Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 669: Northland Alliance

This idea of ​​Suvires quickly found an opportunity. After the action was set to destroy the core of drow's magic, the time and method of the action must also be determined.

   During the talks, the two high-level mages of Ilfaran were very active, trying to lead this destruction operation, and even unrealistically demanded that the main offensive force of Comanso also cooperate with their plan.

   No, to be more precise, this destruction operation was regarded as the first external operation after the establishment of the "Northland Alliance".

   But this kind of plan was obviously not acceptable to Comanso. When he heard the sensitive word "Northland Alliance", Suviris chose to leave on the spot, and the talks were suspended again.

   And after Suviris left, several high mages of Yerlan also chose to leave, leaving with them, there are several small countries that vassal Komanso and Yerlan.

   Only Ilfarang and some advanced wizards from small elves and independent city states were left in the venue. Of course, Randall of Netheril did not leave.

Tyronn is unwilling to let go of any opportunity to sell [Northland Alliance] to the real power figures in the Northland, "You guys, you have also seen that Comanso is very resistant to our unity, but only we truly unite. In order to fight against the evil ambitions of the remnants of Erifanda."

   The elves of Komanso have left, and Tyronn naturally doesn't have to worry about what to say, even if he doesn't want to cause a direct conflict, he would rather call them "Erifanda's remnants" in front of the elves of Komanso.

Even for Yerlan, who had a history of hundreds of years of war with Ilfaran, Tyron did not have the same hatred for Komanso. After all, their war with Yerlan was derived from interests, started by interests, and ended by interests. .

   But most of what Erifanda has done to Ilfaran are mostly due to narrow racist prejudice, and it almost made Ilfaran disappear in history.

   Tyronn naturally does not want [Great Elf Doctrine] to grow again in this relatively peaceful era. Even if he is also a Golden Elf, he also belongs to the absolute master of [Great Elf Doctrine].

  The hatred that has lasted for thousands of years and has even become a fulcrum of struggle in the hearts of the people of Ilfaran, how can it be so easy to say that it disappears and disappears!

  "Everyone, Ilfaran has maintained a neutral attitude since the founding of the country, but neutrality alone is not enough to survive the conspiracies and wars of those careerists. The tragedies of Ilfaran during the Crown War must be familiar to you.

"The Crown King of Comanso, Elythe, is just like the Great Vasingen back then, powerful, militant, and full of conquest. The only difference is probably that Comanso's strength is not as good as that of Erifanda. How can we be vigilant from time to time! Do you still want to have another crown war?"

  The Crown War is a pain that almost all elves don’t want to mention. I don’t know how many elven kingdoms have perished directly or indirectly because of the Crown War. Only Ilfaran and Katemir in the south barely survived.

   Except for them, the existing elven kingdoms, including Yerlan and Komanso, were established after the Crown War, but their memories did not start after the Crown War.

  The elven kings who founded the kingdoms, most of their families have experienced the crown war.

   In other words, all the elves today have survived the Crown War. The only difference lies in the memory and records of that cruel period.

   Being able to become a high-level wizard naturally does not lack the knowledge of the Crown War. After Tyronn re-mentioned the Crown War, the wizards in the venue couldn't help showing worry and fear.

   Even Randall, who is a human, is the same. It is because of understanding that he is worried and fearful. And one more thing, no one knows whether the human beings caught between the elven nations will be the priority to be eliminated when the New Crown War breaks out.

For now, Randall does not see any harm in establishing the [Northland Alliance]. If the Northland countries can have a relatively peaceful dialogue within the framework of the alliance, it will undoubtedly be a problem for Netheril. Has considerable benefits.

   At least there is no need to worry about Komanso's sudden attack.


   In the venue, all the wizards were silent, but Tyronn’s words continued:

   "I have convinced the dwarf kingdoms of the Northland and the elders of the Elf Court. Now Komanso is facing the drow war and has no time for him. It is the best time for us to unite!"

   As soon as these words came out, it caused a commotion in the venue. During this time, Tyron often contacted the elves of the elves. All the mages in the room knew about it, but what they did not expect was that the dwarven kingdoms had been persuaded!

when did it happen?

   A big question mark appeared in the hearts of all the elves, and it was the first time to seriously consider the feasibility of this matter. They didn’t think that Ilfaran could do it under the obstruction of Comanso, but now—

  Randall was surprised when he heard that the dwarven kingdoms had been persuaded and agreed to form an alliance, but then he knew something more.

Before he came, the Sevinton Parliament-of course, mainly the Seven Towers, had already received all kinds of hints from Ilfalang. When he was in contact with Sevinton two days ago, UU read It has been agreed, but it has not been shown yet.

  Looking at the current situation, the Northland Alliance is very likely to be successfully established. Although the elven nations may not all join, for Netheril, it is not a bad thing to join an alliance that Comanso cannot dominate.

   This is actually a slight extension of the two-state alliance with Ilfaran. Even if Comanso joins the Northland alliance, to a certain extent, Comanso will also become an ally of Netheril.

Randall doesn’t have much desire to conquer. He only hopes that Netheril can develop independently without interference from the outside world. Only in this way can he devote himself to the exploration of the truth instead of being so many Trivial matters.

   glanced at the expressions of the elven wizards in the venue, and seeing their heartbeat but hesitating, Randall could actually understand their embarrassment. After all, this is related to the destiny of a country.

   However, Randall was no longer silent, and took the initiative to stand up: "Mage Tyron, Netheril agrees with Ilfaron's philosophy. It is at this moment to establish the Northland Alliance to eliminate conflict and develop peacefully!"

   Randall is the only human in the venue, but his words carry a considerable weight. After all, he does not represent himself, but represents Netheril.

  The vast majority of the elven kingdoms present are not as strong as Netheril. Now Netheril has also agreed to establish the Northland Alliance, plus the dwarven kingdoms, and the small elven kingdom that was persuaded by Ilfaran earlier.

   It seems that the Northland Alliance is about to be established on the spot!