Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 73: Wonders, surprises

   After previous research, Xia Duo already knows all the elements of [Water Creation Art]. Compared with the 12 elements of [Lighting Art], [Water Creation Art] is even simpler, containing only 10 elements.

   These ten include ten basic operations on the magic net, and on top of them is the magic structure that expresses the macro state of the spell. Xia Duo chose spherical shaping.

   In the state of concentration, Xia Duo strictly followed the spelling steps recorded in the spell notes, bending, entangled, combined, and entangled the threads of the shallow magic net, and a spherical spell structure appeared in front of Xia Duo.

   Once all the elements are achieved, the magical effect will also appear——

   A water polo slightly larger than a human head appeared in front of Chateau, and could move slowly under his control. When creating this spell, Chateau did not consider any aggressiveness.

  It's just making a little water.

   In the future, if necessary, water can be converted into ice, and the spherical shape can also be shaped into more aggressive shapes such as arrows, blades, and needles.

   But Xia Duo himself is not optimistic about this change, the damage of the ice blade is not stronger than the crossbow bolt, even compared to the poisoned crossbow bolt, the apprentice-level ice blade spell has almost no superiority.

   On the contrary, spells with special attributes like [Acid Sputter] may be more practical.

  [Water-making technique] Once succeeded, Xia Duo was not surprised. All of this was calculated before the experiment. If it fails, it can only be attributed to his own operating errors. This theory is no problem.


   The water ball that had lost the structure of the spell fell heavily on the ground, dampening the legs of Xia Duo's pants. The spell was only a one-time magic effect.

   When Xia Duo's [Water Creation Art] is successfully cast, the effect of the spell ends, and the structure of the spell will gradually collapse under the trend of restoration of the magic net.

   During this period, it is also the time when Xia Duo can control the magic. If the spell effect is not arranged before then, it may be a water ball hitting the foot this time, and next time it will be a fire ball hitting the foot.

   once again performed the [making water technique], this time Xata took a cup in advance with the cup, and then threw the remaining water polo outside the house.

   Looking at the clear glass of artificial water on the table, Xia Duo didn't dare to try it by himself, but fed it to the mice prepared in advance.

   Scientists on earth often use white mice to do experiments. Nowadays, Xia Duo can be regarded as a magical "scientist", so of course, in vivo physiological experiments are indispensable.

   Just as he was paying attention to the state of the rats that had drunk the water, Sammy’s message came, with a rather exaggerated tone, almost without the calmness of the mage——

   "Xia Duo, come out! Look south! Come on!"

   Sammy is unlikely to have a target, Xia Duo quickly put down the subject, rushed out of the house in threes or twos, and looked to the south.

   The time at this moment is already close to evening, but a strange red appears in the sky far south, deep in the middle and shallow on all sides, and the whole is an oval.

   This is definitely not an ordinary natural phenomenon. Xia Duo immediately entered a state of concentration, and the surrounding magic net was still the same as when he used the [Water Creation Technique] before.

   And when Xia Duo focused his attention to the south, from the background fluctuations of the magic net, it can only be roughly speculated that the magic net in the extreme south may have violent fluctuations.

   Otherwise, there would still be slight fluctuations so far away. Based on Xia Duo's own experience, the apprentice can only distinguish the magic net fluctuations within a hundred meters.

   is submerged in the background fluctuations of the magic net.

   And I want to accurately analyze what kind of magic the magic net fluctuation belongs to, and I can identify it with Xia Duo's shallow spells, even if it is 0-level spells, I can't fully recognize it.

  Where can I distinguish magics that are so far apart and with minimal fluctuations?

   Only from the red oval hanging in the air, nothing can be seen. It can only be roughly speculated that it must be a fairly advanced magic.

   With such a spectacle, the camp suddenly became lively. One by one, they called out their companions to watch, and a group of people began to discuss it.


   The time goes back to ten minutes ago.

   The Tower of Time, the teleportation room.

   Lord Savill, Archmage Oron, Mage Abbock, Bishop Ambrill, the four gathered together, and all of them were fully prepared.

  Especially, Lord Savile’s equipment is luxurious, with an iron stone similar to that of the Grand Mage Olong suspended above his head. Other staffs, wands, rings, charms, and robes are all exquisite.

   Even if Grandmaster Olong saw him, he frequently turned his gaze to Lord Saville, except for envy, there was only envy.

The only one among the four who looked rather shabby was Bishop Umbrill. At this time, he was wearing a set of seemingly ordinary armor, and only the two-handed hammer that shone with the rays of holy power always reminded him of his identity— —

   A brilliant waiter with a caster level of up to 10.

   Lord Savile glanced at Archmage Olong, and saw that he didn't say anything, he immediately understood, took out a magic scroll from the scroll box with mysterious lines around his waist, and used it directly.

  ——【Group Flight】

After that, I took out many magic scrolls one after, [Group Resistance Energy], [Group Flame Shield], [Higher Mage Armor], [Reverse Arrow], [Protection Energy], [Protection Spells].

   All the spells that Lord Savile could bless were blessed by everyone, and then he looked at Bishop Ambrill.

   Ambrill also knows how to use the magic scroll to bless everyone. Of course, the reason why he is so refreshing is not just to hit the orcs, but the gold coins that the lord gave to the temple in advance.

   "I started."

   Lord Savile reminded him, and took out a crystal ball shining with strong magical aura from the dimension bag, placed it on the teleportation circle, and signaled everyone to approach.

   A hurried spell was spit out from Lord Savile. This spell was not selected from Nether language, but from Elvish language. Elves are more talented than humans in verbal casting.

   Many Elvish words have weak magical effects even when they are just pronounced casually.

   Soon, after a white light passed, everyone instantly came from the teleportation room of the Tower of Time to the God of Wolf Mountain, 60 miles south of Savile Town.

   "The method provided by Archmage Olong is indeed feasible!"

   When he really saw the Wolf Mountain and the orcs on the mountain, Lord Savile finally couldn't help but get excited. In the past, the territory could not eliminate all the orcs. It was not that the territory could not defeat the orcs, but was unable to completely destroy the orcs' nests.

   The root of all this lies in the totem pole that is less than 20 meters away from the four people. This totem pole is similar to the human mage tower in the orcs.

  Although the totem pole itself does not have the ability to attack, it can provide a considerable buff to the orc caster, and a limitation that the mage hates most——

  Block transmission!