Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 729: Appointments, performance

On the public floor, 102 meeting rooms.

   Xia Duo held a pen in one hand and a paper in the other. He looked at the slightly cautious middle-aged man who never looked at him, and he had some judgment in his heart:

   "Eske, I will ask you a few questions next. I hope you will answer carefully after you think it over. This will involve future arrangements for you."

   "Yes, Lord Chateau!"

   "Why did you study magic in the first place?" Xia Duo asked the first question.

"This one--"

   Xia Duo asked seriously, and Esk had to think about it. For a while, it seemed to be lost in memory, and it took a long time to say:

"My lord, at the beginning, my family was very poor and couldn't support me. I heard that the Tower of Time was in charge of food and shelter, so I sent me over. After three years in the Tower of Time, I gradually fell in love with this extraordinary power. , Plus leaving the Tower of Time may not be better, so I stayed here."

This stay has lasted for more than ten years, and Xia Duo added an unfinished sentence for Esk in his heart. Judging from the available information, Esk is considered to be the group of low-level mages who have been in the Tower of Time the longest. Up.

   If nothing happens, he has a high probability of dying in the Tower of Time, and maybe he can become a mid-level mage before he dies.

   This is the life of an ordinary wizard in the Tower of Time.

   "How is the situation at home now?" Xia Duo asked again.

"The situation at home is much better now. Although my parents are old, they are still in good health. My brother opened a leather shop. His craftsmanship is not good, but he can maintain it. My sister is married to a wealthy businessman. I don't like it very much. But this is her own choice."

Although Esk didn’t say anything, Chateau knew that without the low-level mage of Esk, it’s almost impossible for their family to change from a farmer who planted the land to a townsman in Saville, let alone possess them all." Bright future.

   "Are there any kids?"

   "Yes!" Esk suddenly showed a shy smile, "The eldest son is 5 years old, and the younger son just learned to walk some time ago."

   "Do you want your child to learn magic?"

   "Of course I think that magic has changed my destiny and the destiny of my family. I hope my child can become a great mage!"

   At this moment, Esk's eyes suddenly burst into light, a ray of hope.

   "Good point! What about yourself?"

   Chateau turned the topic to Esk himself again, "Don't you want to be an archmage yourself?"

   "I-- also think about it, but it's me, I know that I don't have the potential to become an archmage." At this point, Esk suddenly felt a little lonely.

   This is a young arcanist with a bright future, but he is just a crappy wizard who can't even reach the middle level.


   Esk seems to have thought of something suddenly, "My lord, do you want to train us like those apprentices to put us in the Office of Academic Affairs this time?"

   "Yes, nor is it!" Xia Duo deliberately sold it.

   "Ah?!" Esk's mouth grew wide. Is it possible that the hope that has just risen will be shattered again?

   "Apprentices are apprentices, you are you, but training is still available!"

   Chateau's words made Esk's eyes lit up, "My lord, is it true?"

   "Of course it is true, but I think you should first care about your future work!"

   "My lord, no matter what job I do, I promise, as long as I have the opportunity to ask questions a few times a month!" At this time, Esk was like a man who fell into the water, trying to catch the last straw.

   But his words caused Xia Duo to have some doubts, "Your previous mentor was Sande? Didn't he even give you the opportunity to ask questions?"

   "This—" When it comes to his mentor, Epps is still a little hesitant.

   Chateau asked again, and said, "What you say here, only you know and I know, Sand will never know, even if he knows, I promise that he will not do anything to you."

   "No, Teacher Sande treats me very well, but-how can I say, the teacher is not interested in magic, except for every time I complete the Tower of Time mission, I can not see his people."


   Xia Duo immediately called Taring to inquire about the "performance" of the middle-level mages.

  Mage Shande's performance seems to be in the middle, hidden among the people, inconspicuous, but a closer inspection revealed that he only completes the monthly fixed tasks, and never picks up more.

   Of course, this is not bad. Some mid-level mages are not as good as him. The monthly fixed manufacturing tasks cannot be completed, and other tasks such as general affairs, field work or donations are needed to make up for it.

   These are the main sources of the Tower of Time (including Abbock), and with the other bottom ones, Sande dared to play like this. Sure enough, people who have no desires and desires are living comfortably.

   But Sander is not really wantless. Xia Duo has a deep impression of Sander. During the Orc War, he and other apprentices were taught to use magic scrolls.

   Of course, the more important thing is Sand’s body shape.

  Before seeing Sande with his own eyes, the mage he imagined was either personable, or energetic, or quiet and graceful. He had never thought of having an alternative mage like Sande.

   is about the same height as Xia Duo, but his waist circumference is more than twice that of Xia Duo. A proper humanoid tank is a real loss as a mage.

   In addition, before the transformation of the new system, each mage of the Tower of Time had their own private courses. Apprentices can choose at will. If Xia Duo remembers correctly, Sande’s private courses are called "The Art of Cooking".

   Is not interested in magic? Humph!

  Looking at Esk again, Chateau couldn't help feeling a little bit of sympathy. Although other low-level mages would be squeezed by the mentor, they could actually participate in the mentor's project but they could also learn a lot from it.

   This is also the only way for most middle-level mages, just wait until you become a tutor and squeeze your apprentice.

   And Esk, although he has not been squeezed much, his contact with his mentor is probably only when he completes the quest of the Tower of Time.

   The fixed manufacturing tasks of the Tower of Time are just some common magic items, such as various magic scrolls, belts, and amulets.

   Some skilled workers can replace fixed tasks with special designated tasks, such as enchanting customized armors, special potions, or exquisitely shaped magic items, so that you can make more money.

   Sander only completes fixed tasks, and Esk doesn't learn much at all.

   "I probably understand your situation, go back and wait for the notice! Ask Abral to come in when you go out!"



   After Esk left, Chateau wrote "Family, Older, Skilled in Manufacturing, Temporary Skilled Worker" and other words on the paper after Esk's name.

   While outside the reception room, I saw Esk come out from the inside, and almost all the low-level mages waiting outside surrounded him, "Esk, what did Lord Chateau talk to you?"

   "It's nothing, just asked some simple questions, Abral, Lord Chateau called you in!"

   Esk would not reveal what was asked in him at will. When he saw someone taking out a spell note and hiding in a corner to work hard, he couldn't help but shook his head secretly.