Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 593: Unexpected, unexpected

The four goals of the first stage of the transformation of the Tower of Time were a more stable transformation plan that was reached after repeated discussions with Chadeau, Cecily and several other mid-level mages.

After talking about these small goals, Xia Duo paid close attention to the expressions of everyone in the conference room. Some were hilarious, others were at a loss, but more of them were calm faces.

No one asks?

Of course, Chateau had considered this situation, and glanced at the corner of the conference room, which was where the members of the Jin Society were located. He looked at each other, and Dean immediately understood and got up and asked:

"Master Xia Duo, you just said to reduce or waive the borrowing fees for some books. Is it true? Do we have a chance?"

"Of course it is true!" Xia Duo said affirmatively, "However, only books on the essence of the magic net and the principles of magic are within the scope of exemption. Later I will separate a special exemption area in the library for everyone to choose from. ."

The essence of the magic net and the principle of magic actually refer to the theoretical part of magic. It and magic technology (spells) together constitute the entire magic concept.

In fact, only the theoretical part can bring power.

Xia Duo is willing to open up these things almost free of charge. Although in his opinion this is an inevitable development, it is undoubtedly a great benefit to the wizards of Netheril.

This is actually part of the Arcanist training plan, but Shaduo's main target is not these official mages, but the apprentices of the Tower of Time who failed to appear in this conference room.

Apprentices are basically under the age of 20. They are young and active in thinking. They are the most suitable training targets. These formal mages, except for a small number of younger ones, are basically rushing four or five.

A large group of young masters have not yet mixed with a high-level mage, and their potential is limited after all. Of course, Xia Duo does not rule out those who are late bloomers, but the probability is too small.

He didn't think that the Tower of Time could produce such a one.

However, since apprentices can be exempted, it can't be justified that the official mage can't be exempted. With the slight expectation of the so-called late bloomers, Xia Duo will open the exemption to all members.


With Dean's beginning, people continued to stand up and ask Xia Duo questions, and there was no abnormal situation or fierce questions. Of course, this was because the first stage of transformation mainly involved apprentices.

The official mages may be aware of something, but after all, it has nothing to do with them, instead they have a lot of benefits.

Even the audit office dedicated to the private research office of mid-level mages, in addition to auditing and accounting for the special investment allocated by the Tower of Time, its existence can also provide convenience for mid-level mages in project application.

At least the process has become simpler.

Except for those who deliberately engage in tricks, normal people will not reject the Audit Office.

In other words, even if you deliberately engage in tricks, it is impossible to say it in front of all the mages. After all, auditing is the official right of the Tower of Time. The only thing that can be opposed is probably Niya, but what does she have? What are the reasons for objection?

Therefore, except for a middle-level mage who inquired about the role of the Audit Office, Xia Duo explained it, and no one asked further.

For the four small goals of the first phase of the transformation of the Tower of Time, what everyone is most concerned about is the reduction or exemption of library borrowing books. Most of the problems are also concentrated in this area.

In this regard, Xia Duo early prepared and answered one by one.


After a long time, the conference room finally became quiet. Everyone knew that the transformation of the Tower of Time was a foregone conclusion. They all turned their attention to Xia Duo, and Xia Duo accepted it calmly.

"Everyone, I hope to witness the smooth transformation and glory of the Tower of Time with you. Regarding the apprenticeship management office and the audit office to be established, these two departments need your support. If you want to work in it, you can contact Taling. I."

After speaking, Xia Duo announced the end of the meeting.

This meeting was basically carried out in accordance with his will and expectations. The only thing that surprised him was that Sandur not only showed up, but also did not oppose him, and even raised a painless question in cooperation.

This made some of Xia Duo's prepared backhands useless, as if he had hit an empty space with a punch. Sometimes people are just like that, but they are not satisfied when they are satisfied.

However, what will happen to Sandur in the future depends on the actual situation in the future. If he has been performing well, then there is no need for Xia Duo to clean up him, and it is not impossible to even reward him.


After leaving the meeting room, Xia Duo first went to the library and temporarily closed one of the partitions, preparing to reopen as a relief partition.

After that, he returned to his residence, preparing to compile a list of exemption books based on his own experience. He had already done these things before, but had not yet completed them.

And even if it is completed, it is only the first step. The list is a list, and books are books. Books also need to be sorted out, and some irrelevant content is eliminated.

For example, a lot of travel notes, diaries and so on.

What Chateau really wanted was a set of "standard textbooks from zero basics to becoming an arcanist", but he also knew that it would be unrealistic to get it in a short you can only use the time Tower of existing books.

It is not too late to rewrite a set of standard textbooks when time and conditions are available in the future.

While he was checking the list of bibliography provided by Taring, while observing the atmosphere in the Tower of Time through Taring projection, he suddenly received a message from Niya——

"Come to the study!"

Came back so early? This is only morning!

Xia Duo was a little surprised. When communicating with Niya last night, she said that she would only come back at night because she usually makes up lessons at Giles Tower during the day. This is a task arranged by her teacher and will not change easily.

I'm back now somehow!

Despite some doubts, Xia Duo thought too much, cleared the desk a bit, and got up to go to the top of the Tower of Time, Niya's study.


When Xia Duo arrived at Nia's study, apart from Nia herself, he also saw Abbock, De Parker, and Cecily. As soon as she saw these people, Xia Duo probably knew what Nia was looking for.

It is inseparable from the transformation of the Tower of Time.

"Xia Duo, long time no see!" Niya took the initiative to say hello.

"Uh-" Xia Duo was stunned.

It has been a long time since the two met face-to-face in reality. It was still more than a month since they were in Seventon before. They are in contact almost every day!

However, Xia Duo quickly reacted and said, "Long time no see!"


Ebbock looked at the strange behavior of the two and couldn't help but coughed slightly, "Niya, you just said you brought some books back from Giles Tower?"

Chateau hadn't been there before, and didn't know what they were talking about before, but listening to Abbock's meaning, Niya had brought the book from Giles Tower again?