Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 699: Junior technicians, understand the situa

   In a blink of an eye, two days passed quickly. During this period, the magic craftsmen under the name of the Tilak Research Laboratory had already begun intense and busy pre-job training.

   Based on the optimal configuration of one production line, "17 apprentices and 3 formal masters", the current production of new communication instruments can only start two production lines.

   And now there is a problem that is more serious than the lack of apprentice-level mechanics, that is, there is a shortage of official mage-level magic mechanics.

   The previous trial production was attended by members of the Tilak Research Laboratory, but you can’t always let these masters with research potential go into production later.

  021 Outside the workshop.

   Shaduo pulled Tilak and said earnestly, "After the training is qualified, you should produce semi-finished products. You should find suitable junior magic mechanics as soon as possible, and do it voluntarily, and don't trick or force it."

   The so-called junior magic mechanic actually refers to the mechanics held by the low-level mages. Of course, there will be intermediate and high-level mechanics. As the name suggests, they are the middle-level and high-level mages.

   As for those apprentices of wizards, they will still be apprentices of magic mechanics.

   Hearing Chateau’s order, Tirak’s heart suddenly relaxed. He was worried that Chateau would let people from his research room refill the production line. Fortunately, there was none, so he immediately agreed.

   "I will, actually I already have a suitable candidate."

   "Who are these people?" Chateau asked immediately.

"Yes, Master Jose found me yesterday and said that several people were asking him about the situation in our research room. After I contacted them, I found that they were not interested in research, but simply envied the treatment of our research room, so I Just want"

   At this point, Tilak hesitated, "I just don’t know if their mentor will release people."

   "This is a problem."

   Xia Duo did not immediately give an answer. In the rules of the Tower of Time, there is no obvious personal attachment relationship between apprentices and tutors, but in actual practice, tutors can almost limit apprentices everywhere.

   It is almost impossible to change the mentor, and the tacit understanding of the unspoken rules between mid-level mages is far beyond what a low-level mages can shake.

   In the past, Xia Duo promoted the transformation of the Tower of Time, and did not touch the core interests of those middle-level mages, the authority of the Tower of Time, and the apprenticeship.

  The authority of the Tower of Time is a formal way for the middle-level mage to obtain knowledge and resources from the Tower of Time, which is implemented in the contract, and the apprenticeship is a kind of hidden wealth.

  Especially the apprentices at the official mage level. Intermediate mages often need to use them as a "spell battery" in order to be able to conduct more spell experiments, even processing and manufacturing, within their energy range.

   Therefore, apprentices, especially skilled, formal mage-level apprentices, almost any intermediate mage will not let go easily.

   If you want to get rid of the apprenticeship, you can only become a mid-level mage by yourself, then recruit apprentices yourself, and find those who were exploited in the past from your own apprentices.

   is simply a vicious circle.

   Xia Duo was quite dissatisfied with this, but he was helpless. Almost the entire Netheril did this, and all he could do was slowly figure it out.

  Thinking about it, Xia Duo summoned Taring and checked the list of members who entered the society, especially those Level 3 apprentices, but some problems were not reflected by the cold data.

   However, Tilak has a lot of contact with those 3rd-level apprentices, so I should know, so Xia Duo asked again, "Do you know how many 3rd-level apprentices can pass the promotion trial in a short time?"

   "There are currently 7 Level 3 apprentices in the Academy, but only 3 or 4 are sure to pass the Ascension Trial within a short period of time."

   Tilak immediately reported the data he knew. Looking at Xia Duo, he seemed to have thought of something, "Xia Duo, you want this."

   "No, no, these good seedlings should have more choices instead of being restricted to the production line."

   How could Xia Duo fail to see what Tilak wanted to say, but as he said, these good seedlings should have more choices, and it would be a waste to put them directly on the production line.

   Furthermore, although the Monet background communication at the core of the new communication tool has been simplified, it is also

There are also 2 levels high, not a new mage can participate in production, at least the cast level is 3 or higher.

   Unless it is for those apprentices, but this is even more wasteful.

   "I will open a dedicated spell laboratory for them, let them try as much as they want, but there is a point to upgrade as soon as possible, and pay attention to safety."


   "Don't worry, just show the diehards, the speed of mage training under the new system, if you insist on resisting the new system, then the dust will only be wiped out in the future."

   In fact, Xia Duo is very reluctant to do this. He even hopes that those people can take the initiative to recognize the situation and actively embrace the new system instead of being pushed by him.

   But since he has even advanced on duty, Xia Duo doesn’t mind speeding up in other directions. After all, this is all “forced by the situation”.

  Thinking about it this way, he is really a good person

   After leaving the 021 workshop, Xia Duo was about to return to his residence to continue completing his spell book, Niya suddenly sent a message, "Come on and send the room, the Great Master Greta is coming soon"

Xia Duo remembered that Niya had said two days ago that Lord Rodney invited the Great Master Greta to be a witness. These two days were either busy inspecting the training situation of the communication magical device production line, or busy making spell books. I almost forgot about it.

   This Niya is also true. UU read until the Great Master Greta was approaching before notifying him. After a little rant, Xia Duo immediately summoned Tarling and teleported into the arena.

  As soon as her vision returned to normal, she saw that Niya was already standing quietly next to the teleportation circle, and her expression was not at all the anxious she had just sent the message.

   Xia Duo walked over, stood next to Niya, adjusted her dress, and then stood differently, but after a while, there was no response from the teleportation circle, Xia Duo asked Niya

   "Isn't it coming soon? Why haven't we arrived yet"

   At this time, Niya finally couldn't help showing an anxious look on her face. If the Great Master Greta didn't come, was there something wrong with Lord Rodney? This was not what she hoped.

   "I have already sent the pass key, why if there is no way to come, the key will become invalid"

   Xia Duo heard the nervousness in Niya's voice. He attached great importance to the deal with Lord Rodney, but he was indeed less urgent than Niya.

   Seeing that Niya was already nervous and wringing her fingers, Xia Duo felt that it was her own question that caused Niya's originally well-controlled emotions to get out of control.

   So he stretched out his finger to let Aoneng flow out from between his fingers, and then quickly transformed it into a faint blue rose, which continued to bloom and wither.

   This hand immediately attracted Niya. It was not Aoneng Rose itself, but Niya felt a little confused when Xia Duo suddenly made such a move on this occasion.