Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 636: Flexible teaching, the trend of the time

With the episode of the projection plane, Xia Duo was not in a hurry to return to Linshui Village. He thought that he had arranged Devine to try to become an astral mage before, and he did not know how Devine was progressing recently.

Asked Taring about Devine's location, but it turned out to be a little surprising for Chardonnay. Devine neither did the related exercises of the Astral Master on the Planar Exploration Layer, nor did he help in the Tilak Research Room.

He went to the public floor and didn't know what he was doing!

After thinking about it, Xia Duo didn't let Taring directly project the image of Devine's location after all, but asked Taring to send him a word to let him come to the workshop where he was now.

They are all at the public level, and it doesn't cost much.

After a while, Devine came over, but as soon as the two met, before Chateau spoke, Devine acted with an exaggerated expression, "Chateau, I finally saw you!"

"What's the matter? Can't all the members of the society contact me through Taring? Just contact me directly if something happens!" Xia Duo was a little confused.


Dewaen was stunned, and then said, "I don't know if you are busy, I'm afraid to disturb you."

"Forget it this time. I'll just say something in the future. No matter how busy I am, I won't even have time to listen to a few words from you."

Having said that, Xia Duo knows that it is like the subordinates on the earth know the leader's phone number. Unless it is really urgent, whoever is okay will call twice!

This kind of interpersonal rules applies even in the magical world. Seeing Devine's perfunctory expression on his face, he knew that he would not be contacted next time, so he asked:

"Let's talk about it, what is it that makes you see me like this, besides, shouldn't you be doing astral perception training in the exploration plane at this time?"

"Because of the same thing!"

Having said this sentence first, Devine explained his recent troubles all at once, "Did not the tower recruit a large number of new apprentices last month? Many people in the Academy have received teaching tasks, but because There are really too many people, and I can’t come too busy. Occasionally I will help, but a few days ago, a group of new apprentices came, and I have been leading apprentices."


After Xia Duo thought of the elves of the Yue Xilan family who came to Savile Town a few days ago, he went back to Linshui Village and brought all the 16-year-old leaders on the territory into the Tower of Time.

At that time, he thought that with an additional two or three hundred people, the newly established apprenticeship management office could also arrange it well, but now it seems that he is a little too optimistic.

In Xia Duo's plan, there will be a group of new leaders this month, and those around the age of sixteen will be selected to study at the Tower of Time.

Most of the society on the Savillian side is already stable and balanced, and large-scale full-time education is temporarily unable to carry out large-scale full-time education, but Daxia is a pioneering leader, and everything is new. Naturally, Xia Duo can do whatever he wants.

For Devine’s problem, Chateau has no good solutions for the time being, unless he is willing to increase the number of teachers for each teacher, but education, aside from the long-term perspective, is not the most basic thing to answer questions!

If there are too many people, the teachers will be overwhelmed, which will easily affect the quality of teaching.

This is a bit similar to the "small class" and "large class system" on the earth. Before the magic education has been perfected to a certain level, the Tower of Time used more "small class" teaching.

Each teacher is only responsible for about 20 people.

If the first-level apprentices who have not completed the enlightenment can still use large-class teaching, but the second-level apprentices who have completed the enlightenment and are studying professional magic, the effect of large-class teaching is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Of course, even if it is worse, it is already higher than the previous apprenticeship.

After thinking about it, Xia Duo felt that it would be unrealistic to insist on teaching in small classes. Of course, he would be unsatisfied with herding sheep in a large class, so let's compromise!

"Let's use flexible teaching!"

"What is flexible teaching?" Devine asked.

"Flexible teaching means that each teacher receives as many apprentices as possible according to his own ability. The more apprentices taught, the higher the personal performance. Of course, the premise of all this is that the promotion rate of apprentices Above the standard."


Devine suddenly felt that he was speechless, but Chateau's words did not end--

"Teachers will have a ranking for their monthly, quarterly, and yearly performance. The higher the ranking, the additional rewards, including but not limited to gold coins, knowledge, and magic items."

Previously, every teacher in the Apprenticeship Management Office had performance requirements, but they were more concerned with completing tasks. If a competitive mechanism is introduced, I think they will improve their efficiency in all aspects.

Seeing Devine's slightly distorted expression, Xia Duo felt a little sad in his heart. He has become the person he once hated the most, but thinking about the various perverted gameplay on the earth, he is still humane!

At least there is no punishment and no elimination!

Properly all are positive energy that inspires progress!

Working hard for the rise of the magical civilization is Xia Duo's greatest goodwill to all the apprentices and all teachers of the Tower of Time. Changing your destiny probably starts from this moment!


After talking with Devine for a while, Chateau issued a new teaching system to all the teachers in the apprenticeship management office through Taring. At this moment, Taring passed him a copy of the Austrian Law Federation. Monthly information.

It came a little earlier than usual, but when he got the general content of the monthly magazine, Xia Duo almost blurted out the very famous ancient poem——

It's really "time comes, the world has the same power"!

This monthly publication can only be regarded as a supplement which mentioned that the Austrian Law Federation has approved the proposal of Giles Tower to promote the [Monet background newsletter].

At the same time, it also mentioned that each mage tower will receive the relevant principles and details of the [Mowang Background Newsletter] at the end of the month. This is equivalent to the mandatory licensing of patents. Of course, fees are also mandatory.

However, what Xia Duo saw is that after the popularization of the [Magnet Background Newsletter], the communication between spellcasters will become more frequent, which is conducive to the birth of new theories and new spells.

Moreover, it has been a long time since the Austrian Law Federation has a new spell patent. If anyone is jealous of Giles Tower's patent income, it may be possible to usher in another wave of spell opening.

Under such circumstances, communication, openness, and progress will become the mainstream, and it is not impossible to reverse Netheril's conservative environment in one fell swoop.

Of course, specific to the actual situation, the emergence of [Mowang background communication] means that-Xia Duo's communication artifacts can finally be sold!

Taking into account the low-cost, high-efficiency production and manufacturing, as well as continuous updating and upgrading, the Tower of Time must be urged to produce a group of qualified industrial workers as soon as possible.

If other mage towers want to compete, they naturally have to follow up in terms of technology, craftsmanship, and even the number of production people, which will be linked to the wave of magic patents.

In fact, it is not just communication tools, there are other magic items (more convenient communication to promote business development). When the benefits are large to a certain extent, it may really be able to reverse the conservative environment of Netheril.

It is not impossible to drive a floating city to promote products in the future.

Faintly, Xia Duo had the feeling of standing on the cusp of the times, but before he could take a closer look at this feeling, Niya's "call" interrupted his reverie--

"Come to the study."