Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 525: Crack the spell book

Said to open the spell book, in fact, to crack this magic item, but Xia Duo had no previous experience in this area, so after talking about the beginning, he looked at Niya.

The specific operation still depends on her, but Xia Duo is not very busy and can't help. He is no stranger to the principle of cracking magical items, which is probably like cracking software on the earth.

If the essence of software is a specific route of electron flow, then magic is a specific route of energy flow.

The essence of spellcasting is the operation of the magic net. Energy runs in the magic net. No matter what magic item it is, it will ultimately be attributed to the combination of the magic net string (energy route).

Similar to the absence of encryption at the level of machine language in software, there is no encryption at the level of a single element in magic. In theory, any magical item or spell is open source.

This is why mages don’t like to cast spells in front of mages of the same rank, because it is easy to reveal their secrets.

Encryption when casting a spell has a certain effect, but it is of little significance. The casting itself is a brain-consuming task. Encryption makes the casting process fragmented and unsystematic, which is not conducive to your own memory and mastery.

Encryption is usually used in the production of magic items.

If you are not very proficient in the principles of magic, a mage can't even tell whether this is encrypted.

In fact, if you do not consider understanding the specific spells designed by the magic item, and do not consider the time cost, any encrypted magic item can be perfectly copied one by one.

This is like, the copying of software is actually a perfect copy from the bottom layer, information such as "01010", but the copying of magic items not only includes the information copying link, but also the production link.

But if you want to know the source code of the software, unless it is not encrypted, you can only crack it through decompilation.

Magic items are similar.

The spell book that Xia Duo obtained was an encrypted spell book, but he also speculated that what was encrypted should only be the "shell", and the content inside should be unencrypted.

After all, who would normally write a diary with riddles!

But in the same way, this encryption should also have some destruction features, otherwise the encryption will be meaningless, and the contents inside cannot be seen after the forced demolition.

In addition, this encryption should also be divided into different levels of authority, otherwise it will be decrypted every time you use it, isn't it very troublesome!

Therefore, if Xia Duo wanted to open this spell book, he had to at least complete the step of seizing authority, otherwise, he could only unlock it slowly.


"I'll check if there are any triggering damage spells."

Niya didn't do it for the first time. After all, it was a spell book from a stranger. She wasn't sure if the Feld wizard would add damage spells to the spell book.

Of course, not just damage spells, any trigger spells need to be avoided.

Before the inspection, Niya blessed herself with a full range of protective spells, and a burst of magical aura flashed through. In Chateau's magic vision, Niya had become a gleaming ball of light.

Chardonnay also cast protection.

"Taling, transforming spell laboratory protection mode, type 2 testing mode."

Just as Niya's voice fell, Xia Duo found that the magic net environment in this laboratory had undergone a slight adjustment, and became—become a little unspeakable, anyway, he didn't notice anything abnormal.

Immediately afterwards, Niya controlled the arcane and tried to link the open magic net string of the spell book. This is a necessary step to use magic items. If there is no arcane, the only way to connect the magic item to herself.

However, generally only relatively advanced magic items have this setting. For ordinary magic items, as long as the user has long-term contact with them, they will automatically generate links. This time may vary from a few minutes to tens of hours.

From this perspective, the magic items that a mage can use at the same time are limited, and it is unlikely that a person will have ten rings on his hand.

Niya's link attempt was unsuccessful, but it was not considered a failure. At least it did not trigger any triggering spells. This light yellow cover spell book was still lying peacefully in the lead box.

"It seems that there is no triggering spell set in the link. I will pick it up and see if there is a triggering spell set against the touch."

Niya's eyes were light, her tone was a little nervous and a little excited, but Xia Duo was a little worried about her state when she saw her like this:

"Wait a minute, I will try to use [Appraisal Technique] first, you can see if there are any tamed foreign slaves in the Giles Tower, let the slaves try to touch them."

"This spell book is at least linked to the fifth layer of the magic net. We can't judge how much is left behind. The appraisal technique should not work, right?" Niya was a little confused.

"It doesn't cost much to try, but don't feel like a calm spellcaster right now."

When Xia Duo said this, Niya was surprised at first, but she quickly reacted, "Sorry, it's the first time I have conducted this kind of cracking experiment. I'm going to find a slave now."

After speaking, Niya left the laboratory.

Xia Duo was also a casual mention of slaves. He didn't expect that Giles Tower really had slaves. He was somewhat repulsive of using the slave Xia Duo, whether it was due to civilized moral concepts or practical interests.

But in Netheril, slavery is a very real problem. In addition to foreign races, even Nether people can become slaves.

In addition, even if slaves are not used, as long as they are willing to pay, there will be a lot of people willing to participate in magic experiments.

Even on the earth, there are various medical experiment volunteers, but compared to Netheril’s slaves who have no right to choose, a complete set of volunteer recruitment procedures has been formed on the earth, which can to a certain extent Ensure the safety of volunteers.

As long as there is no evil attempt, Xia Duo does not reject the use of living organisms for experiments. As for the danger, that is actually something that volunteers need to consider, or something that has not yet formed a review committee.

If Netheril wants to develop, it will definitely form a relatively complete procedure for recruiting experimental volunteers. After all, taking a step back, the experimenters who actively participate will at least bring higher experimental efficiency than forced participation.


Just when Niya left to contact the slaves, Xia Duo was going to use the [Appraisal Technique] to give it a try. Although he knew that the probability of being able to be identified directly was very small, as he and Niya said, it was easy to try. .

And no matter if all the information in the spell book is identified or not, at least there will be no gain at all.