Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 663: Pull strange, embarrassed

After blessing the armor of light for all three, Umbrill reminded one last sentence:

   "This layer of armor made of sacred light can withstand fatal damage, but don't rely on it too much. I am not sure if I can withstand the dragon's attack. I should try my best to dodge or parry!"

   Xia Duo knew that the bishop was mainly speaking to Broto. He was a spellcaster. Although he might resist a few times, when he really used his body to fight the dragon, it was basically the time when the mountains were exhausted.

   Broto knocked on the shield with a hammer to show that he understood, and then began to move his hands and feet, and finally familiarized himself with the state of the body with various buffs.

   When the three of them were discussing dragon slaying together, they rehearsed a similar situation. The most important thing was to adapt to various blessing spells, so as not to be unfamiliar and cause misplay.


   Through the magic scroll prepared in advance, Chateau blessed Blotto and Bishop Ambrill, such as physical fitness, energy absorption, energy resistance, force field shield, as well as flight and teleportation.

   Of course, flying is not to let them fly and fight the dragon, but to meet the displacement needs of some special situations. Whether it is used or not, whether it has it is very important.

As for teleportation, it’s the [Transport Mark] spell. This is a pre-cast spell created by Xia Duo. Its effect is similar to linking the target and the teleportation point with an elastic line. As long as the target stops "resisting", it will Will be "pulled" back immediately, without the target having the ability to cast spells.

   The only disadvantage is probably that when blessing is on other people, it can only maintain at most one teleport point, and even if it is used by itself, there are only five teleport points at most, and it must be placed in advance.

   This is a way out in an emergency, so you don't have to fight the dragon to death and death.


   Except for Bishop Ambriel, he squeezed out a holy light armor, the other is the conventional holy power blessing, mainly for protection, whether it is physical energy level or spiritual level.

Only Broto failed to provide any special blessings, or it could only be used by himself. Broto used the hammer weapon to inspire strands of lightning energy around his body, even spreading to the shield, occasionally emitting The crackling of lightning.

   At the same time, he transformed himself into a state similar to a metal form, which looked full of power.

  Everything was ready, Xia Duo finally blessed the three of the dragon slaying team invisible, and then flew in the direction of the dragon together. During the flight, Xia Duo gradually fell behind.

   Because he was flying while casting spells, summoning a giant ball of light, slowly rising towards the sky.

   is like a large flares!

   Although both Chateau and Broto have dark vision, are they dark creatures after all? The night is not as convenient as the light, and there is also a Bishop Ambriel!

   An illuminating ball of light far away did not attract the dragon's attention, and even when Xia Duo started to raise the second ball of light, the dragon did not move at all.

   Only when the current Bishop Broto and Bishop Ambrill approached to a certain extent, the green dragon, which was curled up under the tree, immediately stretched his body and turned his head to the two of them:


Not only this end, but the other green dragon that was entwining its body around another big tree was also startled. First, it roared, then spread its wings and flew straight towards the two of them without hesitation. It seemed that the invisibility of the two did not exist at all.


   Although it was not the first line to face the dragon, Xia Duo subconsciously tightened the [Pathfinder's Scepter] in his left hand.

  Although I can't feel the dragon's power in the actual sense, the scene of a giant flying with wings still has a strong visual impact.

   This kind of power is not immune to [Pathfinder's Scepter]!

   My own feelings are so strong, what about Broto and Bishop Ambriel who face the dragon and resist the dragon? Xia Duo couldn't help worrying about the state of the two in front.

   Fortunately, there was no situation where the two of them lost their will to fight. According to the predetermined plan, the two who had not been flying high quickly fell to the ground and prepared to fight.

   At the same time, the green dragon that was resting under the tree also flew over, one after the other with the one that had been entangled in the tree before, and the target was directed at Bishop Broto and Bishop Ambriel.

   Of course, there may be Chateau.

   It's just that Xia Duo lags behind. As long as the two dragons are sure that they have lost their minds under the influence of the Dragon Madness Lock, they should not be able to find him until the settlement of Broto and Bishop Ambrill.

  According to the predetermined plan, Xia Duo approached to a certain extent, and then stopped approaching. Instead, she found a place where she could see the two in front at the same time, released the flying sword, and waited quietly.

   In the front, after Bishop Broto and Ambrill landed, they immediately separated in two completely opposite directions. The speed of separation was neither fast nor slow, as if they were waiting for the response of the second dragon.

   When the dragon behind did not chase the same target with the one in front, the speed of separation between Bishop Broto and Ambrill immediately increased a lot, and at the same time, with the help of the trees in the forest, they tried to delay the dragon's approach.

   But how long can one fly and the other run, and soon the two giant dragons approached Bishop Broto and Ambriel respectively, and as soon as they landed, they chased in the woods at a speed far exceeding the two.

Broto has experience in slaying dragons. Naturally, he knows that dragons are faster than humans or dwarves even if they walk on their feet. At this time, running alone is useless. Long dealt with each other while looking for opportunities to fight back.

But for Bishop Ambrill, even if he had some psychological preparations in advance, when he heard a gust of wind approaching, the ground shook, and then, he felt a behemoth with agility that exceeded its size, and quickly rushed. come.

   Except for the wind noise from the dragon and a little low roar, there is no other sound.

   At this moment, Umbrill unexpectedly gave birth to the strange idea of ​​"the dragon is like a leopard".

But he couldn't help thinking about the situation. He only heard a sharp wind coming from his ear again, and Ambrill subconsciously rolled to the ground on the left side, and a huge, sharp dragon claw slapped him at the location where he was just now. A large amount of debris was caught from the roots of a large tree.

   With the light from the three light **** suspended in the sky, Ambrill observed the appearance of the dragon at such a close distance for the first time, and even the subtle textures on the dragon's scales were very clear.


   Ambrill rolled again, his image was quite embarrassed. At this moment, he regretted coming over in armor. Facing legendary creatures like giant dragons, what would happen to them even wearing armor? Could it really resist the dragon's attack?

   Of course, if there is no armor, Ambrill would not dare to get so close to the dragon. Although his armor is heavy, it is also a good armor made of fine gold and added with magical protection.


   Unlike Bishop Ambrill who can only dodge in embarrassment, Broto, the dwarf, looks very calm, his short legs can burst out with an instant speed that is not lost to the dragon.

Although he occasionally rolls on the ground, the dwarf's center of gravity is low. Even if Broto rolls to avoid the dragon's attack, the next moment he will roll and stand up again, like a round sphere, very smart !