Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 586: The arrival of new leaders, the total nu

"Hey, can I get holy power by simply believing in a certain idea?"

In the quiet study room, Xia Duo simply put down the pen and pondered this question seriously, but after thinking for a while, he felt that it was just a fantasy and it was meaningless, and he still had to conduct specific experiments to know.

Next, Xia Duo met some key figures in the territory one after another, such as the death priest Mott, Simon and Meri of the territory guard, Giaco, the head of the brick kiln, etc., through them to understand the current situation of the territory.

Yesterday's inspection was a bit hasty after all. Today is the official report of the relevant personnel. Xia Duo carefully listened to their statements and summaries, and conducted targeted questions and answers on many issues, and finally gave instructions one by one.

After finishing all this, it was already in the afternoon, and by this time, Xia Duo had a very detailed understanding of the current situation of the territory, as if he had stayed in the territory all the time.

However, he was also aware of a problem. As the territory gradually expanded, the affairs of the territory would become more complicated. The current practice of the lord holding all affairs in his hands was a bit out of date.

Therefore, Xia Duo felt that it was time to appoint a formal territorial administrative officer!


With the administrative officer, or more accurately, with the secretary team to assist him, Xia Duo can manage the territory more easily, focusing on the overall situation, and spending the extra time on magic research or other personal matters.

"When the new group of immigrants are properly settled, they will be appointed immediately!" Chateau quietly made a decision.

The next batch of people will be sent by the Belera fleet. Her fleet has just left Seventon not long ago. This trip has transported more than 700 people and will arrive in about a month. The territorial administrative officer can also deal with it calmly.

And more than that, Belleira also helped Chardeau contact other fleets, but due to factors such as the schedule of other fleets and the time for the Seventon Parliament to convene new leaders, it has not yet been able to set off.

But their staying power is very strong.

There may be hundreds of people in a batch by then, and it will be more frequent than it is now. In addition to other affairs of the territory, if no other administrative officers are appointed, Leiden alone will not be busy.

Similarly, in order to cope with the large-scale production of communication instruments in the near future, the Tower of Time also needs to make corresponding adjustments in advance.

Xia Duo's thoughts kept flowing in his mind, and he continued to write and paint. After a while, a rough list of appointments for the territory and the Tower of Time appeared on paper.


In the morning of the next day, five cargo ships full of new civilians docked at the pier of Linshui Village. Due to the narrow river channel and the small size of the pier, the five ships could only dock one by one.

Although this prolonged the time for receiving new leaders, it also made the scene a lot more refreshing. In addition, when the new leaders were on the ship, they had already received some of the admonitions and preaching, so they were also considered orderly.

On the bank of the river, Xia Duo calmly watched as the new leaders step off the cargo ship, took the buns and clothes from the receivers, and then went to the clerk to register their identity information. Then, under the leadership of the receivers, proceed to the first 4. In residential areas, houses are allocated according to households.


"grown ups?"

"In about a month and a half, there will be a group of new people coming. During this period of time, the leveling of the land can be temporarily slowed down, so that the wooden house manufacturing workshop can train a group of usable carpenters as soon as possible." Xia Duo warned.

With the territory’s current standard wooden house component reserve, new housing units should be available for one and a half months later, but it will not work afterwards and must be prepared in advance.

In the case of limited time, if you want to greatly increase production, for the time being, you can only increase the number of carpenters.


Soon, all the new citizens disembarked. Seeing this, Chateau said to Leiden: "I want to go back to the Tower of Time. I will leave it to you next. If you have an emergency, please contact me. The communication scroll is already there. There should be more over there, right?"


"That's good."

Xia Duo patted Leiden's arm as an encouragement, and then called Taling, guided the teleportation, and returned to the Tower of Time.

Two days later, after an appointment with Dean and the others, he went to the Tilak research room for inspection. Naturally, Chateau would not break his promise, but this time he returned not only to inspect their research progress, arrange the research and development tasks of communication instruments, but also some slightly Radical adjustments.


The Tower of Time, Chateau’s residence and private research room.

After returning, Chateau did not go to the Tilak research room for the first time, but returned to his residence, "Taling, how many apprentices are there in the Tower of Time?"

"Xia Duo, a substitute, currently has 392 apprentices in the Tower of Time."

Hearing this number, Xia Duo couldn't help sighing. There are so many apprentices. In the past, only single digits were promoted to official mage in the Tower of Time. In the past two years, due to Xia Duo's existence, the number of new official mages increased slightly each year. But it did not exceed single digits.

Chateau continued to ask: "Taling, out of the 392 apprentices, how many are official apprentices? How many apprentices have the ability to cast spells?"

The so-called "official apprentices" are just the words of the Tower of Time family. They refer to apprentices who have mastered restoration techniques to provide maintenance services for the Tower of Time. Apprentices can only be qualified to ask questions at this stage.

And below the formal apprenticeship, they are basically no different from handyman, and they are not even qualified to ask questions in class.

"Xia Duo, the substitute, currently has 67 official apprentices and 152 apprentices with the ability to cast spells."

Xia Duo knows that this is the latest data of the Tower of Time. Any apprentice who is active in the Tower of Time will inevitably be recorded by the tower. This data is approved by Xia Duo.

Of course, what he recognizes is only the authenticity of the data, and whether he is satisfied with the data is another matter.

Of course, Xia Duo was not satisfied with this statistic. In his opinion, a formal mage could be completed quickly. Even if it was trained by the standards of an arcanist, less than half of them had the ability to cast spells.

It can be seen from this that the tower of the past tense is in a stocking state for the apprentices' training, even if they will arrange courses for the apprentices, in Xia Duo's view, it is more like finding something for the mages to do.

There is no systematic teaching plan, so that there are only single digits of the number of official mages each year.

But now, Xia Duo wants to change this situation, not just to increase the mage craftsmanship that makes magical items, this is actually an idea he has always been.

Magic, conceptually consistent with science, but with a different name, refers to a verifiable system of knowledge.

There is no doubt that the more wizards the faster the magic can develop.

Let the civilization as a whole climb, this is what Xia Duo likes to see.

As for the problems that may be encountered in the development, Xia Duo did not shy away from talking about it, such as disputes and private fights caused by too many wizards, too fast development to cause malicious surroundings, the possible impact of super magic on the living environment, and so on.

But we cannot give up development just because there may be problems. Development problems can only be solved by development!


Later, Xia Duo asked in detail about the apprenticeship promotion and mage promotion situation of the Tower of Time over the years, and the mentality was probably counted, so he ordered Ta Ling:

"Notify all official mages of the Tower of Time to have a meeting in the public floor No. 1 meeting room the day after tomorrow!"

The reason for the empty day is mainly considering that some people may already have arrangements in the past few days, so that two days' notice in advance can also allow them to adjust their arrangements.

After receiving the reply conveyed by Taring's notification, Xia Duo then set off to the Tilak research room on the same floor as his residence.