Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 677: Looking for information, Bias

Xia Duo is not a lord who likes to send his subordinates to death, although he will do it if it is really necessary, but in this situation, it is not enough to send him to death.

   Besides, even if he is really dead, it's not impossible to resurrect, it's just the price.

In addition to the magic that he learned in [Projection Plane·Arcane Empire], it can be resurrected. In addition, Chateau also heard that in the main plane of Sevinton, the temple area in the old city, or more accurately the mausoleum District, where a mysterious death priest can be found.

  Through him, he can purchase rebirth services, even the dead can bring them back, but this kind of rebirth services seems to have a very high threshold, and they are sold without money, and there are certain hidden conditions in it.

   Anyway, there are only a few cases of the resurrection of the dead that Xia Duo can hear so far.

   Of course, this situation doesn't require resurrection at all, just find a way to dissolve petrification, Xia Duo is not too worried.


   The troll cave under this big tree is only two or three meters deep, and the position of the Jabbas stone statue is no more than three or four meters down diagonally.

  Simon’s men heard shouts shortly after they got down, and the other soldiers above immediately lowered a wooden stent with a rope from the entrance of the crypt.

   Soon, the two soldiers who went down connected to the statue of Jabbas were pulled up by everyone, and at this time, Xia Duo really saw Jabbas who was completely petrified with his naked eyes.

   If it is said that Polk’s pain stems from the intersection of flesh and blood and petrification, the fully petrified Jabbas should not feel any pain anymore.

   It’s still a question even if I feel it.

   Just now, Polk said that he could feel the petrified area being hit, but Chateau felt that it was probably a psychological effect. Even if he could feel it, could the petrified brain still feel it?

   Regarding this question, Xia Duo didn't want to try it personally, and only asked Jabas after he recovered.

When the stone statue was laid flat, Xia Duo took a closer look at it again, but he did not find any signs of life. It looked like a real stone statue, and there were even traces of broken hair and other details. .

   With his current ability, he was powerless if he wanted to solve it by himself, and he was worried that random attempts might really kill people, and Xia Duo did not try to deal with it by himself.

   After thinking about it, he told Simon: "Send someone to move Jabbas back to the barracks, and I will go back to the Tower of Time. Also, keep people here and don’t let them go down."

At present, the frontline of the territory's pioneering front is approaching here. Although he has allowed the pioneer department to vacate the area near the crypt, once the pioneering front crosses here, people will come and go, and it is inevitable that someone will enter for reasons such as accident or curiosity Crypt.

   Two unlucky ghosts who were petrified are enough, and Xia Duo didn't want anyone to be petrified anymore.

   After hearing the order, Simon responded, and then started to act, while Chateau flew back to the Tower of Time.


   The Tower of Time, the library, in the high-end district.

   Xia Duo went through the protective barrier from time to time and picked up the precious collections on the shelf, but he often only flipped each book a few times before putting it back.

   "I clearly remember seeing it here! Why not?!"

   In the high-level division, there are not many books. Xia Duo can see at a glance whether there are any missing books, but after turning it around, he did not find any information related to petrification spells.

   "Is it really wrong?" Xia Duo couldn't help but wonder.

Rummaging so hard was not a solution, so he simply sat down and seriously recalled what he saw at the time. The first thing to be sure is that he did see the petrochemical record, but he was not sure where he saw it. .

   Maybe it was the Tower of Time, maybe it was in the Austrian Union, maybe it was the Tower of Giles, Chateau had read books in these three places, but only the Tower of Time, because of permissions, he saw the most.

Of course, there is also [Projection Plane·Arcane Empire] where the college library has more collections, and there are almost no restrictions on permissions, but Xia Duo was sorting out the materials copied from there when he was free recently, and he remembered clearly No petrification spells.

   And the most important thing is that Xia Duo is quite sure that he saw it in the Tower of Time. It may be because he has no restrictions in the library. In which district he saw it, his memory is a bit blurred.

   "Ah-I thought of it! I'll just say, if it's spell data, how can I not remember it!"

   Xia Duo immediately transferred the division and came to the apprentice division. After searching only a few books, he found relevant information in a mage biography. It was an experience of an archmage named "Byers"——

Bias was attacked by a petrified lizard when he went through an underground tunnel to Danzo. His right hand was accidentally petrified. Later, with the help of a shining priest (no name recorded), the petrified part was restored. come.

   Of course, in this biography, this recovery process is not the point. The point is-the Archmage Bias used this to invent a spell specifically used to de-petrify.

   It’s just that there is no record of this spell in the biography, but it also gives Xia Duo a hint that perhaps Bishop Ambrill can lift the petrification without having to go to Seventon.

   And after observing the process of Bishop Ambrill's dissolution of petrification, he may also be able to create his own spell of dissolution of petrification!

   In the same way, reversing this process is petrification.

   For a time, Xia Duo became a little excited. Although functional transformation spells such as petrification and de-petrification were not his main research objects, knowing and not knowing, mastering and not mastering them are completely different things.

   is like this time. If he knows how to dissolve the petrochemicals himself, he doesn't need to be so troublesome. He is looking for information again, and he will need help later!


Put the "Biography of the Archmage Bias" back to the Chateau did not rush to find Bishop Ambriel, compared to the relative comfort of Jabas and his son, who were already lying in the barracks. , He is more concerned about the situation of those elf refugees.

   If this is not handled well, it is likely to cause trouble.

   Thinking about it, the time was almost up. He contacted Niya and asked her how the discussion was, but he didn't expect Niya to tell him that the problem was solved.

   If it weren’t for Niya’s voice that was a little deep and lost, Xia Duo really wanted to think that things were going smoothly, so he asked quickly: "How did it solve it?"

   "I listened to your suggestion and found Oripus Silverleaf. He agreed very easily. It didn't take long for the foreign mages to supply the camp [新 ] to hear the news that the elves are no longer making trouble!"

  "How did Orips do it?" Chateau asked again.

   "He just let the O'Brien pass, and then the matter was resolved, but I also let Abbock go before! Do humans really have no deterrent in the eyes of the elves?"

   Xia Duo was silent. It was not that he had no deterrent, but that the law did not blame the public. There were so many elves gathered there. Under the group, I thought about how confident they would be.

   Fortunately, they didn't let them into Savile Town, otherwise they would really make a mess.

   "I see, let's use the Silver Leaf Family for the time being. I believe that in the future, the elves will surely defend themselves on the land of mankind!"

"hope so!"
