Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 667: Confrontation, leader

Port of Saville.

   Although the sun had not risen yet, when Xia Duo came to the port, the place was already full of people, um, there were elves, and the two seemed to be facing each other.

   But the few leaders on the human side seemed to have flattering expressions, and kept nodding and bowing to the elves. Their attitude was very flattering, but the elves didn't say anything about it.

   Seeing this scene, Xia Duo couldn't help sighing, when will the Nishite really stand up and face the elf confidently?

This face the giant dragon is different. Although the giant dragon is powerful, its influence is extremely weak. Even in Netheril, it only exists as a legendary creature. There are few people who have actually seen it in person. .

  Longwei may be solved by magic. The powerful body of the dragon can also be damaged by superior weapons such as Chardonnay's flying sword, but the influence of the elves has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is difficult to eradicate.

  Even if they are just a group of elven refugees, these human merchants are treated like this. If you see a real elven mage, I am afraid that you are more unresistible than facing Longwei!

   It is impossible for these human merchants with their subordinates to really confront the elves. In fact, most humans just come to see off. The real confrontation actually takes place inside the elves.

   Xia Duo noticed that at the dock trestle, near the place where the fleet was docked, the elves there were obviously hostile to the elves outside, and it was obvious that these elves had the qualifications to board the ship.

   "The human lord is coming!" A sharp-eyed elf suddenly shouted.

   The subordinates of the human merchants on the periphery, as well as the elves who did not get the qualifications to board the ship, turned their heads to look at Xia Duo. Xia Duo looked calm and came to the innermost part of the gap between the humans and the elves.

   Oripus and O'Brien are here, trying to maintain order, but the other elves of their family did not appear here.

   Seeing Xia Duo appear, Orips breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Since Lord Xia Duo suddenly left last night, he has notified his father and always pay attention to the outside movement to see if there is any accident.

   As a result, there were no other surprises except for the light in the west, but also because of this, the elven families who were already qualified to board the ship were reluctant to wait and wanted to board the ship overnight.

   Orips took his father, and the family was very comfortable. In the end, the news was still leaked, so most of the elves came to the port, from the confrontation in the middle of the night until now.

As for humans, it only appeared later. Orips didn’t worry too much, because he knew that the number of humans able to board the ship was extremely small, and they did not occupy the space of the elves. They were going with the crew of the same humans. Squeeze space.

   After daybreak, those elves who were not qualified to board the ship became more and more unstable. It seemed that as long as they found a random cause, it would cause a huge conflict.

   Even if there is an elite mage like his father, Orips's spirit is tense, always paying attention to the state of the confrontation, especially the elves who are not qualified to board the ship.

Fortunately, Lord Chateau finally arrived. Oripps used spells to send a brief description of the current situation before asking: "What should I do now? Those elves are always unwilling to give up. Should I catch Zhuo? The news of the Assassin is released, so that they can feel at ease?

   Xia Duo listened and shook his head slightly. Now is not the time to release the news. If you say it now, what would the elves who have bought the tickets think?

   It doesn't matter if there is a drow corpse released. Anyway, no one can guarantee that there will be only one drow assassin, but now there is no drow corpse in Xia Duo's hands. The corpse was taken to Seventon by Niya.

   If there is no corpse, whether there is a drow assassin, whether or not the drow assassin is caught, are all verbal. At this time, not only can it not prove the existence of the drow assassin, but it may be self-defeating.

  Once this happens, not only those elves who have already bought the tickets may shoot on the spot, even those who have not bought the tickets will be angry!

   Orips didn't know that Drow's body was no longer on Chateau's side, so he proposed such a solution. Chateau didn't explain too much to Orips. In fact, what he thought in his heart still couldn't be too accommodating to those elves.

   If as long as they are dissatisfied, as long as they gather, as long as they make trouble, Xia Duo must satisfy their demands or appease their emotions, then where is the order of the territory placed?

   can meet their requirements to a certain extent, or appease their emotions, but it cannot be preceded by dissatisfaction, gatherings, and disturbances.

   Regarding Orips’ proposal, Chateau just said calmly, “It’s almost dawn, let’s arrange boarding!”

   He said this directly, and he didn't send it through spells. Many elves around him heard it. After that, from the inner layer to the outer layer, the news spread quickly.

   And this also caused greater dissatisfaction among the elves in the periphery, almost like "we are all like this, you humans are not more acquainted, even if you just increase the number of boarding places".

In this regard, Xia Duo did not call the Foreign Mage of the Tower of Time to come here, nor did he call human soldiers. He just flew over a small area between the confronting elves and threw the green dragon head directly from the sky. It slammed heavily on the ground and rolled around for a half circle, with the head facing the elves on the periphery. The scene fell silent for a moment, but then one after another exclamation came from the group of elves Broke out.

   The head of this green dragon with fresh blood seems to evoke the ancient memories of the elves carved into the depths of the blood. Almost the moment they saw the green dragon, these elves made the most direct response——

   all backed one by one, and suddenly enlarged this small open space several times. Fortunately, the elves were naturally agile, and even if they retreated, they retreated quite well, and did not cause more serious chaos.

On the human side, perhaps many people have heard of the legend of the giant dragon, but those who have actually seen it with their own eyes are almost non-existent. Regarding the head of the green dragon with a small neck, they only thought it was Some kind of large beast.

   Compared with the head of this giant beast, they were more surprised by the performance of the elves, which somewhat did not fit the image of the elves in their hearts.


   After dropping the head of the green dragon, Xia Duo flew down, and once again told Oripps: "Arrange for boarding!"


Orips was shocked by seeing the green dragon for the first time, and even said unfavorable words, and subconsciously agreed. When arranging the elf to board the ship, he suddenly realized that Lord Chateau suddenly left last night Are you going to kill the dragon?

   But now is not the best time to inquire about these, taking advantage of the other elves being temporarily shocked, quickly arrange boarding and sailing!