Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 527: Mithril component bridge

Simply wanting to destroy a magic item is not very difficult, but Xia Duo's purpose is not to destroy, but to crack. He has no interest in the materials for this spell book. What he needs is this spell book. The knowledge contained.

Whether it is the various spells recorded internally, or the craftsmanship of the spell book itself.

Of course, the cracking method Xia Duo chooses is actually a kind of destruction, but this method is not simple and rude.

"By the way, Niya, how are you mastering the Mithril component bridge?"

"I've just studied the theory, and haven't actually operated it."


Of course, Xia Duo also studied theories, and even used them frequently, but one theory corresponds to a variety of practical applications. He tried the operation of bridging mithril components to crack magic items once.

The theory involved in bridging the Mithril components of magic items is actually the same as the magic upgrade involved in the arcanist upgrade, but the reverse is called the equivalent reduction.

The two are one, to describe in one sentence, that is-high-ring spells can be completely composed of low-ring elements, and conversely, high-ring components can also be derived from low-ring elements.

If you want to crack this spell book, you must first clarify all the elements related to the blockade in the spell book before proceeding to the next step of decryption.

If you don't even know all the elements, then there is no way to decrypt it.

It happens that this spell book is encrypted and blocked, and it also involves 5 levels and above. This is outside the scope of "observation" of Xia Duo and Niya. If you want to study it, you must go through an equivalent transformation and transform it into Low-level elements.

And this transformation process, implemented in the specific operation, is the bridge of the Mithril structure.

This not only requires proficiency in theory, but also has high requirements for practical operations.

Niya said before that this is the first time she has conducted this kind of cracking experiment, and now it seems that she did not lie.

In this case, Xia Duo began to take the initiative to arrange work. He first closed the note that had just recorded the results of [Appraisal Technique], and wrote on the cover-"Field Spell Book Cracking Experiment Record".

Then he handed the notes to Niya's hands and said: "First record the low-level elements, and then use the [Appraisal Technique] to find a breakthrough point. As for the mithril component bridge, I think we still need to practice hands first, what do you think? "

"I agree, I am impatient."

"Don't say that, I'm also very impatient, but the two of us can't do it in a short time to crack high-level spell books. It's good to learn and crack at the same time."



It doesn't take much time to record the low-ring elements, especially when there are two people, but it is not so easy to find a breakthrough point through the [identification technique].

Of course, it's great, just find a location to bridge it, but if it's great, you don't need to use this method, and you can even directly identify the relevant functions of the spell book, and then cast the spell to release the related blockade spell.

What Xia Duo and Niya are doing now is similar to a mage apprentice trying to understand a formal mage, but the gap between Xia Duo, Nia and the Mage Feld is far greater than the gap between an apprentice and a formal mage.

It is difficult, but it is also a process of learning and research.

Next, the two will take turns to cast [Appraisal Skills], from the 1st to the 5th rings, hoping to find something valuable from the spell book to the energy flow in the string of the magic net.

I just performed a 3-ring [Appraisal Technique]. Before recording started, Niya took away the "Experimental Record" one step in advance. Chateau suddenly looked at Niya in confusion, "What's the matter? You just forgot to write something. Yet?"

"No, it's not me, it's you!"

"Me, what's wrong with me?"

"You should go to rest!" Niya took out a lace-up mirror and stretched it out in front of Xia Duo, "Look at your face."

"My face?" Xia Duo looked into the mirror subconsciously. He saw a young man with a tired face, but Xia Duo was still in a state of concentration.

Under magical vision, this mirror that is not the size of a palm is emitting a dazzling magical aura!

For a while, Xia Duo actually forgot what Niya just said. There was only one word in his mind that kept circling-Hao, did Niya look in this mirror usually?

When Niya put away the mirror, Xia Duo remembered that he hadn't slept for two days and two nights, and he kept casting spells, his face was so bad, but his mind was always on the spell book, and he ignored it. Niya needs to remind me of this.

At this time, tiredness happened to hit, and Xia Duo said, "I will go back now."

"I see you off."

"Yeah." Xia Duo did not refuse.

Without Niya's gift, an outsider of him appeared in the private area of ​​Giles Tower, and he didn't know if he would be captured by Taring.


Returning to his temporary residence Xia Duo did not take a break for the first time, and there is still a necessary task to be completed, that is, to make Ao Neng Crystal.

These days, he can be regarded as accumulating some experience. Aohuo is indeed constantly generating Ao energy, but the speed is very limited.

Chateau roughly estimated that if the Austrian energy in the Austrian fire is completely consumed (including the production of the Austrian energy crystal), it will take about 8 hours to recover.

Therefore, the ideal situation is to use the 5th ring [Making Ao Neng Crystal] every 8 hours, so that the "capacity" of Ao Huo can be used to the fullest.

Of course, the actual situation is not so ideal. Xia Duo's plan is to make it at night before going to bed. In the daytime, it is better to keep Ao Neng as abundant as possible to prevent accidents.

Arcane crystals can be absorbed by Arcane Fire, but it also takes time. The efficiency is the same as Arcane Fire generates Arcane Energy. It is not filled with a single click.

This will waste two-thirds of Aohuo's daily production capacity, but there is no way. Xia Duo is already studying a method to directly introduce Ao Neng into his portable space.

This will not only waste a drop of Aohu production capacity, but also saves the trouble of displaying [Making Ao Neng Crystal].

It's just that the time for Chateau to become an arcanist was short, and there was no time to produce any results. It may be that there are some blind spots in thinking, which I haven't thought of yet.

He believes that Aoneng can definitely be directly imported into the portable space, just as convenient as accessing items.

——【Making Ao Neng Crystal】!

This time, Xia Duo still only produced an Ao Neng Crystal that was less than the size of a rice grain, and threw the Ao Neng Crystal that was not enough to stuff her teeth into the portable space.

But the "watching" space expanded a bit, and Xia Duo went to sleep with satisfaction.