Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 735: Good night, plan

"Lord Chateau, please here!"

   The visitor stretched out his hand and pointed to the right side of the warehouse entrance. At the same time, he explained: "The interior of the office is simple and rude to receive guests!"

  The place where they are going to go is called "Good Night", which is considered to be the most stylish bar in Savile Town. It is mainly used to receive spellcasters. After all, many chambers of commerce have a tradition of hiring spellcasters as guards.

  The salary of the average caster is much higher than that of ordinary people, and even more than most adventurers. Money needs special treatment.

  Sometimes, some businessmen also choose to meet and discuss business at the "Good Night Bar". Xia Duo is no stranger to this, because the Good Night Bar, like the Adventurer's Bar, is opened by the Adventurer's Union.

  The Adventurer's Union, in fact, is the official organization of the Savile leader, which specializes in managing adventurers.

   However, some of the industries set up by the Adventurer's Union, Chardonnay, have only been to the Adventurer's Bar. This is the first time he has visited this good night bar.

  On the way, the manager of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce who calls himself "Setos", besides showing his identity, also introduced Xia Duo to the role of his office.

   is actually a docking service point specially set up by the tower of time, which is not a small customer. Except for the tower of time, the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce has no other business in Saville.

   "Satos manager, Savile welcomes the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce to come to do business and investment, and provide convenience for the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce."

   This is just what Chateau said casually. In fact, he knew it in his heart. The current Savile had no other commercial resources except for his role as a transit station backed by Conifer City.

   Even if there are, there are not many. It is really tasteless to compete with other chambers of commerce.

   Sure enough, although Saitos was not completely uninterested after hearing this, he stopped answering, just said, "I can't decide this matter, I need to report to it."

   Xia Duo sighed silently, but she still accepted it. After all, this kind of thing still depends on her own resources.


   Soon, the two came to the Good Night Bar. Perhaps due to the impact of the Elf refugees, the international trade in Conifera City was almost completely suspended, and the reaction came to the Savile leader's side——

   At least, the Liangxiao Bar is particularly deserted.

   No guests came to the door, and the waiters were listless and helpless. Xia Duo estimated that the wages of these people were also affected.

   Therefore, when they saw Chateau and Setos, they all surrounded one by one, enthusiastically as if they had seen their father.

   "A bottle of blue dream, don't disturb us." Compared to the landlord Chateau, Setos seemed familiar at this time.

   After hearing the name of the wine ordered by Saitos, a waitress screamed and ran to the bar, "A bottle of blue dream, come on!"

   Normally, she wouldn't be so gloomy for the blue dream of a mere 50 gold coins a bottle, but now that business is sluggish, she is very happy to come to this order.

   After the waitress ran away, the other waiters almost showed regretful expressions at the same time, but in the eyes of Saitos's refusal, they all retreated.

   The business downturn is true, but it shouldn’t make Liang Xiao rude.


   the second floor.

   wine, cups and a small plate of snacks, along with Chateau and Setos came to the second floor, Chateau sat down with his back to the stairs, and waited for the waitress to leave before removing his disguise.

   Of course, this is just a few small changes in hair color, face shape and clothing, but such a scene still changed Setos's face.

   His voice trembled a little, "You—Lord Chateau?"

   "It's me. There are a lot of people who know me in the territory. In order to reduce trouble, I did some disguise." Xia Duo said casually.

   Basically, as long as he enters public places with a lot of strangers, he will do some disguise, whether it is magical or invisible, it is a good way.

   The eastern part of Savile Town is a commercial area. Although it was affected by the Drow War and suffered a lot of depression, it was more about business, and there were a lot more people!

   He didn't want the news that he went to the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce to be spread all over the sky.

   "Lord Xia Duo, may I ask you to find the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce this time, it is—"

In fact, after seeing [Scepter of Trail Blazers], Saitos basically determined the identity of Chateau. Although he is not very knowledgeable in the field of magic, he can only learn a few tricks, but he has a lot of knowledge. .

   He knew that such a strong magical aura like [Pathfinder's Scepter] could not be forged at will.

   "The Tower of Time has a new business and thought of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce. Before discussing this new business, I would like to ask Mr. Saitos, have you heard of [Mowang background newsletter]?"

   If you don’t understand this, it is probably difficult to communicate.

   Of course, even if the new communication artifacts are sold as ordinary magic items, they can be sold at a high price, but in that case, Chateau does not need to come by himself.

   "Lord Chateau, does this [Monet background newsletter] mean the latest patented spell launched by the Austrian Law Federation during the whole period of time?"

Hearing that Setos had heard of [Monet background communication], Xia Duo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party didn’t know at all, he didn’t know how to explain that a small communication artifact could directly connect to it. There Seventon.

   Before the emergence of [Magnet Background Communication], there were very few communication instruments with ultra-long-distance contact function, and the use interval was still long. Usually, ultra-long-distance communication used the communication array of the mage tower.

  Only when both sides know about it can there be a basis for negotiation, so he asked, "Yes, how much do you know about it?"

  "I don't know much, but I know that the Austrian and French Federation and the Seven Towers attach great importance to [Mowang background communication], and our Mingshui Chamber of Commerce has already had a plan.

   "I received the above instructions not long ago and ordered me, UU to read If the Tower of Time has [Monet background communication] related communication tools or the intention to sell learning scrolls, you can purchase.

   After finishing speaking, Saitos looked at Xia Duo expectantly. As long as he can make a good performance, he can be promoted and raised back to Seventon.

   It is too boring here, of course he dare not say this to Lord Chateau in front of him.

   Seeing Saitos's eyes suddenly becoming a little hot, Xia Duo's expression remained unchanged, but his mind had already flown far away.

   From the current point of view, the Seven Towers are indeed actively promoting [Monet Background Newsletter]. When he was in Seventon, he had personally experienced the bartender marketing model.

  Ming Water Chamber of Commerce's plan may also be part of it.

Before Xia Duo thought about a problem, that is, the Austrian law federation patented spells are forced to be issued to each mage tower. If each mage tower produces its own communication artifacts, then the market for the tower communication artifacts is very narrow. Up.

   Even if there is a cost advantage, it is difficult to let people from other territories know about it and buy it at a time when the links between the territories are not very close.

   Not everyone or spellcaster has the opportunity to go to Seventon. Money and time are all kinds of constraints.

   But now, the plan of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce reminds Xia Duo that if there is an acquisition, there will be a market. The Austrian Law Federation does have conservative forces, but the individuals in the conservative forces are not necessarily all conservative.

   Even if you are conservative, when you see such a useful new communication tool, don’t you want to have one?