Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 492: Correct response strategy

After the matter of the Supreme Legacy, the original seminar could not go on. The representatives of the Seven Towers left the scene one after another, and couldn't wait to watch the Supreme Legacy. Only Princess Xia remained at the end.

Seeing the impatient appearance of the great arcanists, Princess Xia couldn't help showing a bitter smile. Of course, she could understand the feelings of those few. When she knew the Supreme Inheritance, she was like them even if they were eager.

I just don't know when the next meeting will take place. The snow melting competition seems to be nearly two months away, but compared to such a big event, the time is already near.

For a while, Princess Xia regretted telling her about the supreme inheritance, not because of hiding her private life, but because she should find a better time.


Daxia collar, Linshui Village.

On this day, Xia Duo, who had just been idle for a few days, suddenly received a prompt from Taring. At first, he thought it was a new projection plane or sub-plane, or the end of the task of using the extreme test of the communication tool he released. Up.

But I didn’t expect it to be forwarded from Niya’s news, and Niya’s news was also forwarded. Niya’s teacher, Princess Shia, to the effect of soliciting opinions from the spellcaster belonging to Giles’ Tower, needs someone who can reflect The arcane competition plan for the competitiveness of human mages.

After receiving this news, Xia Duo immediately knew that there were variables in this year's Arcane Tournament, but think about it, too, there is an additional Comanso, the Three Kingdoms melee, can there be no variables?

"An arcane competition that can reflect the competitiveness of human mages?"

Xia Duo couldn't help thinking about it. I don't know if the Big Stomach King competition counts. With the elves' self-arrogant attitude, he would definitely not be willing to perform in the crowd, and still perform for humans.

Judging from the experience of Xia Duo projecting the elves twice, any elves as long as they perform, basically even if they die socially in the elves world, a long lifespan will bring longer jokes.

Even with magic, they can be eaten elegantly, but they can't escape the title of "big stomach king." No matter how messy and bad they are in private, the elves will not tolerate any taint in public.

If the Big Appetizer competition is really held, maybe there are no elf players at all. In a sense, participation in itself is a stain.

Of course, on the other hand, Nether Master might not be able to perform these in public, but compared to elves, human acceptance should be higher.

It is necessary to stand at the point of arcane competition, but also to reflect the competitiveness of human mages. In the final analysis, it still lacks hard power and wants to go wrong.

However, Xia Duo agrees with this. Whether black cat or white cat, it is a good cat to catch a mouse. Since Netheril needs to win the arcane competition, it is also necessary to play tricks.

Even this is not called "juggling" at all, but should be called "correct response strategy".

Since Komanso forcibly joined the original two-nation competition, turning the fairly peaceful arcane competition between the two countries into a three-nation melee, it is not honourable in itself.

There is not much morality between countries, let alone races are different. Everything depends on interest, either short-term or long-term.

Xia Duo has seen too much on earth, but the new arcane competition project that the princess wants, he hasn't thought of the lack of magical power, just like the lack of scientific and technological power on earth.

However, the magic here is often associated with individuals, and it is very difficult for people to transcend technology on the earth here.

In addition, once the technology reaches a certain level, people's will can be ignored. Magic is the same, and the threshold is lower.

Netheril may have some deterrence at the high-end level, but in conventional arcane competitions, it does not actually dominate. Perhaps the short life span and fast update iterations are the biggest advantages of humans compared to elves.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Duo gave up, not wanting to worry about this kind of thing. The feeling of not thinking about it and asking for it is the most uncomfortable.

After all, it is necessary to consider the differences between humans and elves. Only differentiated competition can gain some advantages.

Maybe if you don't think about it, the inspiration will come automatically.

In the following days, Xia Duoguo really did not deliberately consider the arcane competition, but focused on his own plan-meditating in the morning, doing some simple spell exercises in the afternoon, while waiting for the results from the Tower of Time.

Whether it is the result of a plane exploration array or the result of a test task.


In such a fulfilling and leisurely day, time passed a little bit, and soon came the end of March.

The warm and humid air from the south seems to be earlier than in previous years. Although there is still a full month before the snow-melting moon, Xia Duo saw traces of snow in Linshui Village.

The frozen land is also thawing, and everything seems to be developing for the better The leaders of Daxialing have begun to get busy and are no longer limited to work in Linshui Village.

Before the forest was awakened, Xia Duo ordered an increase in logging, and even ordered the trimmed twigs to be burned on the ground to be leveled, artificially speeding up the thawing process of the land.

As for the new items of the Arcane Competition, it is still being solicited. During the exchanges with Niya, Xia Duo learned that the mages of Sevinton had put forward many dumbfounding plans.

Among them is the Big Appetizer game that Xia Duo had thought of. Of course, this kind of plan must be killed in the first time. Not to mention that such a plan is used to compete with the elves, even the Great Arcanist himself can't say it.

In addition to this, there are other things like weightlifting, high jump, long jump, etc. There are too few magic factors, and they tend to be performance rather than competition.

For this reason, the Ambassador Comanzo who heard the news even ridiculed him, saying that it was a savages who only knew how to play with muscles, and asked the people to eat and lift weights with Langas.

The Netherites and the Langas, who are in the eyes of Netherites [True Barbarians] are put together. Of course, Nishite mages are not angry, and the Seven Towers strictly limit it to be an arcane competition. .

This makes the design of new projects more difficult.

So, in what field can the Netherite beat the elves?

With Niya's constant understanding, Xia Duo learned about the latest situation of Seventon, which naturally also included the various wonderful ideas of the color-resistant wizards, so an idea gradually formed in Xia Duo's mind.

However, the details need to be adjusted according to the actual situation of the wizarding world. Xia Duo is sure that if he adopts his plan, the chance of Netheril's side will be much higher.