Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 754: The deadline is completed, the Northland

Horst Research Office

   Xia Duo is concerned about the mass production of various magic items in the Tower of Time. On the way back to his residence, he just stopped by here to see Horst's research progress on the mass production plan during this time.

   "Only completed the mass production plan of [Warning Talisman]?"

   Xia looked at the people in the research room expressionlessly. The number of people was much higher than that of the last time he came, but the results did not have much to do with the number of people.

  He asked Horst: "This [Warning Talisman] is not the one that uses the eternal magic technology of the Tillak Lab?"


   Horst gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes."


   Xia Duo was speechless at once, feeling here for more than ten days, even a mass production plan has not been worked out! What's the use of more people!

   The so-called [Warning Talisman] mass production plan should actually be regarded as the result of Tilak's laboratory. From the beginning of the research, Chateau's instructions were for mass production.

   And Tillac has done a very good job. They have very detailed records of each process, and even have a preliminary mass production plan.

   If it hadn’t been for Chateau’s temporary order to study the eternal magic version of the new communication artifact, they would have already completed the mass production of [Warning Talisman].

   Now this plan has turned into Horst's research room, and I don't know when they have such a tacit understanding.

   Of course, Chateau is also happy to see it here. After all, they belong to the Tower of Time. If you can reduce unnecessary repetitive research as much as possible, it is of course good.

   But the question is, it's been more than ten days. Isn't Horst getting any results at all?

   As Chateau gradually turned to stern eyes, Horst bit his head and said, "In addition to this, there is also the mass production of the magic scroll. We have all completed."


   Xia Duo quickly interrupted Horst. Does Magic Scroll still need a whole research room to study how to mass-produce it? Is his magic scroll printing machine fake?

   "Dean, come, tell me what problems you have encountered in the Horst research room during this time!"

   "There are probably two problems. One is that, except for those of us who came from the Tillak laboratory, everyone else is very resistant to discussion and reluctant to exchange ideas. The so-called joint research is almost only a few of us discussing."

Dean clearly had emotions in his eyes, and he continued, "Even at the Materials Department, the research on the mass production plan still requires materials. Although the Materials Department did not refuse, it is a waste of time to submit applications repeatedly. "

   "Are there any more?"

   "That's it for now."


   Xia Duo turned his gaze to other people?   Sweeping from these middle-level or low-level mages?   Then he said: "Those who are not willing to participate in the research of the mass production plan can leave now!"

   As a result, no one left, and it was not surprising that Xia Duo?   Even if he really had any thoughts, he would not show it in this situation?   They were tacit understanding.

He continued: "I will transfer people from the Tillak research room again, and Cecily will tell her?   Ask her to prepare relevant materials for you in advance, but Horst?   Within three days?   I need to see the real The first mass production plan is coming out!"

   "This—" Horst hesitated.

   Xia Duo felt unhappy, and asked, "Just ask, can you do it?"


   Xia Duo glanced at Dean unexpectedly. He was the one who spoke just now?   As for Horst?   After Dean spoke, he immediately agreed.

   "It is recommended that you set up an emergency research team and concentrate your strengths to complete the plan as soon as possible!"

   After speaking, Chateau left without waiting for Horst to answer.


   Two days later?   Xia Duo received the news that the fleet from Sevinton had arrived at Saville to pick it up?  The people who came with the ship, besides the appraiser of the Ariake Water Chamber of Commerce?   There are more than 1,000 new residents of Chardonnay.

   Out of the consideration of evading the Great Arcanist of Vader, Xia Duo did not come forward to hand over?   Let Mayor Thane arrange for someone to go on board for inspection?   Then they returned to Da Xia to take over.

   As for the appraiser?   Xia Duo sent an invitation to the manager of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce, Saitos, and asked him to bring the appraiser to the Tower of Time to discuss specific transaction details.

   And his side has also made preparations in advance, whether it is a sample of communication instruments, or Derrick and Ebbock as negotiators, they are always available.


   Niya study room.

   Chateau and Niya sat in front of the window and cast their gazes out of the window. Outside the window was a scene of depression in Port Savile.

   Due to the Drow War, the border trade between Netheril and Comanso in Connefera was temporarily suspended. The Savile collar, as the closest transit point to Connefera, is now in depression.

   But neither Chateau nor Niya had any ability to intervene in the drow war. What they really wanted to see was not the scene of depression, but the seven or eight ships in the port.

   There are more than 1,000 captains of Chateau on it. According to Bellera, behind this fleet, there are some single ships also heading to the south.

   However, Belera's influence in Sewenton is limited. If he tries to contact him forcibly, it will consume a lot of favors and money. In addition, there are more ships with different ownerships, and it is not easy to control.

   Xia Duo did not ask Belleira to contact him. The seven or eight ships he saw in the projection of the window of Niya's study were the only people who were transported unscheduled.

   As for the plan, Bellera’s own fleet will send a batch of about 700 people in early November, and the first contracted hire fleet she contacted will have a batch of about 1,000 people in mid-November. UU reading

   In the end, it is the fleet organized by Hans and other Savile local chambers of commerce, and a group of about 500 new leaders will be brought back by the end of November.

After   , the various fleets can still be used, but it is too late this year, and the ships he can use now will not be able to return to Sewenton this year.

  The Sevinton side can indeed convene new citizens in advance. It only needs to notify the Sevinton parliament one month in advance.

   The problem is that once the assembly is full, it must be transported away immediately. Temporary support services are not provided over there, so it is necessary to do what we can and can only gather as many as it can transport.

   If temporary support services are provided over there, things will be much simpler. He can completely summon dozens or millions of people there at once.

After   , it will be very convenient whether it is to be shipped back slowly over several years, or when you want someone.

   But reality is impossible for him to do this.

  According to the current situation, Xia Duo speculates that by the end of this year, his number of citizens will reach about 7 to 8,000. After that, it is unlikely that there will be a rapid growth like this year.


   kept watching the seven or eight ships slowly leaving the port of Saville and heading south, Xia Duo took back his gaze, took a sip from the tea cup on the table with Niya, and then said:

   "The people from Mingshui Chamber of Commerce are coming. The appraiser they came this time is probably a high-level mage."