only what Xia Duo could discover was the restriction of spell casting, and no spell could be released.

In addition, the dimension bag was also restricted, which made Xia Duo's idea of ​​a chair come to no avail. As for the portable space, Xia Duo did not dare to try.

Think about it and know that after a complete set of [Color Resistant Scrolls] was stolen, how could this set be left without strict precautions? Xia Duo felt that as long as he took out anything from the portable space, he would immediately have a great deal. The magician jumped out.

In theory, Xia Duo had the opportunity to put a golden book page into the portable space, but his own departure was a problem.


Xia Duo looked at these golden pages that could only be read and could not be moved, and his heart was particularly twitched, "I don't know if there is a [color-resistant scroll] on the projection plane? If it can be brought back from the projection plane, that would be great!"


Time is limited, Xia Duo put aside distractions, picked up the first golden page of the first group according to the order, and began to read it formally. He already knew the essentials of reading.

Staying focused, the silver characters on the golden pages began to change quickly, forming paragraphs of text with practical meaning. This type of text gave Xia Duo a vague sense of familiarity.

Although he did not know such words, somehow he could fully understand the meaning of the golden pages.

Of course, in addition to the text, there is a more direct and rooted expression, which is to demonstrate the author's creative intentions with different changes in the string of the magic net.

No matter what kind of text, language, or magic system, in the final analysis, it is an expression based on essence. The string of magic is even more acceptable to someone who already has a certain foundation like Chateau.

[Color-resistant scrolls] are divided into five groups, the first group is mainly about the essence of magic, which includes the essence of magic net, the source of magic, the principle of magic and so on.

The first picture that Xia Duo saw was a systematic introduction to the author's understanding, understanding, verification, and even transformation of the nature of the magic net.

Among them, some magic systems that are completely different from the color-resistant magic system are involved. By analyzing the similarities and differences of these magic systems, the nature of the magic net is analyzed laterally.

What surprised Xia Duo the most was that this golden book page would speed up or slow down the "playing" speed at any time based on his understanding. Yes, he had already regarded [Color-resistant Scroll] as a smart player.

The golden pages are very light and thin, soft, but also very tough, and feel quite good. Coupled with the erratic silver characters on the surface, they are like electronic paper that is also in the laboratory stage on the earth, and it is very science fiction.

On this page, Xia Duo didn't see the end after reading it for a long time. It seemed that as long as he wanted to read it, there would always be content revealed!

If this is the case, when will you see these fifty golden pages! Maybe you won’t be able to finish it in one lifetime!

Thinking about it this way, people can't help but feel a little disappointed, "My life has bounds, and knowing is boundless, with bounds wherever you go, it's almost done!" Isn't that the case!

Looking at the many golden pages within reach, Xia Duo has never longed for longevity like now. Compared with the search for the unknown, it requires courage and perseverance. Such knowledge within reach is a real temptation. .

It was obvious that the big meal was in front of him, but he couldn't finish it. Xia Duo had already realized this desire and depression.


Time passed bit by bit, seemingly inconspicuous, but never ending, three days passed quickly.

When Xia Duo received Taring's notice and asked him to return the color-resistant scroll to its original position, he was still a little confused. It was three days? How can time pass so fast? Didn’t you lie to me?

Xia Duo felt that it hadn't been long since he just came in, and it was over all at once? This is three days, why is he not hungry at all, not thirsty at all, and not tired at all?

"The second-level member of Austrian Law Federation, Pioneer Xia Duo, please return the color-resistant scroll to its original position, otherwise the next application will be prohibited." Taring reminded again.

With his arm not twisting his thigh, Xia Duo placed the color-resistant scroll in its original position as instructed, a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, and immediately after a flower, he had appeared in the library and was standing at the door of the secret room.

At this moment, a kind of exhaustion from his own heart came unexpectedly, and Xia Duo instantly understood something. It must be the secret room that provided him with some support to ensure that he could stay in it for three full days.

The best option now is to return to the Tower of Time immediately. However, in order to avoid the fatigue of casting spells and causing errors, Chateau decided to take a day off in the Austrian Law Federation.


The next day, Xia Duo woke up and suddenly felt like "looking at the mountain is not a mountain". This is not an illusion, but when he hasn't entered the state of concentration, he really sees the magic net.

This was obviously not achieved by Xia Duo himself. According to his prediction, it must be subconsciously integrated to a certain extent to do it.

The so-called concentration is actually the cohesion of the will, or the unification of the subconscious and the superficial consciousness ~ Concentration training is more about training stability, rather than integrating the subconscious and superficial consciousness.

Only the meditation thoughts brought back by Xia Duo from the projection plane involved the unified consciousness block. There was no such training method in the Nishite Native, at least Xia Duo did not understand.

"Is this a side benefit of reading [Color-resistant Scroll]?"

If nothing happens, it should be.

You can see the magic net at will, and it did not have any bad influence on Xia Duo, as if he was always in a state of concentration, but it was not a state of concentration.

Xia Duo had a deep understanding of this. In this state, he just saw the magic net and couldn't really cast spells.

But at the same time, he also realized that his level of concentration should have also improved. Through the traditional concentration training of color resistance, it is easy to judge which stage he is in and how long it is before he perceives the soul!

Focusing on the third stage of training, there were no obstacles, and the fourth stage was completed quickly. It was so unbelievable that Xia Duo jumped directly from the third stage to the sixth stage.

According to the records of the Tower of Time, as long as the ninth stage of concentration training can be completed, the perception of the soul is not a problem. In other words, this reading of [Color Resistance Scroll] has improved Xia Duo's progress in perception of the soul by three points. one.

If he could watch it again, he might be able to advance in a few days.

Thinking about it this way, Xia Duo was more eager for [Color-resistant Scroll].

I just don’t know if there is a projection plane!

There is also the problem of space expansion at any time. If the space cannot be expanded, even if the [Color-resistant Scroll] is found on the projection plane, it will not be brought back!

Thinking left and right, Xia Duo didn't have any thoughts to meditate here.

go home directly!