Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 604: Children of the stars, return to the ter

In the inner garden of the temple, Chateau and Niya discussed the scarlet twinkling star in the northwest sky. A moment later, Abbock's message came. He also saw the star, but Abbock didn’t know the star. Case.

As for Bishop Ambrill, he personally came to the garden and explained to Chateau:

"Lord Chateau, there is a saying in the "Proverbs", ‘The stars in the sky are all my children, but I only love Su Lun and give her the glory second only to me.’

"Therefore, the temple is equipped with special stargazers to record the horoscopes of each season each year. Just before coming, I specifically asked about it. There is no record of that star in the temple."

"Sacred Proverbs of the Lord of Radiance", Xia Duo is not unfamiliar, or is very familiar with it. At the beginning, he learned the color-resistant characters mainly from "The Proverbs". There are indeed "children of stars" and "loving Sulun". if.

But the stargazer, it was the first time he heard that Xia Duo guessed that this might have something to do with the calendar. Of course, it might also have something to do with prophecy, or simply the execution of doctrine.

Obviously there is a special stargazer to record the astrology, but there is no record of that scarlet flashing star, Bishop Umbrill's answer made Chateau a little disappointed.

He also thought that the bishop could say something different, but he didn't expect that he also "don't know"!

Of course, this can’t be blamed on Bishop Ambriel. If there is no record, there is no record. It should not be edited on the spot. Although the specific information of the scarlet flashing star cannot be obtained, this at least illustrates a problem——

That star has never appeared in the history of Savile’s existence, it should have appeared suddenly in the near future!

Do not!

Most likely it only appeared during the day today, but because the sun was too strong during the day, no one noticed it. If it was before today, even before sunrise today! How could such an obvious star go unnoticed!

Before sunrise, he and Niya participated in the sun rising ceremony of the Midsummer Festival celebration and watched the sun rise throughout the whole process. Before the sun rose, he had already arrived at the ceremony site.

If there was such an obvious star in the sky before then, how could it be discovered by others!


After Bishop Ambrill left, Chateau once again looked at the scarlet flashing star in the northwestern sky. As the sun gradually set over the horizon, the half of the sky that was rendered golden by the setting sun gradually dimmed and returned to the true color of night.

At this time, the sky has not completely dimmed, but the stars can already be seen shining clearly.

The most unique among them is the scarlet twinkling star, which is particularly obvious against the dark night——

Flashes and flashes, like a drop of blood that has never melted into the water, continuously smudging, dyeing the sky around it into a dim rusty red, giving people the feeling that it is a little stranger than before.

Xia Duo couldn't help frowning, and the unclear premonition in his heart grew stronger. He looked at Niya and solemnly said: "When you come back to Seventon, you must inquire about the flashing star. I have a bad feeling. Good premonition."

"What do you know?" Niya frowned and asked.

"I don't know, but just seeing it appear so suddenly and the disturbing color, can you say it's normal?"

Niya didn’t speak, and seemed to agree with Xia Duo’s statement. She looked towards the northwestern sky and showed a trace of worry. “When I return to the Giles Tower, I’ll inquire carefully, but I think I can see it here, in Sai Wenton should be able to see it too, maybe there has been a conclusion there, but it is not necessarily a bad thing."

She didn't believe this, and she hurriedly changed the subject by drinking tea, "The sky is getting dark, let's go to the side hall!"

"it is good!"

Xia Duo couldn't sit down here anymore, just hoping that time would pass faster and let today pass quickly. On this day, too much happened.

Compared with the mysterious flashing star in the northwest sky, it seems that even the crisis of Zall is nothing.


When we arrived at the side hall, there were priests preparing sacrifices and artifacts for the final "dormancy ceremony" of the evening. Xia Duo lost interest after watching it for a while. At this time, there were still several hours before the ceremony, he told Niya. With a sound, he left the temple through the back door.

Behind the temple is the western area of ​​Savile Town, or the civilian area. Most of the people living in it are small local merchants, craftsmen, soldiers and other people who are able to make a home in the town.

Gibb’s home is here, but Gibb is still leading Daxia at this time, and Xia Duo has no intention of visiting his home. He just wants to relax. Hearing cheers and shouts coming from not far away, he Feeling a sense of peace inexplicably.

Xia Duo stopped in front of a bonfire at an intersection. The flames rose with wisps of green smoke. The pungent scent of cheap spices could not resist even the air area on the body surface. He desperately wanted to face Xia Duo's nose. Drill in.

Ah and--

Xia Duo sneezed heavily and rubbed his nose. He didn't expand the airspace he controlled, nor cast any shielding spells, but just moved a little away.

He didn't hate this kind of firework, but liked it very much.

After making a circle around the periphery of the central square Xia Duo returned to the temple, and at this time, the time was almost too. At the reminder of the temple priest, he and Niya walked out from the main entrance of the temple.

Then, the "hibernation ceremony" began.


After the ceremony, Xia Duo did not stay in the Savile leader, nor did he return to the Tower of Time, but directly teleported back to the Great Xia leader.

The location he teleported back was on the west side of the Altar Square, near the Wolfsburg River, but when he came back, he found something was wrong, and the surrounding was too quiet.

Of course, it is also possible that he has just returned from the noisy environment of Savile, the contrast in contrast.

On the other side of the Altar Square is Leiden’s office, facing the lord’s villa further east. Chadeau saw that there was still light coming from there, so he sent a message to Leiden, and at the same time, went over the warning magic and headed east. Go.

Before he could reach the altar in the middle of the square, Leiden had already greeted him. After a salute, he said, "My lord!"

"Don't be polite, why is it so quiet tonight? Didn't the celebrations take place?" Xia Duo asked.

He himself had ordered it. After all, Midsummer Day was considered a legal holiday in Netheril, and even slaves could receive preferential treatment that they didn't have in the past, not to mention their own citizens!

"My lord, there are celebrations, but in the evening, a strange flashing star suddenly appeared in the sky. The new group of citizens was a little uneasy, so I ended the celebration early. If the adults come back soon, maybe you can see it. Arrived."

"So that's it!" Chateau felt that Leiden's response was reasonable. If it were him, he might have made a similar decision, at most saying some comforting words in the name of the lord.

"In that case, you should go to rest soon!"

"Yes, my lord!"