Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 637: Wronged, unlucky

Although Netheril has a variety of communication spells, meeting and chatting is still the main way for Netherite to communicate. Even the [Mignet background communication] only lowers the threshold for remote communication.

Xia Duo randomly speculated about what Niya was looking for with him, but after deliberation, it was either related to the notice he had just sent to the apprentice management office through Taring, or it was related to the monthly magazine of the Austrian Fa Association.

As for which one it is, he is prepared.


Called Taring to transport herself outside Niya's study. The door was wide open. Xia Duo walked in and came to the window. Niya was already waiting for him with tea.

Glancing at the projection on the window, Xia Duo found that it turned out to be a pioneering scene in Linshui Village, where logging, pruning, sawing, and moving were orderly and lively.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being a little curious. When would Niya pay attention to his situation, he couldn't help but wonder again about this meeting.

Just after sitting down, before taking a sip of tea, Niya asked abruptly, "Is the monthly magazine of the Austrian French Federation related to you?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, it revealed a positive tone. Of course, Xia Duo had nothing to conceal. He talked about the transaction between him and Giles Tower, which is about the patent transfer of [Mowang Background News].

Looking at it now, it is a deal. In fact, Xia Duo was going to give it to Giles Tower directly, but the princess did not let him suffer, and it was still calculated according to the high-level spell transfer.

At the end, Xia Duo smiled, "You think of it from that communication artifact, right?"


Niya nodded. Xia gave her a crystal ball-shaped communication artifact. Although she didn't use it much, she had already determined that she could directly contact the South from Sevindun. The corresponding association was immediately produced.

However, Niya is still a little dissatisfied with Chateau’s transfer of spells to the Giles Tower, and her tone is also a bit resentful, "Why not register the patent under the name of the Tower of Time? Are you still worried that I will deduct your patent income?"


Xia Duo was caught off guard by Niya's wronged words like this. Originally, he was prepared to deal with Niya's accountability, but now he is really uncomfortable with this.

After thinking about it, Xia Duo explained: "Communication spells are not that simple. If the Tower of Time is going to register a patent, but one or more great arcanists come to the door and ask you to give up the registration, would you agree? "

"Of course-will agree!"

Niya is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very clever, but her intelligence is more concentrated in the field of magic, and her judgment on interpersonal relations and social situation is not as good as the ears on the earth, almost blackened Xia Duo. .

Of course, Xia Duo is more theoretical, but he only needs to know that he is cautious. He shoots his head and does not show the limelight. "In addition, don't you feel familiar with communication spells?"

Niya tilted her head, "What are you familiar with?"

"Isn’t the Austrian Law Association currently negotiating with Lord Hawke, wanting to introduce his new communication spell, if it is cut off by the Tower of Time, what do you think he would think?"

With that said, Niya immediately reacted. Lord Hawke had almost written "I am an elf gangster" on his face. If it hadn't been for someone to have a communication spell for him, he would have been cleaned up.

If he knew that the Tower of Time was also engaged in communication spells and had to seek to register a patent, it would not be impossible to kill the Savile directly with the new hatred and the old hatred.

"Then you mean, Lord Hawke is unlucky?" Niya said with some confusion.

"Of course, it's just right now when Komanso asks Netheril. If the elf master behind him doesn't bleed a lot, maybe there won't be Dorayson Hawke next year."

Of course, this is only Xia Duo's most optimistic guess. After all, it is not easy to kill a senior arcanist who is close to the great arcanist. It is not that the strength is insufficient, but the environment does not allow it.

If the veteran arcanist can kill and kill, can other mages still feel safe?

Netheril has a rule that applies to all territories, that is, the caster can withdraw money to avoid crime, and most sins can be resolved by fines.

At the beginning, if it wasn't for Hawke's leadership to insist that Aguilain had no fault, but instead he was willing to plead guilty, then it would be impossible for Xia Duo to hold Aguilain for so long.

Of course, Aguilainn himself was willing to plead guilty and punished, and then pay to leave, but in that case, he was willing to go, and Xia Duo was not willing to let go.

If you want to kill a spellcaster in Netheril, the best way is to assassinate. As long as you succeed on the spot, there are plenty of opportunities to wrestle afterwards.

Whether it is forging the scene of a spell, or forging one's own identity, or even tampering with the results of inquiries and trials, this is similar to that on Earth. The key lies in the wrestling of the supporters behind it.

Hawk collar and August collar, both sides assassinated each other's spellcasters, killing and killing each other. I don't know how many people died. In the end, no killer was convicted.

As you can imagine, this is the right answer.

If you want Lord Hawke to die, basically you can only use assassination methods, but for a senior arcanist who is very close to the great arcanist, is it necessary to have a great arcanist pull down and act as an assassin?

Xia Duo guessed Xuan.


After talking about the monthly magazine and communication spells, Niya talked to Xia Duo about the apprenticeship of the Tower of Time, "The Tower of Time has never had so many apprentices I am a little worried—— "

"do not worry!"

Xia Duo quickly interrupted Niya's words. He knew what Niya was worried about. It was nothing but management chaos and fiscal deficits, but these were actually not problems.

He drank the last bit of tea in the cup, got up and walked behind Niya, put his hand on her shoulder, and pressed it lightly, but Xia Duo's gaze at the moment passed through the projection of the window and fell on the work. The voice of Daxia Lingmin gradually became misty:

"Have you heard the call of the new era? It is urging us and advising us that only with more spellcasters can we have a greater right to speak in the future."

Magic is not a high-threshold thing. It is only the man-made monopoly in the past and the inconvenience of communication that have formed the relatively conservative environment as it is now. However, there is a limit to conservation, and openness has a longer tradition.

Once the resistance is broken, it is an open new era.

Xia Duo softly portrayed the scene in the future magical world where everyone has books to read and everyone has to learn. The wizards use spells or battles, or travel, or exploration, or games, and their footprints are all over the main plane, and even all habitable places surface.

In the field of magic creation, magic facilities that originally existed only in a few areas like the Tower of Time will also enter the homes of thousands of ordinary people, such as tap water, magic stoves, voice-controlled lights, teleportation arrays, robes, talisman, etc. Will become a very popular commodity.

Of course, by then, perhaps there will be no ordinary human conception, and it is not impossible that everyone is a wizard.

At that time, even elves who want to come to the human world will have to go through numerous applications and approvals. The most important thing is that even if they come to the human world, they no longer have any privileges.