Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 549: After moving, famous

After Xia Duo expelled the Priest Cole from Rodney, he guessed that Rodney led this series of behaviors might be instructed by a great arcanist.

If the mysterious organization is really the messenger behind Rodney collar, then according to Lord Hawke, there is a great arcanist behind the mysterious organization, but Rodney collar does not.

Looking at it this way, it seems that all the information is concatenated, but Xia Duo knows that in many cases, even 100% truthful information may be misleading.

Not to mention that this is just one side of Lord Hawke.

"Lord Hawke, what you said made me very shocked." Chateau said while pretending to be thinking hard.

"I need some time to make sure that maybe Rodney, or even the mysterious organization is our common enemy, and the enemy's enemy is a friend. For friends, I will certainly not be trapped by Aquilion. Of course, before that, I can't let him go yet."

"What an'enemy's enemy is a friend'! With this sentence, I fully believe that we will become friends in the future!" Doleson behaved very generously, and his words also revealed full of kindness.

Combined with his good temperament and appearance, if it had not been for Xia Duo’s awakening of the relationship and position of the two parties, he might have been in a good mood. An elderly and a senior arcanist would be so approachable in front of him. .

Now, the preconceived Chardonnay took it for granted that there was a conspiracy.

Of course, it doesn't really matter if it is a conspiracy. What Xia Duo wants is to delay some time and wait for the follow-up impact of the communication plan. Furthermore, he will carefully consider the causes and consequences in any decision, and will not act hastily.

There is a saying in my hometown called "plan and act afterwards." If the other party hopes that only these one-sided information will allow him to release Aquilion, or even directly hit Rodney collars, mysterious organizations, etc., then Chateau can only Said that the other party underestimated him.

After that, the two exchanged greetings for a while, as if a senior was taking care of the younger.

It was not until near the evening that Xia Duo left the OFA.


Back at the Giles Tower, Chateau was still thinking about the meeting with Lord Hawke just now. He didn't expect to be fierce and confrontational, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was amiable.

This is probably what Greta Master said as "obeying the rules". It seems that Lord Hawke is in a really bad situation now.

After thinking about it, Xia Duo contacted the Savile leader and asked them to do some investigations first. After that, he felt that it was too early, so he didn't contact Niya again to "identify" the spell book with her.

Instead, continue to measure the energy consumption of spells. As an arcanist, as long as you want to do, there are too many things to do, and there is nothing to do. This is because Xia Duo is on the away game and many researches cannot be carried out.


The next day, the snow melting competition, which had been postponed for three days, finally continued.

The next thing to be done is the second arcane fan game. To be honest, Chateau is looking forward to this project more than any other project. It is not because the arcane fan game came from him, but the one he understands best. This is probably the project.

Spell showdown is a magnificent battle. If Xia Duo can touch the seventh layer of the magic net, it is of course an extremely wonderful performance, but he is not. The showdown he can see only involves the fifth layer of the magic net. I have to say that it is very regrettable. .

As for the grand illusion, it can even be said that there is no direct match. The competition is the illusion. This is purely the imagination and art of the comparison. If Xia Duo participates, some scenes on the earth will be created, although it may not be the most beautiful boy on the field. But it will definitely refresh everyone.

In his mind, the grand illusion is the least worth looking forward to.

In addition to satisfying some curiosity, real magic research does not actually play much role.

There are only arcane fan games. In addition to directing the chess game, the contestants are actually more of an aid to the chess pieces. The abilities of the chess pieces have been determined in advance, and most of them still retain the original design of Chateau.

This made the scope of the spell showdown a lot, making it easier for Xia Duo to watch.

Therefore, Xia Duo called Niya early and came to the arena together. In the free time waiting for the start of the game, the two deduce the trend of the chess game with each other.

Of course, compared with the ability of the chess pieces in the official game to be mostly around 8 rings, and the players' spell casting ability is limited to less than 5 rings, the deductions of Xia Duo and Niya are several grades lower.

Roughly through the 1st level of spellcasting ability, to promote or prevent a 3rd level far beyond the contact spell hit.

However, not long after the two of them started a game, Niya abandoned the piece and stopped playing. "The first attack advantage of the piece is too great. I think the attacked piece must be able to counterattack, otherwise it will go through the low-loop spell. It’s too difficult to influence high circle spells, so it’s better to play a pure chess game!"

"If the chess pieces can counterattack, the chess game itself is meaningless, so it's better to have a spell duel directly!"

When Xia Duo designed the arcane fan game, his main consideration was to reduce the influence of the players' spells as much as possible, so that the influence of chess power would prevail.

In this way, Naiserfang can take advantage of Xia Duo training routines in advance.

"Since there is no arcane fan game, there is still some time before the game starts. Let's play a pure chess game."


Pure chess game, or "projection game", although Niya is not as powerful as Xia Duo, she accepts this form more. She has realized that this form of game can be focused The effect of training.


Chateau and Niya, who were in a projected game, could easily ignore the external situation. When they finished a game and were ready to see how long the game had yet to start, they were surprised to find that there were a lot of games in the arena. projection.

"Xia Duo, it seems that everyone likes chess!" Niya smiled and looked at Xia Duo, with a hint of playfulness in her tone.

Xia Duo is also very happy that the crystallization of wisdom from his hometown can be recognized by the Nether Masters, and as chess becomes more and more popular, it is inevitable that he will bring a lot of "power of faith" to him.

Although he said that he didn't care whether the bloodline could be awakened again, but if he really awakened again, he would still shout "true fragrance".

Even if there is a progress bar for the bloodline awakening, he can clearly see how much "power of faith" is needed for the next awakening, he feels that he is likely to take the initiative to become famous.

Of course, compared to the fact that magic is well-founded and well-founded, the blood awakening is still too vague.