Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 717: Tracking, questioning

On the other side, Xia Duo, who had already turned into the airflow and left quickly, felt the violent magical fluctuations in the direction of the South Tower Square, which made him leave again by 10%.

   Bloodline ability comes from the body's instinct. It is no different from hands and feet. Normal people can explode with great power, and Xia Duo can naturally explode with extreme speed.

   In the process of moving away quickly, he saw an energy rainbow bridge spreading across the sky from Rodney to the West Tower, almost covering the South Tower Square quickly.

   "Is there a fight over there?"

   Xia Duo guessed in his heart, but everything here has nothing to do with him. The only thing he needs to do now, who has been "assassinated" once, is to leave.

   Leave this place of right and wrong!

   All this may seem long, but in fact it only takes a few seconds.

   In these few seconds, Xia Duo experienced assassination, evasion, and then escaped from the incarnation air flow, and even now he has flown out of the South Tower Plaza.

   Another few seconds, Xia Duo's heart suddenly relaxed. Although there was no obvious boundary reminder, he knew that he had flown out of the range of the large-scale banned area similar to [Prohibition Technique].

   In other words, as long as he wants, he can teleport away now.

Of course, teleportation is impossible. He is still not sure if he will be noticed by the South Tower Plaza when he is teleporting here. If he is noticed, he will track it down and send him again. !

   Don’t even have any spellcasting behavior at best. It’s safest to leave so quietly!

   Xia Duo had never been so fond of the bloodline ability like today. The depression that caused him to come into contact with the deeper magic net due to the accidental awakening of the bloodline some time ago was also wiped out today.


   Until he completely left the Rodney Collar, he felt that the movement on the South Tower Square had subsided. Xia Duo still did not relax his vigilance in his heart, and continued to fly south into the undeveloped virgin forest in the south.

   At this time, Xia Duo relaxed slightly, and was about to teleport away. He keenly noticed that there was an abnormal fluctuation in the surrounding magic net.

   These fluctuations are very familiar with Xia Duo, and he has even been listed as a key monitoring target, but he usually has a spell to deal with it automatically. Now he does not have a protective spell on him. Maybe he can counter it manually, but the time is too late.

   Chateau immediately extracted [Transportation] from the magic net. This kind of almost instantaneous spell hardly needs any action time. Almost at the same time as he was activated, the effect was already realized——

  He appeared in another strange environment!

   Xia Duo did not dare to delay, and returned to his normal human form. Although he could cast spells on his own in the gas form, he could not use (also vaporized) magic items, and the magic net storage spells were very limited, which was not enough.

   still need some external force.

   After regaining his human form, Xia Duo found that except for the [Repair] added by the magic constant technique on the silver belt around the waist, the other magic items had returned to normal.

   Especially spell books.

   This magical item that he had originally given high hopes, although there was a bit of a hip in this incident, but I have to say that without it, Chateau was really uncomfortable.

  ——Abnormal fluctuation appears again!

   Xia Duo's face sank, he knew that this was someone tracking him, not only the tracking on the location, but also the tracking on the information level, but when he fled from the South Tower Square just now, all the protective spells on his body were stripped away.

   The first thing he has to do now is not to teleport away, but to add a protection spell to avoid detection.

   This is the combat instinct that Xia Duo has practiced in long-term simulation training!

   The magic book flashed, and Xia Duo felt a lot more at ease, and then again extracted the stored spell from the magic net and sent it away.

   No matter who is chasing afterwards, it is at least at the level of the Archmage. If you teleport through the spell book, you may be overtaken by the opponent. Only depositing the spell is the safest choice.

   In this way, after two teleports, Xia Duo was already in the teleport gap, supplementing herself with various protection spells that had been cancelled before.

   Until then, did he dare to really say the last sentence, it is basically safe!

After   , more than ten seconds passed, and no abnormal fluctuations appeared. Xia Duo guessed that the other party might have given up, so he calmly cast a more accurate teleportation spell.

Although    has been transmitted many times before, considering the speed and safety, he chose the fuzzy transmission at a relatively short distance. It is difficult to display a truly more accurate transmission in a short time.

   The person who just chased behind him actually used fuzzy teleportation, but now that Xia Duo hides himself, the other party can't track it.


  Maybe the tracker really gave up. Until Xia Duo returned to the Tower of Time, she didn't encounter any tracking. However, Xia Duoxiang had a saying that "you can run away from the monk, and you can't run away from the temple."

   In the reception room of the Tower of Time, Ozcar looked at Chateau with an unhappy expression, "Lord Chateau, you can really run!"

   It's nothing to get rid of tracking. As long as he wants to chase, he can still be tracked. The key is that Xia Duo ran too early and too secretly.

   For a time, he thought that Xia Duo had died under the assassination of Coles and others. Under his anger, he almost tortured Coles and others to death.

   This is all right, Ozkar originally wanted to minimize the hatred of that person. After all, joining the Seven Towers cannot guarantee absolute safety.

   But now he has killed a great mage, and there are several high-level mages, how could that one have no hatred!

   Ozkar now hates Xia Duo, he doesn't know what to do. The only hope is that the one is completely defeated by the Seven Towers, but this possibility is extremely low.

   "Lord Rodney, why are you here!"

   Xia Duo pretended to be surprised.

   In fact, as for the identity of the tracker, UU reading he had already guessed, as long as the mage tower still belongs to Lord Rodney, he is basically impossible to lose.

   When returning to the Tower of Time, Niya told him that while Lord Rodney was waiting for him, Chateau had already determined that the tracker was Lord Rodney.

   "Lord Chateau, do you know what you did!" Ozkar lowered his voice, almost growled and questioned.


   Xia Duo was stunned. When he lowered his head, his eyes fell on the spell reversal ring on his right index finger, and he quickly took off the ring.

   Then he took a few talismans from his waist and handed them to Ozkar, and said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I almost forgot these! None of them were damaged. I will return them intact now!"

   Is Ozcar chasing himself for these things? Xia Duo was a little skeptical. Even if he came to ask for these things afterwards, he couldn't not return them. Is it necessary to chase after criminals?

   The answer to this question, Ozkar quickly took action to answer it.

   I saw Ozkar **** the magic items from Chateau's hand and put them away without any inspection, but after that, he still stared at Chateau with an angry, sorrowful, and unhappy expression.

   Xia Duo is full of doubts, what kind of trouble is this!

If you really want to say that you are unhappy and angry, you should be the one who is inexplicably involved in a dispute related to the Great Arcanist. He didn't get any benefits, and he was not upset. Why are you a second or fifth boy who abandoned the dark Upset? 1603466240