Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 485: Encryption spell, twin mark

In fact, the Arcane Empire on the projection plane did not solve this problem. They chose to encrypt the communication array to avoid users' troubles.

However, if Xia Duo wants to adopt this method, the design of the communication device will become very complicated. Generally speaking, the cost of the encrypted communication device will be several times more expensive than the unencrypted version.

In fact, the best way is to establish a communication array by the government and keep the encryption process in the communication array. However, in the case of Netheril, it is difficult for all parties to cooperate.

The popularization of communication is conducive to the dissemination of knowledge, not necessarily everyone wants to see, and Xia Duo wants to minimize the difficulty of users to make this communication method more prone to spreading.

As long as the threshold is low to a certain level, even if the government does not promote it, spontaneous private exchanges will quickly flourish.


Soon three days passed. On this day, Xia Duo was still thinking about the issue of information encryption when communicating with Niya. When she accidentally talked about it, Niya who received the news immediately replied with a speechless Smiley face.

The message forwarded through the Tower of Time can also convey sound and video. Niya sent such a silent expression, which made Xia Duo a little confused.

But soon, the voice of Niya's explanation came over again, "It can be encrypted through [Secret Sign]. Similar spells have already appeared on Giles Tower."

[Secret Sign]?

At this time, Xia Duo's thoughts suddenly opened, perhaps because he was a traverser, so when considering problems, he would choose the routines on the earth for the first time. For example, when he encrypted the information transmitted by the thought technique, he was still stuck In the quagmire of algorithms, one must not escape.

But in fact, an encryption method that is simple in form and difficult to crack is not difficult to find in magic, but Xia Duo has never seen [Secret Sign] encryption, and has no corresponding concept at all.

Before, what he knew about [Secret Imprint] was nothing more than a personal imprint. No matter how complicated and ingenious the design, it might still be imitated.

In that game on Earth, for the sake of gameplay, there is a setting that personal imprints cannot be copied or imitated. The reason is pushed to the goddess of magic, who is responsible for supervision, and forging others' imprints will be cursed.

But in the real world of magic, the goddess would not be so boring to be a personal imprint administrator for a group of mortals. His domain is magic net, magic, not order.

It is possible for the Glory Lord to do such a thing, but the problem is that Xia Duo has never heard of a similar situation.

But if God’s factor is aside, can the caster himself design an encryption system derived from [Secret Sign]?

Of course the answer is yes. Didn't Niya say that Giles Tower already possesses such a spell.

Without the permission of the Giles Tower, Niya could not directly provide Chardonnay with specific spell details, but after further communication between the two of them, Chardonnay also understood the design principles of this encryption spell.

One party must hold the secret signature of the other party before it can be encrypted, and then the encrypted information will be sent out and decrypted by the other party.

The information here is not the information transmitted through the communication circle or [communication technique]. In fact, most of the time, it is in kind, such as confidential documents and secret items.

And once the information is passed, the secret seal of the other party held by the caster will disappear.

In layman's terms, in fact, the other party prepared a lock and the corresponding key, first gave the lock to the sender, and kept the key, and the sender wrote the letter, added the lock, and sent it out.

After receiving the lock letter, the other party unlocks the lock with the key left before and gets the letter.

In Xia Duo's view, this encryption method is very primitive and cumbersome.

Of course, in actual applications, many locks (secret marks) can be prepared in advance, but the fact that secret marks are used as consumables has not changed.

If the two are separated from each other, or even not in the same world, and at a critical moment, they suddenly find that the secret mark is gone, then should they talk directly, or think of a way to get the secret mark first?

The actual experience is very bad.

There are many encryption concepts on the earth, and this kind of direct lock encryption is very primitive. Furthermore, the key lock can be turned into a coded lock, without the need for one party to send the lock in advance, just need to pass the code before passing the confidential information.

Of course, you can go a step further and agree on a password in advance.

Naturally, it was the latter's idea that Xia Duo played.


After breaking the contact with Niya, Xia Duo's mind was full of inspiration.

First of all, [Secret Imprint] is different from the "key" on earth, it actually has both the functions of "encryption algorithm" and "key" at the same time.

This can make the form of encryption simple, but the actual difficulty of cracking is very difficult.

The first step that Xia Duo needs to do is to redesign the encryption spell of Giles Tower into a version that does not consume [Secret Signs]. The original spell itself has nothing to say. For Xia Duo, it is just an inspiration. enough.

Not to mention, Niya also provided some specific ideas.

Xia Duo is sure to restore it completely. Although it may be different from the original version in details, the principle is the same and there is no difficulty in itself. The key lies in the inspiration of "encrypting with secret imprint".

With inspiration, let alone Xia Duo, he is a junior mage. As long as he has a certain foundation, it is possible to research similar encryption spells. If he has not heard that the secret spell will be consumed, his thinking has not been solidified, and it may even be possible. Directly researched a version that does not require the use of secret magic Xia Duo, who was born on the earth, of course did not have the solidified thinking of the color-resistant people. Maybe some of the thinking on the earth solidified, but the longer he stays in the magic world, Will become more flexible.

And he, who has the wealth of two worlds, will definitely be able to perform even better.


Two days later, Xia Duo completed the design of the encryption technique, one level, and the name was called [Encryption].

Of course, the encryption spell is a system, a set of spells, and the corresponding inverse transformation, called "decryption", which is also a level.

Now, Chateau is designing a brand-new [Secret Sign].

The so-called consumption of [Secret Law Mark] is actually sending the [Secret Law Mark] back to the recipient, which is equivalent to the [Recipient’s Secret Law Mark] held by the sender being consumed.

This is because when decrypting, if there is no corresponding [Secret Sign], the recipient cannot unlock it either. (The secret mark of the individual cast cannot be kept exactly the same every time)

Perhaps this is why the Giles Tower developed such a "send lock" encryption method.

So, at this time, we need a "secret imprint" that can appear in the hands of the sender and the recipient at the same time. Xia Duo cannot achieve an effect similar to "quantum entanglement" for the time being, but it can be approximately equal.

It is enough to have two identical secret marks in one cast.

In Xia Duo’s vision, the use of communication artifacts in the future is similar to "WeChat add friends". Before communication, both parties need to face each other and jointly cast a mark spell, leaving a complete spell in both communication artifacts. The same secret imprint.

In the future, the communication between these two people can be encrypted or decrypted through this [Twin Secret Sign].