Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 51: Selected task area

   "In this case, Sammy, we choose two adjacent mission areas and contact them by [communication] at that time."

"no problem!"

   Sami agreed that mutual support was the purpose of their cooperation. Although there have been some changes in the actual tasks, the tone of cooperation will not change.

   "Look, someone has already started to choose the mission area." Devine suddenly pointed to a few of the apprentices, who were already moving towards the position of the golden robe mage.

  "We have to hurry up." Xia Duo looked at the other three people. "Do you know the situation in the Green Pearl Forest? Where is the most appropriate choice?"

  He is a native of the earth, he has been in Savile Town for less than a year, and he only knows the name of the Green Pearl Forest, and the rumor that the adventurer's mouth is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"This one--"

  Sami and others, you look at me, I look at you, but no one can tell the specific information of the Green Pearl Forest.

   "Chateau, I haven't been out of town since I was young!" Sammy said.

   Immediately afterwards, Devine also followed, "Me too."


   The three of them looked at Dean at the same time.

Dean shook his head quickly, "My home is nice outside the town, but it's on the west side of the town. I have to walk a bit after crossing the Wolfsburg River. And before joining the Mage Tower, I never left the village, even Luzhu I have never heard the name forest a few times."


  In this way, on the contrary, Xia Duo, an outsider, knows the most information. Before, he spent more than half a year in the southern area where adventurers gather!

   The place where adventurers go out to work is largely the Green Pearl Forest.

   But how much of the information was bragged about by adventurers who drank too much, or just deliberately leaked some true and false information to cover up their real activity area.

   Xia Duo didn't mention these experiences, so as not to make them misjudge the danger of the task, "Don't think about it, let's choose the task area as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

  As the four of Xia Duo moved, more and more people began to squeeze toward the wizard. The Jinpao Mage frowned, and with a wave of the short staff in his hand, a violent wind appeared out of thin air, making the turbulent crowd instantly calm down.

   "The official apprentice is selected first!"

   Jinpao Mage casually ordered an official apprentice who had just rushed in front, "Start with him, line up in order!"

   After a commotion in the crowd, several neatly arranged queues soon formed. Starting from the previous apprentice, they came forward to select.

   "I choose area 25."

   "I also choose area 25."

"No. 26."

"No. 26."


   A small group was formed when the team was formed, and the formal apprentices first selected almost coincidentally start from the middle area. These areas are moderate in size and the number of orcs that may be encountered is also moderate.

  With the possible cooperation agreement between them, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best location.

   In the forest, the chance of encountering orcs is the smallest, but these areas are also the largest. Once they encounter the orcs and can't beat them, they may not be able to wait for support.

   However, many apprentices are quite familiar with the Green Pearl Forest, so they directly choose the areas they are familiar with, and these areas are often the easternmost.

   Maybe they are confident enough to clean such a large area, or maybe they know that there are fewer orcs flowing from those areas, and they are within their coping range.

   In short, each has its own plans. When it was Chateau's turn, he had already discussed with Sami and others. He and Dean would choose area 12, and Sami and Devine would choose area 13.

   They are all very new to the Green Pearl Forest. They simply choose one that is convenient for each other to support each other. Of course, the westernmost area near the Wolfsburg River still cannot be selected.

   The average wisdom of the orcs is not high, and it is the most likely to come along the river. If you really want to rush there, wouldn't it be troublesome for yourself?

   Xia Duo pays attention to the count. There are 61 formal apprentices. After they have selected, the remaining areas that they think are not good will be reserved for ordinary apprentices.

   Regarding this, the Jinpao Mage did not say anything, after all, he had proposed the first choice for the formal apprentice.

   After everyone had made their choices, the Jinpao Mage put away the light and shadow map and pointed to the stone building next to the training ground, "Follow me in!"

   Perhaps the effect of the gust of wind just now still exists. This time the apprentices did not swarm them, but formal apprentices followed, and ordinary apprentices followed.

   The interior of the stone building seems to have been repaired and tidied up. Now it is a place similar to an office. There is a huge desk in the center. There are piles of papers and some unintelligible equipment.

   Seven formal mages dressed in exquisite robes gathered around the desk, checking the documents at hand, and from time to time they also wrote down a sentence. As soon as the Jinpao Master came in, he sat in the obviously empty seat.

   said to the apprentices who hadn't come in completely, "Choose the place from 1 to 10, and other people can go to other wizards according to their choices."

   After speaking, he took out a small gray cloth bag from the gold silk robe, carried the bottom of the cloth bag and poured it on the desk——


   A pile of metal badges not much larger than gold coins fell out of the gray cloth bag, knocking down all the paperwork on the desk.

   "Horst, Pleist." The golden-robed mage looked at the two formal mages opposite, "You guys also hurry up."

   "Okay." A mage immediately replied, "Choose the 11th to the 25th to come to me, and the rest will go to the Prest mage."

   Hearing the order, all the apprentices responded, and quickly filled the office that seemed to be quite empty.


   Chateau followed Dean to the side of Master Horst, but a lot of people were already crowded in front.

   Master Horst took a metal badge from the desk, looked at the apprentice closest to him, and asked, "What number did you choose?"

   "Number 17." The apprentice replied immediately.

   So, Xia Duo saw Master Horst reached out and wiped it from the back of the badge. A faint light flashed, and a figure with only the upper body appeared on the back of the badge.

   Master Horst gave the badge to the apprentice, and at the same time ordered: "Go to training ground No. 2 to find your team, the team leader behind will tell you, go out."

   The apprentice hurriedly took the badge and squeezed out of the crowd.

   Then, the apprentices received their badges one by one, and then left.

   Soon, Xia Duo also received his own badge. After leaving the stone building, he went to the training ground No. 2 with the flow of people while carefully examining the badge that was big enough to hold in the palm of his hand.

   There is nothing unusual about the front. It is the image of a mage tower standing on a book. Chateau has seen it many times in the Savill collar. This is the emblem of the Savill family.

  The portrait on the back is what he cares about——

   At first glance, it is indeed the image of Xia Duo, and no flaws can be seen, but closer and closer, this portrait is composed of countless number "12" in Nishish language.