Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 74: Kill

   There are many orcs on the Wolf Mountain, and if they can’t teleport, even the archmage is likely to be trapped here, let alone a 12th-level mage like Lord Savile.

   And if he led an army, it would be equivalent to the orcs coming out to attack the mage tower in the territory. In fact, no orcs have been able to approach the town intact.

   But this time the situation is very different.

   Orcs, this tradition of exiling tribes due to insufficient food at first, has now evolved into a fixed outing carnival.

   Whenever the orcs are in the crowd, the orcs on the mountain will go to the mountain to fight, fight, and plunder in groups. This time, Lord Savile deliberately arranged a large-scale frontal battle with the orcs.

  Such fierce battle is far more than any previous wave of orcs, which naturally attracts more orcs.

   There will only be fewer orcs on the mountain today than usual when the orcs were crowded, and most of them are women and young children.

   Of course, the most important thing is that they have a real archmage accompanying them this time.

   Regardless of the true purpose of the Archmage Oron, as long as he can kill as many orc spellcasters as possible and destroy the totem poles, then everything is worth it.

   However, as soon as the four of them appeared, there was a long roar in a stone hall behind the totem pole, and then Epps and others shook their bodies and slowly fell from mid-air.

   "Lord Lord!" Ebbock shouted.

   "Don't panic!"

   Epps had already expected this, and said to the Grand Master Oron: "The Great Orc Shaman will be handed over to Your Excellency Oron, Bishop Ambrill will trouble you to suppress the totem pole, and we will clear the other orc spellcasters."

   After that, Epps threw a fireball in the direction of the totem pole. Of course, he didn't expect a fireball technique to destroy the totem pole with special power. He just wanted to attract hatred.

   As expected, after seeing Epps attacking the totem pole, the blood-red eyes of the orcs that had surrounded them almost bleed.

   But after Epps threw the fireball, he split into four and ran in four different directions. Ebbock also made the same move as the lord.

   The four indistinguishable phantoms rushed around.

   They made most of the orcs in front of the stone hall go away.

   And Bishop Umbrill quickly approached the totem pole, raised the warhammer, and a dazzling beam of light descended on him from an unknown location, and the beam of light was still slowly and firmly expanding toward the surroundings.

  At this time, Archmage Olong felt that the restrictions on flying bans had begun to weaken, but he did not fly up at this moment, but stood there and waited silently.

   Strangely, all the orcs on the scene turned a blind eye to Archmage Oron. Even if they bounced back from the light beam of Bishop Ambrill, they would automatically avoid them when they were about to encounter Archmage Oron.


   An old orc with gray hair and a slender figure, Zhan Zhan, walked out from the stone hall. Before it could speak, a gray ray shot out from the top of the Great Master Oron's staff.

   It's just that this ray was not even close to the old orc, and was blocked by an invisible barrier. Aolong's eyes condensed, and the orc actually mastered the protection spell?

   What an incredible thing!

   In the cognition of almost all human wizards, with the wisdom of orcs, they only deserve to have some shallow elemental spells.

   Whether it is summoning thunder and lightning, or shaping wind and fire, orc spellcasters are not as proficient as human mages.

   But now, what did he see? An energy barrier or spell barrier!

   The Archmage Olong suddenly became interested in this old orc, so he tried to ask in orc language, "What kind of magic are you?"

   The old orc did not speak, but just turned the bone stick in his hand, and the surrounding orcs yelled towards the Grand Master Olong, and some of them threw out their weapons without waiting to get closer.

   The Archmage Olong smiled, and didn't care about those attacks. He still shot a ray from the staff, but this time it was not gray, but green.

   An orc warrior flew and stopped in front of the old orc, blocking the ray, but it instantly turned into fly ash.

   Brush and brush——

   Several weapons passed through Archmage Olong, but he was not affected at all. He still asked as before, "What kind of magic are you? Where did you get it?"

   The old orc still didn't speak, but his actions had already indicated his attitude. A giant lightning flashed from the top of the bone rod, and then struck the Bishop Umbrill next to the totem pole at an unrecognizable speed.

   The powerful lightning energy instantly repelled the slowly expanding beam of light that enveloped Bishop Ambrill by half a meter. Affected by this, Bishop Ambrill snorted, but still maintained the beam of light.

   For the old orc's non-cooperation, Grand Master Olong was not angry, but he didn't want to wait anymore. He came here with his own mission, even if he made a decision.

Two consecutive rays fired at the old orc at extremely fast speeds, so that the orc warrior who wanted to block his body was too late to react, but this time it still did not achieve the effect, hitting the invisible barrier around the old orc, and then disappeared~www However, Oron’s methods are more than that. Another Oron Archmage appeared behind the old orc, stretched out his right hand full of magical aura, seemingly casually stroked the invisible barrier.

   A strong magical aura is inspired by the touch! In a flash, it returned to peace.

   At the same time, the Aolong Archmage in front fired a ray again. This time, the ray directly hit the old orc, and then the Aolong Archmage took out a bright black gem and read the spell.

   A black light flashed, the soul of the old orc appeared in the gem, and its body had become a corpse.

   Amidst the roar of the orcs one after another, the Archmage Oron satisfactorily put away the Soul Gem, and when he looked at the surrounding orcs, his eyes were full of malice.

   A huge orangutan-like creature was summoned by him. As soon as he appeared, he trampled to death an unlucky orc, but the fate of other orcs was no better.

   The huge orangutan-shaped creature is really like a mad orangutan. It slaps its chest while raging in the orcs pile, catching an orc and stuffing it in its mouth.

   There was a creak, and the blood poured out, but this scene did not scare the orcs at all. On the contrary, the death of the big shaman made them even more crazy, rushing towards the orangutan-like creatures without fear of death.

   even forgot the Grand Mage Olong who actually killed their great shaman.

   For a moment, Epps and Ebbock flew from a distance, and they saw this very funny scene. All the orcs seemed to have completely lost their minds and were playing hand-to-hand with a giant orangutan.

   But they also saw the mummy who was still holding a bone stick until he died, and they were shocked, "Your Excellency Oron, some of the orc spellcasters have been cleared, please take action to destroy the totem pole."